Due to the high cost of labor and raw materials, Chinese Textile and Apparel industry faced great challenges in recent years. With losing profits, Chinese textile and apparel industry transferred their industry to middle-west regions. Based on review of international industrial transfer and upgrading, some Chinese Textile and apparel firms began to invest in Southeast Asian countries because of cheap labor and trade barriers from developed countries. Moreover, United States is directing several countries join TPP trade agreement and TPP will bring zero tariff to its partners, such like Vietnam. Chinese textile and apparel exports will be affected by TPP. In this paper we illustrate that high similarity of products between China and Vietnam especially in garment categories. The major comparative items are 841-845. Chinese textile and apparel firms are less comparative in global market. This paper aims in exploring the truth that the textile industry transition phenomenon by tracking historical factors, studying the competition and trends of textile and apparel industry between China and Vietnam. Key words: Transition China TPP Vietnam Trends
Negli ultimi anni, l’industria tessile Cinese ha visto un decremento dei propri profitti dovuto al continuo aumento dei costi del lavoro e dei materiali. Cio’ a costretto gli imprenditori a locali a trovare nuove alternative capaci di mantenere la macchina produttiva efficiente. Basandosi sulle strategie seguite dagli Americani nello scorso secolo, l’industria cinese ha cominciato a cercare nuovi mercati in cui i costi per il lavoro e per le materie prime risultassero piu’ vantaggiosi, trovando I paesi del sud-asiatico e la regione di Ning Xia luoghi ideali per delocalizzare la produzione. Uno dei problemi riscontrati nelle operazioni di espansione verso nuovi paesi, e’ dovuta da fatto che gli Stati Uniti hanno siglato il TPP trade agreement con numerosi Paesi asiatici. Questo accordo permette il libero scambio tra i Paesi cui vi aderiscono. Il presente documento vuole evidenziare il fatto che la Cina, nonostante produca prodotti molto simili a Paesi vicini come il Vietnam, risulti significativamente danneggiata da questo accordo che di fatto rende le industrie tessili cinesi meno competitive sul mercato asiatico. Verra’ quindi osservato il fenomeno di transizione dell’industria tessile Cinese tracciando il percorso strorico che ha portato alla situazione attuale. Verra’ inoltre studiata la competizione e I trend delle industrie tessili Cinesi e Vietnamita. Parole Chiave: transizione cina TPP Vietnam trend
Chinese Textile And Apparel Industry Transition Analysis And The Implement Of TPP Trade Agreement
Due to the high cost of labor and raw materials, Chinese Textile and Apparel industry faced great challenges in recent years. With losing profits, Chinese textile and apparel industry transferred their industry to middle-west regions. Based on review of international industrial transfer and upgrading, some Chinese Textile and apparel firms began to invest in Southeast Asian countries because of cheap labor and trade barriers from developed countries. Moreover, United States is directing several countries join TPP trade agreement and TPP will bring zero tariff to its partners, such like Vietnam. Chinese textile and apparel exports will be affected by TPP. In this paper we illustrate that high similarity of products between China and Vietnam especially in garment categories. The major comparative items are 841-845. Chinese textile and apparel firms are less comparative in global market. This paper aims in exploring the truth that the textile industry transition phenomenon by tracking historical factors, studying the competition and trends of textile and apparel industry between China and Vietnam. Key words: Transition China TPP Vietnam TrendsÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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