Wrinkles are folds or furrows that form on the surface of the skin made arid, little compact and elastic by the inexorable passage of time. The appearance of wrinkles is linked both to the inevitable aging that depends substantially on genetic factors (intrinsic aging) and on external and environmental factors that make up the exposome, inluding air pollution, stress, nutrition, cigarette smoke, sleep, temperature and solar radiation. Various studies have shown that excess free UV-induced radicals cause damage to cellular macromolecules and destabilise the keratinocyte membranes, leading to early ageing. Our body defends itself against these phenomena through endogenous and exogenous antioxidants. In addition to these, can also be used the so-called phytoantioxidants, produced by some plants, able to confer protection after ingestion or topical application. In this work of thesis, the antioxidant activity of the extract of Zanthoxylum bungeanum has been evaluated, used in the preparation of a gelled emulsion specific for the periocular area. The product was obtained by extracting the pericarp of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, finely ground, with CO2 under pressure conditions between 150 and 300 bar at temperatures between 35 and 55 ºC. In the cosmetic field, it is possible to use a 20% solution of the extract in oleic alcohol, available commercially with the name of Zanthalene, at a concentration between 0.5 and 2%. To evaluate the antioxidant activity of Zanthalene, the free radical DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), an electron transfer test producing a violet solution in ethanol, was used. When mixed with antioxidant substances capable of yielding a hydrogen atom to the radical compound, DPPH solution discolours (pale yellow) and decreases its absorbance in relation to the antioxidant capacity of the test sample. The preliminary results obtained in this study are in accordance with expectations, as the activity of the Zanthalene sample has been experimentally demonstrated. A second phase of the project involved the formulation study of a gelified emulsion specific for the eye contour, as the extract of Zanthoxylum bungeanum should also possess lifting properties. The periocular zone needs a product with specific consistency, viscosity, smell and special attention to the choice of preservative. For this reason, the study should also provide for the development of formulations with different preservatives. In the initial draft, further studies should also have been carried out on the product obtained; in particular, the antioxidant activity of the emulsion should have been evaluated, again using the DPPH method, to verify that the active maintained its unaltered properties within the formulation, avoiding interference with other components. The laboratory tests were interrupted by the Covid-19 emergency, so this study will require more in-depth studies.
Le rughe sono delle pieghe o solchi che si formano sulla superficie della pelle rese arida, poco compatta ed elastica dall'inesorabile trascorrere del tempo. La comparsa delle rughe è legata sia all'inevitabile invecchiamento che dipende sostanzialmente da fattori genetici (invecchiamento intrinseco), sia da fattori esterni ed ambientali che costituiscono l’esposoma, tra i quali l’inquinamento dell’aria, lo stress, l’alimentazione, il fumo di sigaretta, il sonno, la temperatura e le radiazioni solari. Vari studi, infatti, hanno dimostrato che i radicali liberi in eccesso indotti dai raggi UV causano danni alle macromolecole cellulari e destabilizzano le membrane dei cheratinociti e dei fibroblasti, portando a un invecchiamento precoce. Il nostro corpo si difende da questi fenomeni attraverso antiossidanti endogeni ed esogeni. Oltre a questi, possono essere utilizzati anche i cosiddetti fitoantiossidanti, prodotti da alcune piante, in grado di conferire protezione in seguito ad ingestione o applicazione topica. In questo lavoro di tesi, è stata valutata l’attività antiossidante dell’estratto di Zanthoxylum bungeanum, impiegato nella preparazione di un’emulsione gelificata specifica per il contorno occhi. Il prodotto è stato ottenuto estraendo il pericarpo di Zanthoxylum bungeanum, finemente macinato, con CO2 supercritica in condizioni di pressione comprese tra 150 e 300 bar a temperature tra 35 e 55 ºC. In campo cosmetico, è possibile utilizzare una soluzione al 20% dell’estratto in alcool oleico, disponibile in commercio con il nome di Zanthalene, ad una concentrazione tra 0,5 e 2 %. Per valutare l’attività antiossidante di Zanthalene è stato utilizzato il metodo del radicale libero DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), un test basato sul trasferimento di elettroni che produce una soluzione violetta in etanolo. Quando viene miscelato con sostanze antiossidanti in grado di cedere un atomo di idrogeno al composto radicalico, la soluzione di DPPH si decolora (giallo pallido) e diminuisce la sua assorbanza in relazione alla capacità antiossidante del campione in esame. I risultati preliminari ottenuti in questo studio sono in accordo con le aspettative, in quanto è stata dimostrata sperimentalmente l’attività del campione di Zanthalene. Una seconda fase del progetto ha riguardato lo studio formulativo di un’emulsione gelificata specifica per il contorno occhi, in quanto l’estratto di Zanthoxylum bungeanum dovrebbe possedere anche proprietà liftante. La zona perioculare necessita di un prodotto con particolari specifiche di consistenza, viscosità, odore nonché un’attenzione particolare per la scelta del conservante. Per tale motivo lo studio doveva prevedere anche lo sviluppo di formulazioni con diversi agenti preservanti. Nel progetto iniziale, si sarebbero dovuti poi condurre ulteriori studi anche sul prodotto finale; in particolare, si sarebbe voluto valutare l’attività antiossidante dell’emulsione, sempre mediante metodo DPPH, per verificare che l’attivo mantenesse le sue proprietà inalterate all’interno della formulazione, evitando interferenze con gli altri componenti. Le prove in laboratorio sono state interrotte dall’emergenza Covid-19, per cui tale studio richiederà ulteriori approfondimenti.
Preparazione di un contorno occhi con estratto di Zanthoxylum bungeanum.
Wrinkles are folds or furrows that form on the surface of the skin made arid, little compact and elastic by the inexorable passage of time. The appearance of wrinkles is linked both to the inevitable aging that depends substantially on genetic factors (intrinsic aging) and on external and environmental factors that make up the exposome, inluding air pollution, stress, nutrition, cigarette smoke, sleep, temperature and solar radiation. Various studies have shown that excess free UV-induced radicals cause damage to cellular macromolecules and destabilise the keratinocyte membranes, leading to early ageing. Our body defends itself against these phenomena through endogenous and exogenous antioxidants. In addition to these, can also be used the so-called phytoantioxidants, produced by some plants, able to confer protection after ingestion or topical application. In this work of thesis, the antioxidant activity of the extract of Zanthoxylum bungeanum has been evaluated, used in the preparation of a gelled emulsion specific for the periocular area. The product was obtained by extracting the pericarp of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, finely ground, with CO2 under pressure conditions between 150 and 300 bar at temperatures between 35 and 55 ºC. In the cosmetic field, it is possible to use a 20% solution of the extract in oleic alcohol, available commercially with the name of Zanthalene, at a concentration between 0.5 and 2%. To evaluate the antioxidant activity of Zanthalene, the free radical DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), an electron transfer test producing a violet solution in ethanol, was used. When mixed with antioxidant substances capable of yielding a hydrogen atom to the radical compound, DPPH solution discolours (pale yellow) and decreases its absorbance in relation to the antioxidant capacity of the test sample. The preliminary results obtained in this study are in accordance with expectations, as the activity of the Zanthalene sample has been experimentally demonstrated. A second phase of the project involved the formulation study of a gelified emulsion specific for the eye contour, as the extract of Zanthoxylum bungeanum should also possess lifting properties. The periocular zone needs a product with specific consistency, viscosity, smell and special attention to the choice of preservative. For this reason, the study should also provide for the development of formulations with different preservatives. In the initial draft, further studies should also have been carried out on the product obtained; in particular, the antioxidant activity of the emulsion should have been evaluated, again using the DPPH method, to verify that the active maintained its unaltered properties within the formulation, avoiding interference with other components. The laboratory tests were interrupted by the Covid-19 emergency, so this study will require more in-depth studies.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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