The Balanced Scorecard attracted attention in academics, international corporations and renowned management consultancies. However, there is a lack of evidence that the Balanced Scorecard improves company performance. The thesis investigates three studies from different authors and compares and combines these findings. It concludes that the relationship between the Balanced Scorecard and company performance depends on the type of the Balanced Scorecard. From a logical inference, a Type II Balanced Scorecard and Type III Balanced Scorecard may be related to an improvement in company performance.
La scheda di valutazione bilanciata (in inglese Balanced Scorecard) ha attirato l'attenzione presso accademici, aziende internazionali e consulenze rinomate. Tuttavia, manca la prova che la Balanced Scorecard migliora le prestazioni aziendali. La tesi esamina tre studi di diversi autori e confronta e combina questi risultati. Si conclude che il rapporto tra la Balanced Scorecard e le prestazioni aziendali dipende dal tipo della Balanced Scorecard. Da una conclusione logica, una Balanced Scorecard di tipo II e III possono essere correlati a und miglioramento delle prestazioni aziendali.
Does the Balanced Scorecard improve Company Performance? An Investigation of Empirical Research.
The Balanced Scorecard attracted attention in academics, international corporations and renowned management consultancies. However, there is a lack of evidence that the Balanced Scorecard improves company performance. The thesis investigates three studies from different authors and compares and combines these findings. It concludes that the relationship between the Balanced Scorecard and company performance depends on the type of the Balanced Scorecard. From a logical inference, a Type II Balanced Scorecard and Type III Balanced Scorecard may be related to an improvement in company performance.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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