The aim of the research is to test the relationship between the degree and quality of integration of customer information and the evaluation of the customer experience, investigating the Italian automotive industry. After a consideration of recent literature contribution to the topics of both Customer Relationship Management and Customer Experience and journey mapping, the study focuses on understanding to which extent the lack of perceived integration of information, and therefore the need to repeat personal data, can influence customers’ evaluation of the journey in all its phases, therefore providing a first insight about the degree of importance of the availability of integrated data in providing a valuable experience. The research focuses on the automotive industry, where the customer journey is peculiar, involves contact with a multitude of actors such as OEMs, NSCs and dealerships, and very frequently starts online, reflecting attitudes and needs of an emerging type of customer, who actively provides feedbacks and requests on multiple channels, striving for an individualized interaction. Additionally, a review of recent grey literature contribution is included, discussing the usefulness of the customer journey map as a tool to detect areas of needed integration of information at CRM level, highlighting in particular the approach adopted by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa. Keywords: CRM, integration, customer experience, customer journey map, automotive
La presente ricerca si propone di testare la correlazione che intercorre tra il grado e la qualità dell’integrazione di dati personali e la valutazione della customer experience, tramite un’indagine condotta sul mercato automotive italiano. Dopo l’esposizione dei principali recenti contributi di letteratura accademica, relativamente ai temi di Customer Relationship Management, Customer Experience e journey mapping, lo studio si focalizza sull’investigare fino a che punto la mancata integrazione di informazioni, e dunque la necessità di ripetere dati personali, può influenzare la valutazione del percorso esperienziale in tutte le sue fasi, fornendo di conseguenza una primo orientamento sul grado di importanza della disponibilità di dati integrati nel fornire un’esperienza di valore. La ricerca si focalizza sul settore automotive, in cui la Customer Journey è peculiare e coinvolge una moltitudine di attori, come l’OEM, le NSC e concessionarie, e inizia sempre più frequentemente online, riflettendo i bisogni e le attitudini di un tipo di consumatore emergente, che genera attivamente feedback e richieste attraverso diversi canali, prediligendo un trattamento personalizzato. Viene inoltre presentata un’analisi dei recenti contributi di grey literature relativi all’argomento, discutendo l’utilità della customer journey map come strumento per individuare aree di ottimizzazione relativamente all’integrazione di dati a livello di CRM, descrivendo, in particolare, l’approccio adottato sul tema da Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa. Keywords: CRM, integration, customer experience, customer journey map, automotive
The aim of the research is to test the relationship between the degree and quality of integration of customer information and the evaluation of the customer experience, investigating the Italian automotive industry. After a consideration of recent literature contribution to the topics of both Customer Relationship Management and Customer Experience and journey mapping, the study focuses on understanding to which extent the lack of perceived integration of information, and therefore the need to repeat personal data, can influence customers’ evaluation of the journey in all its phases, therefore providing a first insight about the degree of importance of the availability of integrated data in providing a valuable experience. The research focuses on the automotive industry, where the customer journey is peculiar, involves contact with a multitude of actors such as OEMs, NSCs and dealerships, and very frequently starts online, reflecting attitudes and needs of an emerging type of customer, who actively provides feedbacks and requests on multiple channels, striving for an individualized interaction. Additionally, a review of recent grey literature contribution is included, discussing the usefulness of the customer journey map as a tool to detect areas of needed integration of information at CRM level, highlighting in particular the approach adopted by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa. Keywords: CRM, integration, customer experience, customer journey map, automotiveÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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