The crime of stalking (or crime of persecution actions) is specified since 2009 by the italian criminal law as follow: “Conducts repeated voluntarily to harass or threaten someone bringing a continuing and serious state of anxiety and fear for his/her safety”. Because of their job, psychologists live worldwide with a high risk to become victims of stalking by their patients. This is understandable as psychologists assist people who may suffer beacuse of different types of mental disorders or traits. Although the phenomenon of stalking is far-reaching for these professionals, it could have severe negative consequences in respect of their private and professional lives. This issue is little discussed and greatly underestimated also by psychologists themselves. Neither a psychologist’s sexual gender nor age is a warrantly against a protracted search of vengeance for some perceived wrongdoing or the ending of therapeutic relationship or from infatuation of a patient. It is therefore very important to spread awareness about this phenomenon rather than censuring it, and to establish effective guidelines of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention both on an individual and systemic level. Keywords: stalking, persecution acts, harassment, patient-stalker, professional violence, psychologist, individual prevention, systemic prevention, cryminology
Il reato di stalking (o reato di atti persecutori) è definito dal 2009 dall’ordinamento penale italiano come: “Condotte reiterate volontariamente al fine di molestare o minacciare qualcuno procurandogli un perdurante e grave stato d’ansia e timore per la sua incolumità”. A causa del proprio lavoro, gli psicologi vivono in tutto il mondo con un alto rischio di diventare vittime di stalking dei propri pazienti. Questo è comprensibile alla luce del fatto che gli psicologi assistono persone che possono soffrire di disturbi mentali, di diversa gravità. Nonostante il fenomeno di stalking sia di vasta portata per questi professionisti, e possa avere un impatto negativo sia a livello privato che professionale, questo problema è ancora poco discusso e molto sottostimato anche dagli psicologi stessi. Né il genere sessuale né l’età di uno psicologo costituiscono la garanzia contro l’eventualità che un paziente si infatui, o cerchi una vendetta per alcune irregolarità percepite o la fine della relazione terapeutica. Quindi è molto importante divulgare consapevolezza di questo fenomeno, anziché censurarlo. Inoltre, è necessario stabilire efficaci linee guida di prevenzione primaria, secondaria e terziaria sia a livello individuale che sistemico. Parole chiave: stalking, atti persecutori, molestie, paziente-stalker, violenza professionale, psicologo, prevenzione individuale, prevenzione sistemica, criminologia
Stalking: quando la vittima è lo psicologo.
The crime of stalking (or crime of persecution actions) is specified since 2009 by the italian criminal law as follow: “Conducts repeated voluntarily to harass or threaten someone bringing a continuing and serious state of anxiety and fear for his/her safety”. Because of their job, psychologists live worldwide with a high risk to become victims of stalking by their patients. This is understandable as psychologists assist people who may suffer beacuse of different types of mental disorders or traits. Although the phenomenon of stalking is far-reaching for these professionals, it could have severe negative consequences in respect of their private and professional lives. This issue is little discussed and greatly underestimated also by psychologists themselves. Neither a psychologist’s sexual gender nor age is a warrantly against a protracted search of vengeance for some perceived wrongdoing or the ending of therapeutic relationship or from infatuation of a patient. It is therefore very important to spread awareness about this phenomenon rather than censuring it, and to establish effective guidelines of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention both on an individual and systemic level. Keywords: stalking, persecution acts, harassment, patient-stalker, professional violence, psychologist, individual prevention, systemic prevention, cryminologyÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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