The aim of this study is to focus attention on the phenomenon of Internally Displaced persons in Myanmar, and more specifically to the case of Rohingya a Muslim persecuted minority living in North Rakhine which is suffering today a real “slow-burning genocide”. By doing so I will proceed by answering to the research question at the basis of this thesis, namely: Whose responsibility it is to protect the Rohingya? And so what happens when the authority of the central state, in this case Myanmar, does not guarantee International legal protection toward Internally displaced persons? With this thesis what I want to demonstrate is that the protection of Internally displaced persons is not enough and thus the state does not fully protect and guarantee their rights. In this regard the case of the Rohingya minority will be analysed as to show why and how the government of Myanmar is not assuming its legal responsibilities. In the first chapter I will draw an historical background so as to demonstrate that Rohingya have a right to full citizens, they have a right to land and that their human rights are respected. By doing so I’ll underline that the responsibility lies within the state itself. In fact after having identified the state of Myanmar as the primary responsible and discussed the reasons that led to the displacement of millions of Rohingya, in the second chapter I will analyse the phenomenon of internally displaced persons, the main legal responsibilities coming from International Law and how and why Myanmar has not complied with the International rules. In doing so, the state has in fact caused many non-state actors to step in the crisis in order to replace the duties of the state itself. In the third chapter I’ll determine which kind of organizations have intervened, how are they dealing with the humanitarian emergency and if their intervention is enough in order to guarantee protection to the Rohingya population. What will come out is that today the situation has so far resulted in a real humanitarian crisis, which is difficult to resolve because the actors in the field do not seem to be interested in finding a rapid and definitive solution to the problem. For this reason in the conclusion I will outline possible long-lasting solutions to the crisis that is affecting thousands of Rohingya in Myanmar.
Lo scopo principale di questa tesi è quello di focalizzare l'attenzione sul fenomeno degli sfollati interni in Myanmar, e più specificamente sul caso dei Rohingya, una minoranza musulmana perseguitata la quale vive nel nord della regione Rakhine e che sta attualmente subendo un vero e proprio "genocidio". Pertanto procederò rispondendo alla domanda di ricerca alla base di questa tesi: Di chi è la responsabilità di proteggere i Rohingya? E cosa succede nel caso in cui l'autorità dello Stato centrale, in questo caso il Myanmar, non garantisce la protezione giuridica internazionale agli sfollati interni? Attraverso questa domanda di ricerca la tesi vuole dimostrare che la protezione degli sfollati interni non è sufficiente e che lo Stato non protegge e garantisce pienamente i loro diritti. A questo proposito il caso della minoranza Rohingya sarà analizzato per dimostrare perché ed in che modo il governo del Myanmar non sta assumendo le sue primarie responsabilità legali. Nel primo capitolo traccerò un quadro storico per dimostrare che i Rohingya hanno diritto ad avere la cittadinanza a pieno titolo, hanno diritto alla terra e che i loro diritti umani vengano rispettati. Così facendo sottolineerò che la responsabilità è dello Stato stesso in quanto tale. Infatti, dopo aver identificato lo Stato del Myanmar come il principale responsabile e discusso le ragioni che hanno portato allo sfollamento di milioni di Rohingya, nel secondo capitolo analizzerò il fenomeno degli sfollati interni, le principali responsabilità legali derivanti dal diritto internazionale e perché il Myanmar non si è attenuto a queste ultime. Così facendo, lo Stato ha di fatto indotto molti attori non statali, come Organizzazioni Internazionali e non governative, ad intervenire nella crisi per sostituire i doveri dello Stato stesso. Nel terzo capitolo analizzerò quali organizzazioni sono intervenute, come stanno affrontando l'emergenza umanitaria e se il loro intervento è sufficiente a garantire protezione alla popolazione Rohingya. Dalla mia analisi emergerà che ad oggi la situazione si è trasformata in una vera e propria crisi umanitaria, difficile da risolvere in quanto gli attori principali sul campo non sembrano interessati a trovare una soluzione rapida e definitiva al problema. Per questo motivo nella conclusione verranno delineate delle possibili soluzioni durature alla crisi che sta colpendo migliaia di Rohingya in Myanmar.
Most dilemmatic Internally Displaced Persons: Rohingya, problems and solutions
The aim of this study is to focus attention on the phenomenon of Internally Displaced persons in Myanmar, and more specifically to the case of Rohingya a Muslim persecuted minority living in North Rakhine which is suffering today a real “slow-burning genocide”. By doing so I will proceed by answering to the research question at the basis of this thesis, namely: Whose responsibility it is to protect the Rohingya? And so what happens when the authority of the central state, in this case Myanmar, does not guarantee International legal protection toward Internally displaced persons? With this thesis what I want to demonstrate is that the protection of Internally displaced persons is not enough and thus the state does not fully protect and guarantee their rights. In this regard the case of the Rohingya minority will be analysed as to show why and how the government of Myanmar is not assuming its legal responsibilities. In the first chapter I will draw an historical background so as to demonstrate that Rohingya have a right to full citizens, they have a right to land and that their human rights are respected. By doing so I’ll underline that the responsibility lies within the state itself. In fact after having identified the state of Myanmar as the primary responsible and discussed the reasons that led to the displacement of millions of Rohingya, in the second chapter I will analyse the phenomenon of internally displaced persons, the main legal responsibilities coming from International Law and how and why Myanmar has not complied with the International rules. In doing so, the state has in fact caused many non-state actors to step in the crisis in order to replace the duties of the state itself. In the third chapter I’ll determine which kind of organizations have intervened, how are they dealing with the humanitarian emergency and if their intervention is enough in order to guarantee protection to the Rohingya population. What will come out is that today the situation has so far resulted in a real humanitarian crisis, which is difficult to resolve because the actors in the field do not seem to be interested in finding a rapid and definitive solution to the problem. For this reason in the conclusion I will outline possible long-lasting solutions to the crisis that is affecting thousands of Rohingya in Myanmar.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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