This paper has the purpose of proposing a reflection on the legal problems posed in the field of human rights by the pandemic emergency from Covid-19, assuming the European regional dimension as a ambit of investigation, in particular in light of the collective guarantee system of rights and fundamental freedoms established through the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights (hereinafter also referred to as the ECHR). More precisely, the dissertation will focus on the peculiar traits that characterise the exception clause in case of emergency referred to in Article 15 of the aforementioned convention, analysing its mandatory content and the concrete implications in relation to the critical issues highlighted in the most recent practice: this in the face of an overall framework in which the conduct of the Contracting States, including Italy, often does not appear to comply with the aforementioned regulatory parameter. The discussion starts from a preliminary framework aimed at defining the essential features of the control system that belongs to the Strasbourg Court. Particular attention will be devoted in this first part to the limitations that may be legitimately placed on the conventional rights and freedoms by the Contracting States, appropriately distinguishing between ordinary restrictions and the different institution of the derogation. Subsequently, the discipline set by art. 15 of the ECHR regarding the faculty of derogation recognised by the States. The aim is to highlight the limits and potential of Article 15 of the ECHR, an instrument that aims to prevent the exercise of state discretion from redeeming to the detriment of the fundamental rights and freedoms recognized by the Convention itself in favor of all individuals. subject to the jurisdiction of the States, which are not subject to derogation except where extraordinary emergency situations occur. Emblematic in this sense is the pandemic emergency from Covid-19 which in the early months of 2020 first hit China and then Italy, dramatically involving, as in a great domino game, every neighboring state, and then spreading. at an unstoppable speed all over the globe with devastating effects, both in the health sector and in the social and economic sphere. In dealing with a situation of this gravity, the States found themselves taking decisions guided by necessity and urgency, aimed at containing the infections. In fact, there has been a real escalation of measures that the European states have taken unilaterally in the absence of a uniform and harmonized action that could have been taken at European level. In this it is possible to recognize a behavior bordering on legitimacy, which is justified only by reason of the particular emergency situation in progress, which, according to the regulatory formula referred to in art. 15 of the ECHR, is characterized by its exceptional gravity.It is of primary importance to understand within what limits these powers of derogation can be legitimately exercised by the States in the light of the developments that have recently occurred. To this end, the field of analysis will focus on the elaboration carried out by the Strasbourg Court in this delicate matter in the face of the emergency situations put forward in the past by some States, to then account for the critical issues that emerged with the outbreak of the pandemic emergency. from Covid-19. The aim is to understand the point of view of the ECtHR and of the institutions of the Council of Europe, which are called upon to evaluate the correct application of the Convention, analyzing from time to time whether the restrictions and exceptions to the rights perpetrated can be considered legitimate or not in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Questo elaborato ha la finalità di proporre una riflessione intorno alle problematiche giuridiche poste in materia di diritti umani dall’emergenza pandemica da Covid-19 assumendo come ambito di indagine la dimensione regionale europea, in particolare alla luce del sistema di garanzia collettiva dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali istituito mediante la Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti umani (nel prosieguo indicata anche come CEDU). Più precisamente, la dissertazione si focalizzerà sui tratti peculiari che caratterizzano la clausola di deroga in caso di emergenza di cui all’art.15 della suddetta convenzione, analizzandone il contenuto precettivo e le concrete implicazioni in rapporto alle criticità evidenziate nella prassi più recente: ciò a fronte di un quadro complessivo in cui non di rado la condotta degli Stati contraenti, Italia compresa, non appare conforme al suddetto parametro normativo. La trattazione muove da un inquadramento preliminare volto a definire i tratti essenziali del sistema di controllo che fa capo alla Corte di Strasburgo. Particolare attenzione sarà dedicata in questa prima parte alle limitazioni suscettibili di essere legittimamente apposte ai diritti e alle libertà convenzionali dagli Stati contraenti, distinguendo opportunamente tra le restrizioni ordinarie e il diverso istituto della deroga. Successivamente, costituirà oggetto di analisi la disciplina posta dall’art. 15 CEDU riguardo alla facoltà di deroga riconosciuta in capo agli Stati. Lo scopo vuole essere evidenziare i limiti e le potenzialità dell’art.15 CEDU, uno strumento che si prefigge di evitare che l’esercizio della discrezionalità statale ridondi a discapito dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali riconosciuti dalla stessa Convenzione a favore di tutti gli individui sottoposti alla giurisdizione degli Stati, i quali non sono suscettibili di deroga se non ove ricorrano situazioni di emergenza straordinarie. Emblematica in tal senso è l’emergenza pandemica da Covid-19 che nei primi mesi del 2020 ha colpito dapprima la Cina e poi l’Italia, andando a coinvolgere drammaticamente, come in un grande gioco del domino, ogni Stato limitrofo, per poi diffondersi ad una velocità inarrestabile in tutto il globo con effetti devastanti, sia in ambito sanitario, sia in ambito sociale ed economico. Nel confrontarsi con una situazione di tale gravità gli Stati si sono trovati ad assumere decisioni guidati dalla necessità e dall’urgenza, finalizzate a contenere i contagi. Nei fatti, si è verificata una vera e propria escalation di provvedimenti che gli Stati europei hanno assunto in modo unilaterale in mancanza di un’ azione uniforme ed armonizzata che si sarebbe potuta prendere a livello europeo. In ciò è possibile ravvisare un comportamento ai limiti della legittimità, che trova giustificazione solo in ragione della situazione di particolare emergenza in atto, che, secondo la formula normativa di cui all’art. 15 CEDU, si qualifica per la sua eccezionale gravità.É di primaria importanza comprendere entro quali limiti questi poteri di deroga possano essere legittimamente esercitati dagli Stati alla luce degli sviluppi che si sono recentemente verificati. A tal fine, il campo di analisi si concentrerà sull’elaborazione svolta dalla Corte di Strasburgo in questa delicata materia a fronte delle situazioni di emergenza fatte valere in passato da alcuni Stati, per poi dare conto delle criticità emerse con lo scoppiare dell’emergenza pandemica da Covid-19. L’obiettivo è quello di comprendere il punto di vista della Corte EDU e delle istituzioni del Consiglio d’Europa, che sono chiamate a valutare la corretta applicazione della Convenzione, analizzando di volta in volta se le restrizioni e le deroghe ai diritti perpetrate possano ritenersi legittime o meno alla luce della convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo.
Emergenza pandemica e deroghe ai diritti fondamentali alla luce della Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo
This paper has the purpose of proposing a reflection on the legal problems posed in the field of human rights by the pandemic emergency from Covid-19, assuming the European regional dimension as a ambit of investigation, in particular in light of the collective guarantee system of rights and fundamental freedoms established through the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights (hereinafter also referred to as the ECHR). More precisely, the dissertation will focus on the peculiar traits that characterise the exception clause in case of emergency referred to in Article 15 of the aforementioned convention, analysing its mandatory content and the concrete implications in relation to the critical issues highlighted in the most recent practice: this in the face of an overall framework in which the conduct of the Contracting States, including Italy, often does not appear to comply with the aforementioned regulatory parameter. The discussion starts from a preliminary framework aimed at defining the essential features of the control system that belongs to the Strasbourg Court. Particular attention will be devoted in this first part to the limitations that may be legitimately placed on the conventional rights and freedoms by the Contracting States, appropriately distinguishing between ordinary restrictions and the different institution of the derogation. Subsequently, the discipline set by art. 15 of the ECHR regarding the faculty of derogation recognised by the States. The aim is to highlight the limits and potential of Article 15 of the ECHR, an instrument that aims to prevent the exercise of state discretion from redeeming to the detriment of the fundamental rights and freedoms recognized by the Convention itself in favor of all individuals. subject to the jurisdiction of the States, which are not subject to derogation except where extraordinary emergency situations occur. Emblematic in this sense is the pandemic emergency from Covid-19 which in the early months of 2020 first hit China and then Italy, dramatically involving, as in a great domino game, every neighboring state, and then spreading. at an unstoppable speed all over the globe with devastating effects, both in the health sector and in the social and economic sphere. In dealing with a situation of this gravity, the States found themselves taking decisions guided by necessity and urgency, aimed at containing the infections. In fact, there has been a real escalation of measures that the European states have taken unilaterally in the absence of a uniform and harmonized action that could have been taken at European level. In this it is possible to recognize a behavior bordering on legitimacy, which is justified only by reason of the particular emergency situation in progress, which, according to the regulatory formula referred to in art. 15 of the ECHR, is characterized by its exceptional gravity.It is of primary importance to understand within what limits these powers of derogation can be legitimately exercised by the States in the light of the developments that have recently occurred. To this end, the field of analysis will focus on the elaboration carried out by the Strasbourg Court in this delicate matter in the face of the emergency situations put forward in the past by some States, to then account for the critical issues that emerged with the outbreak of the pandemic emergency. from Covid-19. The aim is to understand the point of view of the ECtHR and of the institutions of the Council of Europe, which are called upon to evaluate the correct application of the Convention, analyzing from time to time whether the restrictions and exceptions to the rights perpetrated can be considered legitimate or not in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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