Today, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, commonly known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), is a recent and complex topic everybody all around the world is talking about thus creating a huge sensationalism; we daily read about it on newspapers, hear about it during newscast and it is also one of the main discussion topic in research, academic and industry communities. When dealing with Industry 4.0, there are different conceptual frameworks that have been studied and proposed along with time, aimed at explaining the linkage between physical and digital worlds in the context of operations. According to this perspective, digital solutions applied to manufacturing processes promise to bring real value to the organization. In order to achieve this objective, Industry 4.0 integrates the most important physical and digital technologies; sensors capture and collect data from the physical world, data is aggregated and elaborated, facts are transformed in digital information and real-time information allows for faster and better decisions. In this scenario, IoT becomes crucial as it allows machines to communicate with each other and advanced analytics proves to be an enabler for users to take timely and more accurate decisions by unveiling meaningful insights and the overall trend and patterns. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse what this new paradigm really means for companies, especially for those operating in the manufacturing industry; where and how they can find relevant opportunities for their business and also what are the main tipping points. In particular, the analysis has been focused on a concrete approach to Industry 4.0 initiatives and projects that can help manufacturing companies to gain advantages from digital technologies applied to physical processes. This approach has been developed and then evaluated by discussing the results of a specific case study conducted on a company in the manufacturing industry: Cimbali.
La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale, comunemente definita Industria 4.0, è un tema particolarmente complesso, ormai da qualche anno sulla bocca di tutti; questo termine si presenta insistentemente quando si ascoltano i telegiornali, quando si leggono i quotidiani o le riviste di settore ed è anche un argomento ricorrente nei principali centri di ricerca, nelle università e all’interno delle aziende stesse. Quando si parla di Industria 4.0, si può fare riferimento a diverse framework concettuali che sono state sviluppate negli anni con l’obiettivo di spiegare il rapporto tra il mondo fisico e quello digitale nel contesto delle operations. Considerando questa prospettiva, le soluzioni digitali applicate ai processi manifatturieri possono generare vantaggi concreti per le aziende. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, l’Industria 4.0 integra le principali soluzioni fisiche e digitali; i sensori catturano i dati dal mondo fisico, i dati sono a loro volta aggregati, elaborati e trasformati in informazioni digitali e tali informazioni consentono di prendere decisioni più accurate e in tempi più rapidi. In uno scenario come quello appena descritto, l’IoT assume un ruolo fondamentale dal momento che permette ai macchinari di comunicare tra loro; altrettanto importanti sono gli analytics in quanto permettono agli utenti di ottimizzare il processo decisionale rivelando loro i principali trend e andamenti di processo. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è quello di indagare le opportunità che il paradigma Industria 4.0 offre alle aziende, soprattutto a quelle che operano nel settore manifatturiero. In particolare, viene sottolineata l’importanza di un approccio “fattivo” per avvicinare in modo più concreto le aziende alle attività, ai progetti e alle iniziative in ambito Industria 4.0. Tale approccio è stato sviluppato e testato in maniera sperimentale all’interno di un’azienda operante nel settore manifatturiero: Cimbali.
Industry 4.0 — The application of an experimental approach for the implementation of new business solutions in the manufacturing industry: Cimbali case study
Today, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, commonly known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), is a recent and complex topic everybody all around the world is talking about thus creating a huge sensationalism; we daily read about it on newspapers, hear about it during newscast and it is also one of the main discussion topic in research, academic and industry communities. When dealing with Industry 4.0, there are different conceptual frameworks that have been studied and proposed along with time, aimed at explaining the linkage between physical and digital worlds in the context of operations. According to this perspective, digital solutions applied to manufacturing processes promise to bring real value to the organization. In order to achieve this objective, Industry 4.0 integrates the most important physical and digital technologies; sensors capture and collect data from the physical world, data is aggregated and elaborated, facts are transformed in digital information and real-time information allows for faster and better decisions. In this scenario, IoT becomes crucial as it allows machines to communicate with each other and advanced analytics proves to be an enabler for users to take timely and more accurate decisions by unveiling meaningful insights and the overall trend and patterns. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse what this new paradigm really means for companies, especially for those operating in the manufacturing industry; where and how they can find relevant opportunities for their business and also what are the main tipping points. In particular, the analysis has been focused on a concrete approach to Industry 4.0 initiatives and projects that can help manufacturing companies to gain advantages from digital technologies applied to physical processes. This approach has been developed and then evaluated by discussing the results of a specific case study conducted on a company in the manufacturing industry: Cimbali.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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