In recent years, autism has spread widely as a subject of research to the concept of the Spectrum. The most recent literature highlights the issue of autistic male-female ratio. Clinically, there is a lack of research into the experience of women in the Spectrum. In addition, there is a lack of attention to existences and to the construction of their meaning, at the expense of identification, but in favour of the economy of categories and stereotypes. This thesis aims, therefore, to go beyond clinical descriptions, giving space to the voice of autistic women, to try to bring out their experience about feeling autistic and the diagnostic path experienced. To do this we created semi-structured interviews, which were then analyzed following the IPA method (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Eight women were interviewed, two of whom were not officially diagnosed. Although each experience is unique, the analysis of the data has brought out some transversal issues such as: the feeling of diversity, the diagnostic path, daily strategies, the impact of diagnosis and future needs. It has emerged that every woman has experienced diversity compared to others and how this has led them to seek explanations and strategies to face the daily. The diagnosis is configured, therefore as a path started well before the diagnostic evaluation. There is a need to disseminate knowledge about the female phenotype, considering in the research also people not diagnosed in order to break down diagnostic bias based on the traditional male phenotype of autism. The limitations of this research concern the restricted sample, the exclusively female composition of the sample and the use of qualitative research only. For the future it is hoped to include people of all kinds and ages in the sample, as well as the inclusion of individuals close to autistic people (family members, partners, employers). Finally, studies combining quantitative and qualitative research approaches will be needed to deepen the experiences and experiences.
Negli ultimi anni l’autismo si è diffuso ampiamente come argomento di ricerca sino a giungere al concetto di Spettro. La letteratura più recente sottolinea la questione del rapporto maschi-femmine autistic*. A livello clinico si riscontra l’insufficienza di ricerche riguardanti l’esperienza delle donne nello Spettro. Inoltre, si evidenzia la carenza di attenzione alle esistenze e alla costruzione del significato delle stesse, a discapito dell’individuazione, ma in favore dell’economia delle categorie e degli stereotipi. Questa tesi si pone l’obiettivo, quindi, di andare oltre le descrizioni cliniche, dando spazio alla voce di donne autistiche, per cercare di far emergere la loro esperienza in merito al sentirsi autistiche e al percorso diagnostico esperito. Per fare ciò abbiamo creato delle interviste semi-strutturate, che sono state poi analizzate seguendo il metodo IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Sono state intervistate otto donne, di cui due non diagnosticate ufficialmente. Sebbene ogni esperienza sia unica, l’analisi dei dati ha fatto emergere alcune tematiche trasversali quali: la sensazione di diversità, il percorso diagnostico, le strategie quotidiane, l’impatto della diagnosi e le necessità future. È emerso come ogni donna abbia esperito diversità rispetto agli altri e come ciò le abbia portate a ricercare spiegazioni e strategie per fronteggiare il quotidiano. La diagnosi si configura, quindi come percorso iniziato ben prima della valutazione diagnostica. Emerge la necessità di diffondere le conoscenze in merito al fenotipo femminile, considerando nelle ricerche anche persone non diagnosticate al fine di scardinare il bias diagnostico basato sul fenotipo maschile tradizionale di autismo. I limiti della presente ricerca riguardano il campione ristretto, la composizione unicamente femminile dello stesso e l’utilizzo della sola ricerca qualitativa. Per il futuro si auspica di comprendere persone di ogni genere ed età nel campione, oltre all’inclusione degli individui vicini alle persone autistiche (famigliari, partners, datori di lavoro). Infine, saranno necessari studi che combinino approcci quantitativi e qualitativi di ricerca per approfondire i vissuti e le esperienze.
A chi ascolta: vissuto ed esperienza delle donne nello Spettro Autistico. Esistiamo anche noi
In recent years, autism has spread widely as a subject of research to the concept of the Spectrum. The most recent literature highlights the issue of autistic male-female ratio. Clinically, there is a lack of research into the experience of women in the Spectrum. In addition, there is a lack of attention to existences and to the construction of their meaning, at the expense of identification, but in favour of the economy of categories and stereotypes. This thesis aims, therefore, to go beyond clinical descriptions, giving space to the voice of autistic women, to try to bring out their experience about feeling autistic and the diagnostic path experienced. To do this we created semi-structured interviews, which were then analyzed following the IPA method (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Eight women were interviewed, two of whom were not officially diagnosed. Although each experience is unique, the analysis of the data has brought out some transversal issues such as: the feeling of diversity, the diagnostic path, daily strategies, the impact of diagnosis and future needs. It has emerged that every woman has experienced diversity compared to others and how this has led them to seek explanations and strategies to face the daily. The diagnosis is configured, therefore as a path started well before the diagnostic evaluation. There is a need to disseminate knowledge about the female phenotype, considering in the research also people not diagnosed in order to break down diagnostic bias based on the traditional male phenotype of autism. The limitations of this research concern the restricted sample, the exclusively female composition of the sample and the use of qualitative research only. For the future it is hoped to include people of all kinds and ages in the sample, as well as the inclusion of individuals close to autistic people (family members, partners, employers). Finally, studies combining quantitative and qualitative research approaches will be needed to deepen the experiences and experiences.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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