I wrote this thesis in order to offer an alternative and contemporary guide to the reading of "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", offering my personal point of view as an inspiring and motivational suggestion to reflect about ourselves, our inner self and our behaviours, within the context of our daily lives. I think that Stevenson had been a forward-thinking mind of the 19th century, well celebrated certain, famous and appreciated worldwide and all times and from all. Nevertheless, I think there is something more to probe. There is a fil rouge that links his literal production and science. My intention is to focus on both the adventurous private life and the intellectual history of Robert Louis Stevenson, to find out what has led him throughout his evolutionary path during his whole life from the first travel books till the creation of the successful "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". Finally, I hope my thesis could not only stimulate other people to read his novels and appreciate his contents from a literal and artistic point of view, but also stimulate the right attitude of mind to grasp the most important, even though sometimes hidden, meanings through the lines of a real eclectic writer and reap all the possible benefits.

Robert Louis Stevenson and Science: "A Contemporary Interpretation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"



I wrote this thesis in order to offer an alternative and contemporary guide to the reading of "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", offering my personal point of view as an inspiring and motivational suggestion to reflect about ourselves, our inner self and our behaviours, within the context of our daily lives. I think that Stevenson had been a forward-thinking mind of the 19th century, well celebrated certain, famous and appreciated worldwide and all times and from all. Nevertheless, I think there is something more to probe. There is a fil rouge that links his literal production and science. My intention is to focus on both the adventurous private life and the intellectual history of Robert Louis Stevenson, to find out what has led him throughout his evolutionary path during his whole life from the first travel books till the creation of the successful "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". Finally, I hope my thesis could not only stimulate other people to read his novels and appreciate his contents from a literal and artistic point of view, but also stimulate the right attitude of mind to grasp the most important, even though sometimes hidden, meanings through the lines of a real eclectic writer and reap all the possible benefits.
Robert Louis Stevenson and Science: "A Contemporary Interpretation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
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