Amyloidosis is a group of disorders characterized by the harmful extracellular deposition of insoluble protein precursor fibrils. Lysozyme amyloidosis (ALys) is a rare hereditary, autosomal dominant disease associated with different point mutations in the gene encoding for nine lysozyme variants that form fibrils and cause dysfunction in different organs. Over the years, proteomics has become an invaluable tool for the identification of amyloid proteins in association with the laser microdissection procedure. Here a case of an ALys patient carrying the mutation W64R is reported. A Congo Red positive sample from a gastrointestinal biopsy was analysed by mass spectrometry after digestion with trypsin. The variant lysozyme was identified at a low confidence with one only miscleaved 51 64 fragment containing the mutated residue R64. The mutation generated a novel site of tryptic digestion leading to miscleavage and formation of smaller and non-detectable peptides outside the detection mass spectrometry range. Wild-type peptides containing W64 were not detected. To exclude the presence of wild-type lysozyme and evaluate whether the 63-69 peptide could be detected by proteomics, human lysozyme was spiked into a Congo Red negative gastrointestinal tissue for trypsin digestion. In this case, proteomics analysis clearly confirmed the presence of the wild-type 63-69 peptide. Then, in order to obtain a better sequence coverage for the W64R variant lysozyme, a separate sample of the same Congo Red positive specimen was analysed by proteomics, using the AspN as protease. Under these conditions, the 53-66 peptide containing R64 was clearly detected whereas the same peptide with W64 was not observed, confirming the absence of the wild-type lysozyme in the amyloid deposits. This work showed that using different proteases can improve protein identification and sequence coverage. In this case, use of AspN improved the detection of W64R lysozyme. Importantly, these results confirmed the resistance of wild-type lysozyme to the fibrillogenesis process in vivo, even in the presence of seeds of fibrils by the lysozyme variant.
Con il termine amiloidosi si intende un insieme di patologie, caratterizzate dalla deposizione extracellulare lesiva di fibrille insolubili, di origine proteica. L’amiloidosi da lisozima è una patologia ereditaria autosomica dominante, che può essere causata da diverse mutazioni puntiformi nel gene che codifica per il lisozima. Ciò porta all’espressione di nove possibili varianti che possono formare fibrille e determinare disfunzioni a livello di vari organi. Negli ultimi anni la proteomica, accoppiata alla tecnica del laser microdissection, è diventata un metodo di fondamentale importanza nella identificazione di proteine amiloidogeniche. Nel lavoro è riportato il caso di un paziente affetto da amiloidosi da lisozima, con la variante W64R. Un campione di tratto gastrointestinale, positivo al Congo Red, è stato digerito con tripsina e analizzato allo spettrometro di massa. La variante di lisozima è stata identificata con una bassa confidenza, tramite il frammento miscleaved 51-64, che reca una arginina alla posizione 64, in cui avviene la sostituzione amminoacidica. La mutazione genera, quindi, un nuovo sito di idrolisi per la tripsina, portando alla formazione di peptidi miscleaved o troppo piccoli per poter essere identificati dallo strumento. Il lisozima wild-type, invece, non è stato identificato. Per escludere la presenza di quest’ultimo e valutare se il peptide 61-63 può essere identificato dallo strumento, un campione di tessuto gastrointestinale Congo Red negativo è stato arricchito con lisozima umano e idrolizzato con tripsina. L’analisi, in questo caso, ha confermato la presenza del peptide wild-type. Al fine di ottenere una migliore copertura di sequenza della variante W64R di lisozima, un campione separato di tessuto Congo Red positivo del paziente è stato idrolizzato con AspN. In queste condizioni, il peptide 53-66 è stato chiaramente identificato, mentre non c’erano evidenze dello spesso peptide con il triptofano alla posizione 64, a conferma del fatto che la proteina wild-type è assente nei depositi di amiloide. L’uso dell’AspN ha permesso di ottenere una migliore identificazione della variante W64R di lisozima. Questi risultati, inoltre, confermano la resistenza del lisozima wild-type al processo di fibrillogenesi in vivo, anche in presenza di fibrille di variante come seeds.
Proteomics and lysozyme amyloidosis: identification of the W64R variant in the absence of the wild-type protein in amyloid deposits
Amyloidosis is a group of disorders characterized by the harmful extracellular deposition of insoluble protein precursor fibrils. Lysozyme amyloidosis (ALys) is a rare hereditary, autosomal dominant disease associated with different point mutations in the gene encoding for nine lysozyme variants that form fibrils and cause dysfunction in different organs. Over the years, proteomics has become an invaluable tool for the identification of amyloid proteins in association with the laser microdissection procedure. Here a case of an ALys patient carrying the mutation W64R is reported. A Congo Red positive sample from a gastrointestinal biopsy was analysed by mass spectrometry after digestion with trypsin. The variant lysozyme was identified at a low confidence with one only miscleaved 51 64 fragment containing the mutated residue R64. The mutation generated a novel site of tryptic digestion leading to miscleavage and formation of smaller and non-detectable peptides outside the detection mass spectrometry range. Wild-type peptides containing W64 were not detected. To exclude the presence of wild-type lysozyme and evaluate whether the 63-69 peptide could be detected by proteomics, human lysozyme was spiked into a Congo Red negative gastrointestinal tissue for trypsin digestion. In this case, proteomics analysis clearly confirmed the presence of the wild-type 63-69 peptide. Then, in order to obtain a better sequence coverage for the W64R variant lysozyme, a separate sample of the same Congo Red positive specimen was analysed by proteomics, using the AspN as protease. Under these conditions, the 53-66 peptide containing R64 was clearly detected whereas the same peptide with W64 was not observed, confirming the absence of the wild-type lysozyme in the amyloid deposits. This work showed that using different proteases can improve protein identification and sequence coverage. In this case, use of AspN improved the detection of W64R lysozyme. Importantly, these results confirmed the resistance of wild-type lysozyme to the fibrillogenesis process in vivo, even in the presence of seeds of fibrils by the lysozyme variant.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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