The thesis discusses the role played by some of the most widespread non-institutionalized multimedia educational agencies (television and social networks) in the lives of young people. The concept of device, a key word of Foucaultian perspective, is an important heuristic construct for this research that, starting from a study of the literature on this theme, analyses dystopian literary works to discuss some actions of the devices on educational processes and social identification of young people. Thanks to critical reflections coming from a vast interdisciplinary literature, the influence of social networks and the changing relationships between people have also been discussed.
Nella tesi si discute del ruolo giocato da alcune delle agenzie formative non istituzionalizzate multimediali più diffuse attualmente (televisione e social network) nella vita dei più giovani. Il concetto di dispositivo, di ascendenza foucaultiana, è un importante costrutto euristico per questa ricerca che, partendo uno studio della letteratura sull’argomento, analizza opere letterarie a tema distopico per discutere alcune azioni dei dispositivi sui processi formativi e di individuazione dei giovani. Grazie a spunti di riflessione critica provenienti da una vasta letteratura a carattere interdisciplinare si è discusso inoltre su quanto i social network stiano cambiando le relazioni tra le persone.
Agenzie formative non istituzionalizzate, dispositivi pedagogici e distopie: questioni educative tra XX e XXI secolo
The thesis discusses the role played by some of the most widespread non-institutionalized multimedia educational agencies (television and social networks) in the lives of young people. The concept of device, a key word of Foucaultian perspective, is an important heuristic construct for this research that, starting from a study of the literature on this theme, analyses dystopian literary works to discuss some actions of the devices on educational processes and social identification of young people. Thanks to critical reflections coming from a vast interdisciplinary literature, the influence of social networks and the changing relationships between people have also been discussed.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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