Significant sports events have been held successfully in China, which promotes the construction of a number of competition sports halls and stadiums, spreads sports knowledge, and cultivates the interest of sports among masses. With Chinese economy developing, demands for sports are getting more diverse; the requirements for sports facilities and environment are getting higher. Outdoor sports facilities and courts in competition halls are difficult to meet the growing needs. At the same time, the construction of leisure and recreational gyms in high-density areas of cities in China, are facing the shortage of land with a dense population. The area of indoor sports facilities per person is seriously insufficient. Multi-story sports buildings can effectively save land and enrich sports options. The court is generally a column-free space in large area. The vertical stacking of large spaces can greatly reduce the footprint of multi-court sports building and increase the plot ratio, which is the key to solving the problem of land shortage. In order to increase the indoor sports area in urban high-density zones, optimize sports environments, and enrich the choices of sports types, this dissertation tries to work out the design strategies for multi-story gyms, which suit high-density urban environment well and meet the public needs well, through case study of existing multi-story sports buildings at home and abroad. Also for further construction reference. The thesis, first, clarifies the scope of the high density area in Shanghai, analyses the current condition of the general mass sports facilities and indoor multi-storey sports buildings and summarizes the design key points of public sports and leisure buildings. Second, with comparison of the competition hall and fitness hall, single-story multi-court fitness hall and multi-story multi-court fitness hall in terms of the functional composition, space combination and architectural image, design standards and character of multi-level sports buildings are determined; then based on the case study of multi-story gymnasiums at home and abroad, classify the motivations and compare cases to propose the key points of multi-story gymnasium design principles. Finally, multi-story gymnasium design strategies, which adapt to urban high-density areas and meet the needs of public, are concluded. In the finality, the trends of multi-level gymnasiums in urban areas are introduced.
Analisi sulla strategia di progettazione di palestre a più piani per le aree urbane ad alta densità di Shanghai sulla base di un caso studio. Importanti eventi sportivi si sono tenuti con successo in Cina, promuovendo la costruzione di numerosi palazzetti e impianti sportivi da competizione, diffondendo la conoscenza dello sport e coltivando l'interesse nello sport tra le masse. Con lo sviluppo dell'economia cinese, le richieste per lo sport stanno diventando diverse; i requisiti per le strutture sportive e l'ambiente stanno aumentando. Le strutture sportive all'aperto e i campi al coperto da competizione sono difficili da soddisfare per le crescenti esigenze. Allo stesso tempo, la costruzione di palestre ricreative in aree ad alta densità di città in Cina, sta affrontando la carenza di terra con una popolazione densa. L'area delle strutture sportive al coperto per persona è seriamente insufficiente. Gli edifici sportivi a più piani possono salvare efficacemente la terra e arricchire le opzioni sportive. La corte è generalmente uno spazio senza colonne in una vasta area. L'accatastamento verticale di grandi spazi può ridurre notevolmente l'impronta dell'edificio sportivo polivalente e aumentare il rapporto di trama, che è la chiave per risolvere il problema della carenza di terra. Al fine di aumentare l'area sportiva indoor nelle zone urbane ad alta densità, ottimizzare gli ambienti sportivi e arricchire le scelte dei tipi di sport, questa tesi cerca di elaborare le strategie di progettazione per palestre a più piani, che si adattano bene all'ambiente urbano ad alta densità e di soddisfare le esigenze del pubblico, attraverso casi studio di edifici sportivi a più piani esistenti in patria e all'estero. Anche per ulteriori riferimenti costruttivi. La tesi, in primo luogo, chiarisce la portata dell'area ad alta densità di Shanghai, analizza le condizioni attuali delle strutture sportive di massa generali e degli edifici sportivi multipiano al coperto e sintetizza i punti chiave di progettazione degli edifici pubblici sportivi e ricreativi. In secondo luogo, con il confronto tra la sala delle competizioni e la sala fitness, tra la sala fitness a più piani e quella ad un piano ed infine tra sale fitness a più piani in termini di composizione funzionale, combinazione di spazi e immagine architettonica, si arriva così a definire che gli standard di progettazione ed il carattere multipiano sono determinanti per gli edifici sportivi; basandosi quindi su casi studio di palestre a più piani in patria e all'estero, classificare le motivazioni e confrontare i casi per proporre i punti chiave dei principi di progettazione della palestra a più piani. Infine, vengono definite le strategie di progettazione di una palestra a più piani, che si adattano alle aree urbane ad alta densità e soddisfano le esigenze del pubblico. In conclusione, vengono introdotte le tendenze delle palestre a più livelli nelle aree urbane. Parole chiave: aree urbane ad alta densità, Shanghai, edificio sportivo, palestra multilivello
Analysis on Design Strategy of Multi-story Gymnasium for Shanghai High-Density Urban Areas Based on Case Study
Significant sports events have been held successfully in China, which promotes the construction of a number of competition sports halls and stadiums, spreads sports knowledge, and cultivates the interest of sports among masses. With Chinese economy developing, demands for sports are getting more diverse; the requirements for sports facilities and environment are getting higher. Outdoor sports facilities and courts in competition halls are difficult to meet the growing needs. At the same time, the construction of leisure and recreational gyms in high-density areas of cities in China, are facing the shortage of land with a dense population. The area of indoor sports facilities per person is seriously insufficient. Multi-story sports buildings can effectively save land and enrich sports options. The court is generally a column-free space in large area. The vertical stacking of large spaces can greatly reduce the footprint of multi-court sports building and increase the plot ratio, which is the key to solving the problem of land shortage. In order to increase the indoor sports area in urban high-density zones, optimize sports environments, and enrich the choices of sports types, this dissertation tries to work out the design strategies for multi-story gyms, which suit high-density urban environment well and meet the public needs well, through case study of existing multi-story sports buildings at home and abroad. Also for further construction reference. The thesis, first, clarifies the scope of the high density area in Shanghai, analyses the current condition of the general mass sports facilities and indoor multi-storey sports buildings and summarizes the design key points of public sports and leisure buildings. Second, with comparison of the competition hall and fitness hall, single-story multi-court fitness hall and multi-story multi-court fitness hall in terms of the functional composition, space combination and architectural image, design standards and character of multi-level sports buildings are determined; then based on the case study of multi-story gymnasiums at home and abroad, classify the motivations and compare cases to propose the key points of multi-story gymnasium design principles. Finally, multi-story gymnasium design strategies, which adapt to urban high-density areas and meet the needs of public, are concluded. In the finality, the trends of multi-level gymnasiums in urban areas are introduced.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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