The thesis deals with marriage, an institution that has considerable importance within the religious systems of the various churches, Catholic and non-Catholic. in particular, we treat the discipline of mixed marriages, which constantly grow in Italy as data reported. For canon law, marriage is that celebrated between a man and a woman, in the forms provided for by the Code of Canon Law and by the other laws of the Italian Episcopal Conference. The purposes of the marriage (the good of the spouses, the procreation and education of the sons), the essential properties (the unity and indissolubility), the consent (according to the norm of can. 1057, the meeting between the will of the different parties) and the question of the form of the celebration. We have choose to focus on these elements because they are fundamental in the marriage between Catholics. But the Church had also to legislate about marriages contracted by Catholics with members of other religions or with baptized from other Catholic denominations. The Church defines these union with the expression "mixed marriages". Furthermore, the CIC distinguishes inter-confessional marriage (that celebrated between a Catholic spouse and a non-Catholic Christian spouse, both baptized) and interreligious marriage (that celebrated between a Catholic and an unbaptized subject). In the latter case, the legislation speaks of inequality of worship, which gives rise to an impediment. The essay limits the treatment to inter-confessional marriages, analyzing changes that took place in the canonical discipline from the Code of 1917 to the current one of 1983. Specific attention is given to the canonical legislation that regulates the marriage of Catholics with Orthodox, Protestants and Evangelicals. The thesis compares the CIC with the CCEO and with the common documents of the other churches to elucidate all the aspects that govern mixed marriages between these confessions.
Il presente lavoro tratta del matrimonio, istituzione che ha una notevole importanza all’interno degli ordinamenti religiosi delle diverse Chiese, cattoliche e non. In particolare, viene analizzata la disciplina che regola i matrimoni misti, che sono sempre più frequenti in Italia, come dimostrano i dati raccolti e commentati. Per il diritto canonico, il matrimonio è quello celebrato tra un uomo e una donna, nelle forme previste dal Codice di diritto canonico e dalle altre norme della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. Del matrimonio sono presentate le finalità (il bene dei coniugi, la procreazione e l’educazione della prole), le proprietà essenziali (l'unità e l'indissolubilità), il consenso (a norma del can. 1057, l'incontro tra le volontà delle diverse parti) e la questione della forma di celebrazione. Si è scelto di evidenziare soprattutto questi elementi perché essi sono fondamentali nel matrimonio contratto da fedeli entrambi cattolici. Ma la Chiesa da tempo ha dovuto legiferare anche a proposito di matrimoni contratti da cattolici o con appartenenti ad altre religioni o con battezzati di altre confessioni cattoliche. La Chiesa definisce tali unione con l’espressione “matrimoni misti”. Inoltre, il CIC distingue il matrimonio interconfessionale (quello celebrato tra un coniuge cattolico e un coniuge cristiano non cattolico, entrambi battezzati) dal matrimonio interreligioso (quello celebrato tra un soggetto cattolico e uno non battezzato). In questo ultimo caso, la normativa parla di disparità di culto, la quale dà origine a un impedimento. Il lavoro limita la trattazione ai matrimoni interconfessionali, analizzando i cambiamenti avvenuti nella disciplina canonica dal Codice del 1917 a quello attuale del 1983. Attenzione specifica è data alla legislazione canonica che regola il matrimonio dei cattolici con gli ortodossi, i protestanti e gli evangelici. Nel lavoro si confrontano il CIC con il CCEO e con i documenti comuni delle altre chiese per chiarire nel dettaglio tutti gli aspetti che regolano i matrimoni misti tra queste confessioni.
I matrimoni misti nel diritto della Chiesa
The thesis deals with marriage, an institution that has considerable importance within the religious systems of the various churches, Catholic and non-Catholic. in particular, we treat the discipline of mixed marriages, which constantly grow in Italy as data reported. For canon law, marriage is that celebrated between a man and a woman, in the forms provided for by the Code of Canon Law and by the other laws of the Italian Episcopal Conference. The purposes of the marriage (the good of the spouses, the procreation and education of the sons), the essential properties (the unity and indissolubility), the consent (according to the norm of can. 1057, the meeting between the will of the different parties) and the question of the form of the celebration. We have choose to focus on these elements because they are fundamental in the marriage between Catholics. But the Church had also to legislate about marriages contracted by Catholics with members of other religions or with baptized from other Catholic denominations. The Church defines these union with the expression "mixed marriages". Furthermore, the CIC distinguishes inter-confessional marriage (that celebrated between a Catholic spouse and a non-Catholic Christian spouse, both baptized) and interreligious marriage (that celebrated between a Catholic and an unbaptized subject). In the latter case, the legislation speaks of inequality of worship, which gives rise to an impediment. The essay limits the treatment to inter-confessional marriages, analyzing changes that took place in the canonical discipline from the Code of 1917 to the current one of 1983. Specific attention is given to the canonical legislation that regulates the marriage of Catholics with Orthodox, Protestants and Evangelicals. The thesis compares the CIC with the CCEO and with the common documents of the other churches to elucidate all the aspects that govern mixed marriages between these confessions.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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