The food delivery market, and more specifically the Online Food Delivery industry, has been a real example of how companies were able to adapt to changes coming from the external environment and therefore were able to survive by continuously innovating. In particular, with the spread of digital technologies in the early 1990's, companies operating in the food industry adapted to a new world and to a new type of consumers, implementing innovation processes that have changed their business models. This thesis presents an empirical analysis of companies operating in the food delivery industry that are located all over the world. It was decided to precisely consider this type of sector because, despite the different economic and financial crises that have affected companies over the years, it has managed to grow and obtain large market shares of the food industry. In particular, it was decided to analyse the different innovation processes, the periods of economic crisis, the rate of entry and exit of companies and the probability that they have to survive on the market. All of this has been studied by identifying specific factors, intrinsic to the company, that can influence the survival process and consequently the failure process.
Il mercato del food delivery, e più nel dettaglio quello dell’Online Food Delivery, rappresenta un esempio interessante di come le imprese cerchino di adattarsi ai cambiamenti dell’ambiente esterno tentando di sopravvivere avviando continui processi di innovazione. In particolare, con la diffusione del digitale nei primi anni 90’ del secolo scorso, le imprese operanti nel settore della ristorazione hanno dovuto adattarsi ad un nuovo mondo e a nuove tipologie di consumatori, mettendo in atto processi di innovazione che sono andati a modificare i loro modelli di business. Questa tesi propone un’analisi empirica delle aziende operanti nel settore del food delivery localizzate in tutto il mondo. Si è deciso di considerare proprio questo settore in quanto esso, nonostante le diverse crisi economiche e finanziare che hanno colpito le aziende nel corso degli anni, è riuscito a crescere e ottenere una grande fetta del mercato della ristorazione. In particolare, si è deciso di analizzare i diversi processi di innovazione, i periodi di crisi economica, il tasso di entrata e di uscita delle aziende e la probabilità che esse hanno di sopravvivere sul mercato. Tutto ciò è stato studiato individuando fattori specifici, intrinsechi all’azienda, che possono influenzare il processo di sopravvivenza e di conseguenza quello di fallimento.
Entry, innovation and survival in the food delivery industry. An empirical analysis.
The food delivery market, and more specifically the Online Food Delivery industry, has been a real example of how companies were able to adapt to changes coming from the external environment and therefore were able to survive by continuously innovating. In particular, with the spread of digital technologies in the early 1990's, companies operating in the food industry adapted to a new world and to a new type of consumers, implementing innovation processes that have changed their business models. This thesis presents an empirical analysis of companies operating in the food delivery industry that are located all over the world. It was decided to precisely consider this type of sector because, despite the different economic and financial crises that have affected companies over the years, it has managed to grow and obtain large market shares of the food industry. In particular, it was decided to analyse the different innovation processes, the periods of economic crisis, the rate of entry and exit of companies and the probability that they have to survive on the market. All of this has been studied by identifying specific factors, intrinsic to the company, that can influence the survival process and consequently the failure process.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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