ABSTRACT DEGREE THESIS BY ROSARIA JENCO (supervisor SERGIO SEMINARA) CYBERBULLYING AND CRIMINAL LAW The evolution of technology, the advent of the internet and new social media have brought profound changes on the management of interpersonal relationships of several generations and, overall, on the entire social community. These changes have certainly enriched the expressive potential of communication - beyond the limits of time and space -, making available to the individual heterogeneous, easily modifiable digital contents. However, at the same time, this evolution has led to the creation of a virtual reality, parallel to the real one, in which many young people - and not only - are estranged taking refuge behind an impenetrable wall of apathy, surrounding themselves with cold and unstable bonds - just think that virtual communications prevent a direct and visual contact with one's interlocutor - and forgetting the importance and benefits of authentic human relationships. It is clear that the birth and development of cyberbullying and digital violence in general is one of the direct consequences of this evolution, as well as the viral spread of telematic tools, such as social networks, mainly used for distance communications and the exchange of information , data and contents of various kinds (images, video, audio, documents, etc.). Cyberbullying can be considered the result of the admixture of two realities, namely bullying and new media; the latter exert an enormous influence on the conduct of individuals - think also how they affect society itself, involving variations in the performance of interpersonal relationships of all kinds, for example through the dissemination of information and episodes of violence, or through the use of the Internet to obtain greater visibility, for personal and / or commercial purposes - and in particular on that of minors, who, having reached an evolutionary age, have an undeveloped moral sense. The continuous occurrence of serious incidents of digital violence, especially against infra and ultra fourteen-year-old children, has led to the need for a specific law, aimed at protecting the weak subjects mentioned above, that typifies, prevents and punishes acts of electronic bullying. And indeed, before the recent law 29 May 2017, n. 71, entitled "Provisions for the protection of minors for the prevention and countering of cyberbullying" - published in the Official Gazette of 3 June 2017 - there was not even a legal definition of this phenomenon, let alone a specific crime, although it was very clear its existence among the youngest, in the scholastic and non-scholastic environment. In particular, the law of 29 May 2017, n. 71 focuses in parallel on the prediction of a synergistic collaboration by the school and the minor's family - aimed at educating both adults and minors towards a conscious use of new media - and on setting up tools for victim protection and empowerment for the agent subject. The present thesis therefore deals with analyzing the origins and the sociological aspects of the phenomenon of cyberbullying, as well as examining, point by point, what can be defined as the first provision on the matter at European level, together with the governance tools prepared by the Italian legislator for the prevention and contrast of digital bullying. The topics addressed also invest the various European projects aimed at promoting a conscious use of new media, legal responsibility for acts of cyberbullying, computer and telematic investigations and, finally, the main types of crime that can be configured in this area through the accurate analysis of their digital dynamics.
ABSTRACT TESI DI LAUREA DI ROSARIA JENCO (relatore SERGIO SEMINARA) CYBERBULLISMO E DIRITTO PENALE L’evoluzione della tecnologia, l’avvento di internet e dei nuovi social media hanno apportato dei profondi cambiamenti sulla gestione dei rapporti interpersonali di più generazioni e, nel complesso, sull’intera comunità sociale. Questi cambiamenti hanno certamente arricchito il potenziale espressivo della comunicazione – oltre i limiti di tempo e spazio -, mettendo a disposizione dell’individuo contenuti digitali eterogenei, facilmente modificabili. Tuttavia, nello stesso tempo, questa evoluzione ha comportato la creazione di una realtà virtuale, parallela a quella reale, nella quale molti giovani - e non solo - si estraniano rifugiandosi dietro un muro impenetrabile di apatia, circondandosi di legami freddi e instabili – basti pensare che le comunicazioni virtuali impediscono un contatto diretto e visivo col proprio interlocutore - e dimenticandosi dell’importanza e dei benefici di rapporti umani autentici. È evidente che la nascita e lo sviluppo del cyberbullismo e della violenza digitale in genere costituisce una delle dirette conseguenze di questa evoluzione, nonché della diffusione virale di strumenti telematici, come i social network, utilizzati prevalentemente per le comunicazioni a distanza e lo scambio di informazioni, dati e contenuti di vario tipo (immagini, video, audio, documenti ecc.). Il cyberbullismo può essere considerato il frutto della commistione di due realtà, ossia il bullismo e i nuovi media; questi ultimi esercitano un’enorme influenza sulla condotta dei singoli – si pensi pure come incidono sulla società stessa, comportando variazioni nello svolgimento dei rapporti interpersonali di ogni genere, ad esempio attraverso la divulgazione di informazioni e di episodi di violenza, oppure tramite l’utilizzo della rete internet per ottenere maggiore visibilità, per scopi personali e/o commerciali – ed in particolar modo su quella dei minori, i quali, attraversando un’età evolutiva, dispongono di un senso morale poco sviluppato. Il continuo verificarsi di gravi episodi di violenza digitale, soprattutto ai danni di minori infra e ultra quattordicenni, ha portato l’esigenza di una legge specifica, volta alla tutela dei soggetti deboli suddetti, che tipizzasse, prevenisse e punisse atti di bullismo elettronico. E infatti, prima della recente legge 29 maggio 2017, n. 71, rubricata “Disposizioni a tutela dei minori per la prevenzione e il contrasto del cyberbullismo” - pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del 3 giugno 2017 - non esisteva neppure una definizione giuridica di questo fenomeno e men che meno uno specifico reato, nonostante fosse ben chiara la sua esistenza tra i più giovani, in ambito scolastico e non. In particolare, la legge 29 maggio 2017, n. 71 si focalizza parallelamente sulla previsione di una collaborazione sinergica da parte della scuola e della famiglia del minore - diretta ad educare sia adulti che minori verso ad un uso consapevole dei nuovi media – e sulla predisposizione di strumenti di tutela per la vittima e di responsabilizzazione per il soggetto agente. La presente tesi si occupa pertanto di analizzare le origini e gli aspetti sociologici del fenomeno del cyberbullismo, nonché di esaminare, punto per punto, quello che può essere definito il primo provvedimento in materia a livello europeo, unitamente agli strumenti di governance predisposti dal legislatore italiano per la prevenzione e il contrasto del bullismo digitale. Gli argomenti affrontati investono inoltre i diversi progetti europei finalizzati a promuovere un uso consapevole dei nuovi media, la responsabilità giuridica per atti di cyberbullismo, le indagini informatiche e telematiche e, infine, le principali fattispecie di reato configurabili in materia attraverso la puntuale analisi delle loro dinamiche digitali.
Cyberbullismo e diritto penale
ABSTRACT DEGREE THESIS BY ROSARIA JENCO (supervisor SERGIO SEMINARA) CYBERBULLYING AND CRIMINAL LAW The evolution of technology, the advent of the internet and new social media have brought profound changes on the management of interpersonal relationships of several generations and, overall, on the entire social community. These changes have certainly enriched the expressive potential of communication - beyond the limits of time and space -, making available to the individual heterogeneous, easily modifiable digital contents. However, at the same time, this evolution has led to the creation of a virtual reality, parallel to the real one, in which many young people - and not only - are estranged taking refuge behind an impenetrable wall of apathy, surrounding themselves with cold and unstable bonds - just think that virtual communications prevent a direct and visual contact with one's interlocutor - and forgetting the importance and benefits of authentic human relationships. It is clear that the birth and development of cyberbullying and digital violence in general is one of the direct consequences of this evolution, as well as the viral spread of telematic tools, such as social networks, mainly used for distance communications and the exchange of information , data and contents of various kinds (images, video, audio, documents, etc.). Cyberbullying can be considered the result of the admixture of two realities, namely bullying and new media; the latter exert an enormous influence on the conduct of individuals - think also how they affect society itself, involving variations in the performance of interpersonal relationships of all kinds, for example through the dissemination of information and episodes of violence, or through the use of the Internet to obtain greater visibility, for personal and / or commercial purposes - and in particular on that of minors, who, having reached an evolutionary age, have an undeveloped moral sense. The continuous occurrence of serious incidents of digital violence, especially against infra and ultra fourteen-year-old children, has led to the need for a specific law, aimed at protecting the weak subjects mentioned above, that typifies, prevents and punishes acts of electronic bullying. And indeed, before the recent law 29 May 2017, n. 71, entitled "Provisions for the protection of minors for the prevention and countering of cyberbullying" - published in the Official Gazette of 3 June 2017 - there was not even a legal definition of this phenomenon, let alone a specific crime, although it was very clear its existence among the youngest, in the scholastic and non-scholastic environment. In particular, the law of 29 May 2017, n. 71 focuses in parallel on the prediction of a synergistic collaboration by the school and the minor's family - aimed at educating both adults and minors towards a conscious use of new media - and on setting up tools for victim protection and empowerment for the agent subject. The present thesis therefore deals with analyzing the origins and the sociological aspects of the phenomenon of cyberbullying, as well as examining, point by point, what can be defined as the first provision on the matter at European level, together with the governance tools prepared by the Italian legislator for the prevention and contrast of digital bullying. The topics addressed also invest the various European projects aimed at promoting a conscious use of new media, legal responsibility for acts of cyberbullying, computer and telematic investigations and, finally, the main types of crime that can be configured in this area through the accurate analysis of their digital dynamics.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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