This dissertation aims to examine whether there is a possibility of reaching a kind of diplomacy in which secrecy is not needed anymore on the one side and, on the other, if the effects of the Digital Age could have given the decisive impulse towards this conceivable scenario. This will be possible according to the answer to the main researching questions: Is secret diplomacy going to survive to the Digital Age Revolution? And, if it does, at which cost will it survive? This dilemma will be presented according to a perspective that tends to connect the history of diplomacy to the recent events, as the past has played a decisive role in shaping the contemporary diplomatic context and, therefore, analysing the present and the repercussions that the Digital Age will have on the future of secret diplomacy becomes fundamental to really make a deep analysis of the whole question and, in order to achieve the claimed result, the concepts related to Secret Diplomacy and Digital Age will be outlined from a both theoretical and historical perspective. Throughout the centuries, all the attempts to abolish secrecy have failed due to the acknowledgment of the necessity to maintain and preserve secrecy in diplomatic relations: nonetheless, it is also true that the moral values existing nowadays, if combined with the new threats that today’s world is facing, seem to have created for the first time the ideal environment for the definitive defeat of secrecy in the diplomatic environment. Those events, together with a series of technological development adopted by secret services worldwide, implied a mass reaction in favour of the complete elimination of secrecy from diplomacy adding that, if done otherwise, there would be small (if not null) possibilities to keep information secret forever. From the analysis, it clearly emerged that the Digital Age represents the turning point in terms of data protection in international relations and consequently, in order to survive, diplomacy was subjected to an inevitable reform of its ways to communicate and to maintain secrecy in order to keep pace with today’s world. Those elements highlighted how the issue of the use of secrecy in diplomacy is back at the centre of the international debate. Thus, assumed that no relations and no agreements are safe enough from eventual dangerous disclosures that may undermine the reciprocal trust among countries, this dissertation underlines the importance of secret diplomacy by the analysis of what this practice really means both for diplomacy and for the history of international relations in general. In conclusion, the dissertation demonstrates how the need for secrecy in diplomacy is as evident as diplomacy itself and therefore, in response to the first question, it is possible to predict that secret diplomacy will never be defeated. On the other hand, the Digital Age Revolution brought remarkable alterations to the diplomatic status quo, especially in terms of transparency. Consequently, the revolutionary effects led towards the attenuation of governmental secrecy on foreign affairs and, as a result, new ways of conducting diplomacy – characterized by mixed secret and transparent diplomatic tools – emerged, in order to guarantee transparency towards the society and secrecy of governmental sensitive data.
Questa tesi intende esaminare se esiste la possibilità di raggiungere un tipo di diplomazia in cui la segretezza non sia più necessaria e, dall'altra parte, se gli effetti dell'era digitale potrebbero avere dato l'impulso decisivo a questo scenario. Ciò sarà possibile in base alla risposta alle principali domande di ricerca: la diplomazia segreta sopravviverà alla rivoluzione dell'era digitale? E se ci riesce, a quale costo sopravviverà? Questo dilemma verrà presentato secondo una prospettiva che tende a collegare la storia della diplomazia agli eventi recenti, in quanto il passato ha giocato un ruolo decisivo nel plasmare il contesto diplomatico contemporaneo e quindi, analizzando il presente e le ripercussioni che l'era digitale avrà sul futuro della diplomazia segreta, diventa fondamentale per fare davvero un'analisi approfondita dell'intera questione e, al fine di raggiungere il risultato dichiarato, i concetti relativi alla diplomazia segreta e all'era digitale saranno delineati da una prospettiva sia teorica che storica. Nel corso dei secoli, tutti i tentativi di abolire la segretezza sono falliti a causa del riconoscimento della necessità di mantenere e preservare la segretezza nelle relazioni diplomatiche: ciò nonostante, è anche vero che i valori morali esistenti al giorno d'oggi, se combinati con le nuove minacce a cui il mondo di oggi è sottoposto, sembrano aver creato per la prima volta l'ambiente ideale per la definitiva sconfitta della segretezza nell'ambiente diplomatico. Questi eventi, insieme a una serie di sviluppi tecnologici adottati dai servizi segreti in tutto il mondo, hanno implicato una reazione di massa a favore della completa eliminazione della segretezza dalla diplomazia, aggiungendo che, se fatto diversamente, ci sarebbero piccole (se non nulle) possibilità di conservare le informazioni segrete per sempre. Dall'analisi è emerso chiaramente che l'era digitale rappresenta il punto di svolta in termini di protezione dei dati nelle relazioni internazionali e di conseguenza, per sopravvivere, la diplomazia è stata sottoposta a una inevitabile riforma dei suoi modi di comunicare e di mantenere il segreto al fine di tenere il passo con il mondo di oggi. Questi elementi hanno evidenziato come la questione dell'uso del segreto nella diplomazia sia tornata al centro del dibattito internazionale. Quindi, supponendo che nessuna relazione e nessun accordo siano abbastanza sicuri da eventuali divulgazioni pericolose che possano minare la reciproca fiducia tra i paesi, questa dissertazione sottolinea l'importanza della diplomazia segreta attraverso l'analisi di ciò che questa pratica significa sia per la diplomazia e sia per la storia internazionale le relazioni in generale. In conclusione, la dissertazione dimostra come la necessità di segretezza nella diplomazia sia evidente quanto la diplomazia stessa e quindi, in risposta alla prima domanda, è possibile prevedere che la diplomazia segreta non sarà mai sconfitta. D'altra parte, la rivoluzione dell'era digitale ha apportato notevoli modifiche allo status quo diplomatico, soprattutto in termini di trasparenza. Di conseguenza, gli effetti rivoluzionari hanno portato all'attenuazione del segreto governativo sulla politica estera e, di conseguenza, sono emersi nuovi modi di condurre la diplomazia, caratterizzati da strumenti diplomatici segreti e trasparenti misti, al fine di garantire trasparenza alla società e segretezza dei dati sensibili dei governi.
This dissertation aims to examine whether there is a possibility of reaching a kind of diplomacy in which secrecy is not needed anymore on the one side and, on the other, if the effects of the Digital Age could have given the decisive impulse towards this conceivable scenario. This will be possible according to the answer to the main researching questions: Is secret diplomacy going to survive to the Digital Age Revolution? And, if it does, at which cost will it survive? This dilemma will be presented according to a perspective that tends to connect the history of diplomacy to the recent events, as the past has played a decisive role in shaping the contemporary diplomatic context and, therefore, analysing the present and the repercussions that the Digital Age will have on the future of secret diplomacy becomes fundamental to really make a deep analysis of the whole question and, in order to achieve the claimed result, the concepts related to Secret Diplomacy and Digital Age will be outlined from a both theoretical and historical perspective. Throughout the centuries, all the attempts to abolish secrecy have failed due to the acknowledgment of the necessity to maintain and preserve secrecy in diplomatic relations: nonetheless, it is also true that the moral values existing nowadays, if combined with the new threats that today’s world is facing, seem to have created for the first time the ideal environment for the definitive defeat of secrecy in the diplomatic environment. Those events, together with a series of technological development adopted by secret services worldwide, implied a mass reaction in favour of the complete elimination of secrecy from diplomacy adding that, if done otherwise, there would be small (if not null) possibilities to keep information secret forever. From the analysis, it clearly emerged that the Digital Age represents the turning point in terms of data protection in international relations and consequently, in order to survive, diplomacy was subjected to an inevitable reform of its ways to communicate and to maintain secrecy in order to keep pace with today’s world. Those elements highlighted how the issue of the use of secrecy in diplomacy is back at the centre of the international debate. Thus, assumed that no relations and no agreements are safe enough from eventual dangerous disclosures that may undermine the reciprocal trust among countries, this dissertation underlines the importance of secret diplomacy by the analysis of what this practice really means both for diplomacy and for the history of international relations in general. In conclusion, the dissertation demonstrates how the need for secrecy in diplomacy is as evident as diplomacy itself and therefore, in response to the first question, it is possible to predict that secret diplomacy will never be defeated. On the other hand, the Digital Age Revolution brought remarkable alterations to the diplomatic status quo, especially in terms of transparency. Consequently, the revolutionary effects led towards the attenuation of governmental secrecy on foreign affairs and, as a result, new ways of conducting diplomacy – characterized by mixed secret and transparent diplomatic tools – emerged, in order to guarantee transparency towards the society and secrecy of governmental sensitive data.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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