This thesis is about the Artificial Intelligence industry, in particular is focused on the spin-offs produced by founders at the time of market entry. The analysis is structured in three main parts: the first one is a review of the existing literature, the second part instead is the data collection with also the method used for the analysis and finally the discussion of the results obtained
Questa tesi riguarda l’industria dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, in particolare si concentra sugli spin-off prodotti dai fondatori al momento dell’entrata nel mercato. L’analisi è strutturata in tre parti principali: la prima è una revisione della letteratura esistente, la seconda parte invece è la raccolta dei dati con anche il metodo usato per l’analisi e per finire la discussione dei risultati ottenuti.
Founders’ pre-entry experience and entry by start-ups. An analysis of the Artificial Intelligence industry.
This thesis is about the Artificial Intelligence industry, in particular is focused on the spin-offs produced by founders at the time of market entry. The analysis is structured in three main parts: the first one is a review of the existing literature, the second part instead is the data collection with also the method used for the analysis and finally the discussion of the results obtainedÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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