After tracing the historical features of the relationship between cinema and school, this paper aims to frame the recent evolution of the educational paradigm of the audiovisual disciplines imposed by the rapid transformations of the media system. In particular, it is highlighted the urgency of introducing modules of audiovisual education in the school system, so that students can grow aware and equipped with the critical and creative tools necessary to orientate themselves in the wide contemporary media scene. Faced with a frequent impossibility to achieve this goal by the national initiatives promoted by European countries, an international coordination is strongly encouraged to support shared policies of image education throughout Europe. The commitment of the European Commission, infact, has been serious and constant: here are outlined actions, methodologies, perspectives, structure and purpose of the European initiatives in the field of Film Literacy, focusing on the analysis of those transnational projects specifically aimed to the promotion of the entrance of the audiovisual education into the school system. Finally, the present paper devotes a specific analysis to the case study "The Film Corner", an European project of Film Literacy led by an Italian institution (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana) and currently active.
Dopo aver tracciato i lineamenti storici del rapporto tra cinema e scuola, il presente elaborato si propone di inquadrare la recente evoluzione del paradigma didattico delle discipline audiovisive imposta dalle rapide trasformazioni del sistema mediale. In particolare, si evidenzia l’urgenza di introdurre moduli di insegnamento del linguaggio audiovisivo nel sistema scolastico di ogni ordine e grado, affinché gli studenti possano crescere consapevoli e dotati degli strumenti critici e creativi necessari a orientarsi nell’ampio panorama mediale contemporaneo. Dinnanzi ad una frequente impossibilità a raggiungere questo obiettivo da parte delle iniziative statali promosse dai singoli paesi europei, è fortemente auspicato un coordinamento internazionale che sostenga politiche condivise di educazione all’immagine su tutto il territorio d’Europa. L’impegno della Commissione Europea in questo senso, infatti, si è dimostrato serio e costante: sono qui delineate azioni, metodologie, prospettive, struttura e finalità delle iniziative europee nel campo della Film Literacy, privilegiando l’approfondimento di quei progetti transnazionali rivolti specificatamente alla promozione dell’ingresso dell’educazione del linguaggio audiovisivo nel sistema scolastico. Infine, il presente elaborato dedica un approfondimento specifico al caso studio “The Film Corner”, un progetto europeo di Film Literacy guidato da un’istituzione italiana (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana) e attualmente in fase di sperimentazione.
I progetti europei di Film Literacy: metodologie e prospettive dell'educazione al linguaggio audiovisivo
After tracing the historical features of the relationship between cinema and school, this paper aims to frame the recent evolution of the educational paradigm of the audiovisual disciplines imposed by the rapid transformations of the media system. In particular, it is highlighted the urgency of introducing modules of audiovisual education in the school system, so that students can grow aware and equipped with the critical and creative tools necessary to orientate themselves in the wide contemporary media scene. Faced with a frequent impossibility to achieve this goal by the national initiatives promoted by European countries, an international coordination is strongly encouraged to support shared policies of image education throughout Europe. The commitment of the European Commission, infact, has been serious and constant: here are outlined actions, methodologies, perspectives, structure and purpose of the European initiatives in the field of Film Literacy, focusing on the analysis of those transnational projects specifically aimed to the promotion of the entrance of the audiovisual education into the school system. Finally, the present paper devotes a specific analysis to the case study "The Film Corner", an European project of Film Literacy led by an Italian institution (Fondazione Cineteca Italiana) and currently active.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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