Libya has been a central factor in the recent international politics. The revolution of 2011 and the difficult transition faced by the country still represent major challenges for both the several internal components of the state and the main national and international players. Although much has been written about this subject, relatively few contributions have addressed the evolution of this crisis in connection with the political relations developed by Libya with the African continent over the course of the New Millennium. Therefore, the present research aims to fill this gap through an accurate study of the relationships that have arisen between the state and the main actors of the continent, giving an historical in-depth to the dynamics linked to the current events in the area and affirming the need to take into account the indissoluble bond connecting Libya and Africa in the search for stable solutions to the ongoing conflict.
La Libia ha rappresentato un elemento centrale nella recente politica internazionale. La rivoluzione del 2011 e la difficile transizione affrontata dal paese hanno infatti costituito problematiche di primo piano sia per le diverse componenti interne allo stato che per i principali soggetti nazionali ed internazionali. Sebbene molto sia stato scritto rispetto a questo tema, relativamente pochi sono stati i contributi che hanno affrontato l’evoluzione della crisi in connessione ai rapporti politici sviluppati dalla Libia con il continente africano nel corso del nuovo millennio. La presente ricerca ha quindi lo scopo di colmare questa lacuna attraverso un attento studio delle relazioni sorte tra lo stato e i principali attori del continente, dando profondità storica alle dinamiche legate agli attuali eventi nell’area e affermando la necessità di dover tenere in considerazione l’indissolubile legame esistente tra Libia ed Africa nella ricerca di soluzioni stabili al conflitto in corso.
La Libia nella Politica del Continente Africano del Nuovo Millennio: Obiettivi, Ruoli e Protagonisti.
Libya has been a central factor in the recent international politics. The revolution of 2011 and the difficult transition faced by the country still represent major challenges for both the several internal components of the state and the main national and international players. Although much has been written about this subject, relatively few contributions have addressed the evolution of this crisis in connection with the political relations developed by Libya with the African continent over the course of the New Millennium. Therefore, the present research aims to fill this gap through an accurate study of the relationships that have arisen between the state and the main actors of the continent, giving an historical in-depth to the dynamics linked to the current events in the area and affirming the need to take into account the indissoluble bond connecting Libya and Africa in the search for stable solutions to the ongoing conflict.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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