ABSTRACT Introduction. Professional values and self-efficacy (i.e., self-efficacy) represent two fundamental aspects of the nursing profession. Recent empirical evidence demonstrates the close link between them and the nurses' behaviors in clinical practice, since both professional values and self-efficacy seem to have a positive effect on different clinical outcomes, such as the quality of patient care, professional satisfaction nurses, their attention in the field of nursing science and their commitment to organization. However, to date, the relationship between professional values and self-efficacy has not yet been investigated. Aim. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between professional values and self-efficacy. To date, it has never been studied whether there is a correlation between these two areas, although both are fundamental aspects for adequate and complete nursing care. Methods. An observational, transversal, correlational and multicenter study was carried out. The sampling was consecutive and conventional; the data collection, carried out in the period between February and July 2019, involved the nursing staff of three Italian hospital centers, in the province of Pavia, Milan, and Rome.The following were administered: (a) a socio-demographic questionnaire, (b) nursing professional Values Scale, which investigates professional values, and (c) Nursing Professional Self-efficacy Scale, which investigates self-efficacy. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 532 nurses of which 190 (35.7%) working at the hospital in Milan, 199 (37.4%) at the hospital in Pavia and 143 (26.9%) from Rome. 65.3% of the sample is female, with an average age of 40.81 ± 9.9 years, and an average of 16.21 ± 10.43 years of work. On the total sample it is possible to notice statistically significant, positive correlations between the various domains of the NPVS-3 and NPSES scales. This relationship also occurs in the 3 geographical areas in which the data collection took place. Following the descriptive analyzes both on the general sample and stratified by geographic area, we can affirm that differences emerge between the values related to the context. In fact, in the total study age is not associated with any domain. Going to see in the stratifications in Milan (PSD) age is negatively associated with all values, while in Rome this happens only for activism. In Pavia there is no relationship between values and age. This indicates that it is conceivable that some context variables influence this phenomenon, where those who are older in Milan and Rome should be better supported in maintaining a stable value structure. Overall, the relationships between self-efficacy and values are stable and similar in all analyzes. Conclusions. In light of what emerged from the study, it can be said that as the professional values of nurses increase, the self-efficacy perceived by the same in the provision of services increases and vice versa, and this can significantly impact the clinic and assistance, improving nursing outcomes. On the contrary, it is worrying to know that with increasing age and years of work, professional values decrease. It is therefore important to encourage the nursing class with greater stimuli also through a motivation to be transmitted to future generations.
ABSTRACT Introduzione. I valori professionali e la self-efficacy (i.e., autoefficacia) rappresentano due aspetti fondamentali della professione infermieristica. Le recenti evidenze empiriche dimostrano lo stretto legame fra essi e i comportamenti degli infermieri nella pratica clinica, poiché sia valori professionali che la self-efficacy sembrano avere un effetto positivo su diversi outcomes clinici, come ad esempio la qualità della cura del paziente, la soddisfazione professionale degli infermieri, la loro attenzione nel campo della scienza infermieristica e il loro impegno nell'organizzazione. Tuttavia, ad oggi, la relazione fra valori professionali e la self-efficacy non è ancora stata indagata. Obiettivo. Lo scopo di questo studio è indagare se esista una relazione tra i valori professionali e la self-efficacy. Ad oggi infatti non è mai stato studiato se esista una correlazione tra questi due ambiti, pur essendo entrambi due aspetti fondamentali per un’assistenza infermieristica adeguata e completa. Materiali e metodi. È stato effettuato uno studio osservazionale, trasversale, correlazionale e multicentrico. Il campionamento è stato di tipo consecutivo e convenzionale; la raccolta dati, effettuata nel periodo fra febbraio e luglio 2019, ha coinvolto il personale infermieristico di tre centri ospedalieri italiani, nella provincia di Pavia, Milano, e Roma.Sono stati somministrati: (a) un questionario sociodemografico, (b) Nursing Professional Values Scale, che indaga i valori professionali, e (c) Nursing Professional Self-efficacy Scale, che indaga la self-efficacy. Risultati.Il campione costituito da 532 infermieri di cui 190 (35.7%) operanti presso la struttura ospedaliera di Milano, 199 (37.4%) presso la struttura ospedaliera di Pavia e 143 (26.9%) romani. Il 65.3% del campione è di genere femminile, con età media di 40.81±9.9 anni, e una media 16.21±10.43 anni di lavoro. Sul campione totale è possibile notare correlazioni statisticamente significative, positive, fra i vari domini delle scale NPVS-3 e NPSES. Tale relazione si ripresenta anche nelle 3 aree geografiche in cui si è svolta la raccolta dati. In seguito alle analisi descrittive sia sul campione generale che stratificato per area geografica possiamo affermare che emergono differenze tra i valori legati al contesto. Infatti, nello studio totale l'età non è associata a nessun dominio. Andando a vedere nelle stratificazioni a Milano (PSD) l'età è associata negativamente con tutti i valori, mentre a Roma questo accade solo per l'attivismo. A Pavia non risulta relazione tra valori ed età. Questo indica che è ipotizzabile che alcune variabili di contesto influenzano questo fenomeno, dove chi ha più anni a Milano e Roma dovrebbe essere maggiormente supportato nel mantenere un assetto valoriale stabile. Nel complesso le relazioni tra autoefficacia e valori sono stabili e simili in tutte le analisi. Conclusioni. Alla luce di quanto emerso dallo studio, si può affermare che all’aumentare dei valori professionali presenti negli infermieri, aumenta la self-efficay percepita dagli stessi nell’erogazione delle prestazioni e viceversa, e questo può impattare in modo significativo sulla clinica e sull’assistenza, migliorando gli outcome infermieristici. Al contrario risulta preoccupante sapere che con l’aumentare dell’età e degli anni di lavoro diminuiscono i valori professionali. Risulta pertanto importante incentivare la classe infermieristica con stimoli maggiori anche attraverso una motivazione da trasmettere alle future generazioni.
Valori Professionali e Self-efficacy Infermieristica: Quale Relazione? Risultati di uno Studio Osservazionale Trasversale Correlazionale
ABSTRACT Introduction. Professional values and self-efficacy (i.e., self-efficacy) represent two fundamental aspects of the nursing profession. Recent empirical evidence demonstrates the close link between them and the nurses' behaviors in clinical practice, since both professional values and self-efficacy seem to have a positive effect on different clinical outcomes, such as the quality of patient care, professional satisfaction nurses, their attention in the field of nursing science and their commitment to organization. However, to date, the relationship between professional values and self-efficacy has not yet been investigated. Aim. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between professional values and self-efficacy. To date, it has never been studied whether there is a correlation between these two areas, although both are fundamental aspects for adequate and complete nursing care. Methods. An observational, transversal, correlational and multicenter study was carried out. The sampling was consecutive and conventional; the data collection, carried out in the period between February and July 2019, involved the nursing staff of three Italian hospital centers, in the province of Pavia, Milan, and Rome.The following were administered: (a) a socio-demographic questionnaire, (b) nursing professional Values Scale, which investigates professional values, and (c) Nursing Professional Self-efficacy Scale, which investigates self-efficacy. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 532 nurses of which 190 (35.7%) working at the hospital in Milan, 199 (37.4%) at the hospital in Pavia and 143 (26.9%) from Rome. 65.3% of the sample is female, with an average age of 40.81 ± 9.9 years, and an average of 16.21 ± 10.43 years of work. On the total sample it is possible to notice statistically significant, positive correlations between the various domains of the NPVS-3 and NPSES scales. This relationship also occurs in the 3 geographical areas in which the data collection took place. Following the descriptive analyzes both on the general sample and stratified by geographic area, we can affirm that differences emerge between the values related to the context. In fact, in the total study age is not associated with any domain. Going to see in the stratifications in Milan (PSD) age is negatively associated with all values, while in Rome this happens only for activism. In Pavia there is no relationship between values and age. This indicates that it is conceivable that some context variables influence this phenomenon, where those who are older in Milan and Rome should be better supported in maintaining a stable value structure. Overall, the relationships between self-efficacy and values are stable and similar in all analyzes. Conclusions. In light of what emerged from the study, it can be said that as the professional values of nurses increase, the self-efficacy perceived by the same in the provision of services increases and vice versa, and this can significantly impact the clinic and assistance, improving nursing outcomes. On the contrary, it is worrying to know that with increasing age and years of work, professional values decrease. It is therefore important to encourage the nursing class with greater stimuli also through a motivation to be transmitted to future generations.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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