Psychological research on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has mainly focused on the patients’s emotional status, particularly on anxiety and depression. The aim of this study is to describe the Clinical and psychological profile of a sample of hospitalized patients with COPD and in particular to evaluate their anxiety and depression, subjective satisfaction, adherence to treatment, coping styles, and dispositional optimism and pessimism. 84 patients of the Pneumology Division (ages 66.3 ± 7.9), with COPD diagnosis, were enrolled. The following tests were conducted to assess: subjective satisfaction (SAT-P), anxiety and depression (HADS), dispositional optimism and pessimism (LOT-R), positive and negative affectivity (PANAS), Coping styles (Brief-COPE)and adherence to treatment (ASiCOLD-R and MMAS). Overall, subjects are quite satisfied with their psychological autonomy (74.7 / 100mm) compared to their physical strength (44.8 / 100mm) and physical wellbeing (46.6 / 100mm) and have anxiety symptoms (52.4%) and depressive symptoms (75%) in the standard. They give an optimistic view of reality (21.5 ± 5.4), despite chronic pathology, and a greater tendency to positive affectivity (32.1 ± 6.4) rather than negative affectivity (21.8 ± 6.9). They mainly adopt problem-focused coping strategies and report good therapeutic adherence levels both to the ASiCOLD-R test and to the MMAS test (3.3 ± 0.9). The data confirms the findings of the literature and support the usefulness of accurate psychological screening and consequent intervention aimed at psychological support for patients with COPD.
La ricerca psicologica sulla broncopneumopatia cronico ostruttiva (BPCO) ha focalizzato la sua attenzione prevalentemente sullo stato emotivo dei pazienti, soprattutto rispetto alla presenza di ansia e depressione. L’obiettivo del seguente studio è quello di descrivere il profilo clinico e psicologico di un campione di pazienti ospedalizzati affetti da BPCO e in particolare valutarne l’ansia e la depressione, la soddisfazione soggettiva, l’aderenza al trattamento, gli stili di “coping”, e l’ottimismo e pessimismo disposizionale. Sono stati valutati 84 pazienti (età 66.3 ±7.9) ricoverati presso la Divisione di Pneumologia con diagnosi di BPCO. Sono stati somministrati i seguenti test finalizzati alla valutazione di: soddisfazione soggettiva (SAT-P), sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva (HADS), costrutti di ottimismo e pessimismo disposizionale (LOT-R), affettività positiva e negativa (PANAS), stili di “coping” (Brief-COPE) e aderenza al trattamento (ASiCOLD-R e MMAS). Complessivamente i soggetti risultano abbastanza soddisfatti della propria autonomia psicologica (74.7/100mm) rispetto alla propria resistenza fisica (44.8/100mm) e benessere fisico (46.6/100mm) e presentano una sintomatologia ansiosa (52.4%) e depressiva (75%) nella norma. Riportano una visione ottimista della realtà (21.5 ±5.4), nonostante la patologia cronica, e una maggiore tendenza all’affettività positiva (32.1 ±6.4) piuttosto che negativa (21.8 ±6.9). Adottano prevalentemente strategie di coping centrate sul problema e riportano buoni livelli di aderenza terapeutica sia al test ASiCOLD-R sia al test MMAS (3.3 ±0.9). I dati confermano quanto già riportato dalla letteratura e supportano l’utilità di un accurato screening psicologico e un conseguente intervento finalizzato al sostegno psicologico per i pazienti con BPCO.
Ottimismo disposizionale e altri costrutti psicologici in pazienti con BPCO (Broncopneumopatia Cronico Ostruttiva).
Psychological research on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has mainly focused on the patients’s emotional status, particularly on anxiety and depression. The aim of this study is to describe the Clinical and psychological profile of a sample of hospitalized patients with COPD and in particular to evaluate their anxiety and depression, subjective satisfaction, adherence to treatment, coping styles, and dispositional optimism and pessimism. 84 patients of the Pneumology Division (ages 66.3 ± 7.9), with COPD diagnosis, were enrolled. The following tests were conducted to assess: subjective satisfaction (SAT-P), anxiety and depression (HADS), dispositional optimism and pessimism (LOT-R), positive and negative affectivity (PANAS), Coping styles (Brief-COPE)and adherence to treatment (ASiCOLD-R and MMAS). Overall, subjects are quite satisfied with their psychological autonomy (74.7 / 100mm) compared to their physical strength (44.8 / 100mm) and physical wellbeing (46.6 / 100mm) and have anxiety symptoms (52.4%) and depressive symptoms (75%) in the standard. They give an optimistic view of reality (21.5 ± 5.4), despite chronic pathology, and a greater tendency to positive affectivity (32.1 ± 6.4) rather than negative affectivity (21.8 ± 6.9). They mainly adopt problem-focused coping strategies and report good therapeutic adherence levels both to the ASiCOLD-R test and to the MMAS test (3.3 ± 0.9). The data confirms the findings of the literature and support the usefulness of accurate psychological screening and consequent intervention aimed at psychological support for patients with COPD.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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