Early in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected several countries all over the world. Many governments, have recommended and promoted the adoption of remote work, in order to prevent and limit the spread of the virus. This method is expected to maintain high levels of application even after the emergency. Although teleworking produces benefits for workers and organizations, it can have negative consequences on the psychological well-being of the employees and actually reduce their work satisfaction. The present study involved 266 participants; data was collected through a self-completed voluntary questionnaire, anonymous and submitted online. The questionnaire, made up of ad hoc generated items, investigated the following areas: socio-demographic and work-related questions. More specifically, those aimed to explore the following areas: working experience during the COVID-19 emergency, workaholism, work-family conflict, job satisfaction, questions more strictly relating to COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that working remotely correlates significantly and positively with the family-work conflict area and how the latter is negatively correlated with job satisfaction. Furthermore, it was found that the effect of remote work on professional satisfaction through the family-work conflict depends on the tendency to work excessively. The research provided considerations for subsequent studies on job satisfaction and indications for practice in the field of teleworking and worker’s well-being.
Durante i primi mesi del 2020, la pandemia di Covid-19 ha colpito diversi Paesi in tutto il mondo. I governi di svariati Paesi, per contenere la diffusione del virus, hanno raccomandato e promosso l’adozione di forme lavorative a distanza. Si prevede che tale modalità mantenga alti livelli di applicazione anche a seguito dell’emergenza. Sebbene il telelavoro produca vantaggi per i lavoratori e per le organizzazioni, esso può comportare conseguenze negative sullo stato di benessere psicologico dei lavoratori, riducendo la loro soddisfazione professionale. Il presente studio ha coinvolto 266 partecipanti; i dati sono stati raccolti attraverso un questionario volontario auto-compilato, somministrato in forma anonima esclusivamente online. Il questionario, composto da item generati ad hoc, ha indagato le seguenti aree: domande socio-anagrafiche e lavorative, domande sull’esperienza di lavoro durante l’emergenza COVID-19, workaholism, conflitto lavoro-famiglia, soddisfazione lavorativa, domande relative alla pandemia COVID-19. I risultati hanno evidenziato come il lavorare da remoto correli significativamente e positivamente con il conflitto famiglia-lavoro e come quest’ultimo sia negativamente correlato alla soddisfazione lavorativa. Inoltre, è emerso che l’effetto del lavoro da remoto sulla soddisfazione professionale attraverso il conflitto famiglia-lavoro dipende dalla tendenza a lavorare in modo eccessivo. Lo studio ha fornito riflessioni per studi successivi della soddisfazione lavorativa ed indicazioni per la pratica nell’ambito del telelavoro e del benessere dei lavoratori.
L'impatto del telelavoro sulla soddisfazione lavorativa durante la pandemia da COVID-19
Early in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected several countries all over the world. Many governments, have recommended and promoted the adoption of remote work, in order to prevent and limit the spread of the virus. This method is expected to maintain high levels of application even after the emergency. Although teleworking produces benefits for workers and organizations, it can have negative consequences on the psychological well-being of the employees and actually reduce their work satisfaction. The present study involved 266 participants; data was collected through a self-completed voluntary questionnaire, anonymous and submitted online. The questionnaire, made up of ad hoc generated items, investigated the following areas: socio-demographic and work-related questions. More specifically, those aimed to explore the following areas: working experience during the COVID-19 emergency, workaholism, work-family conflict, job satisfaction, questions more strictly relating to COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that working remotely correlates significantly and positively with the family-work conflict area and how the latter is negatively correlated with job satisfaction. Furthermore, it was found that the effect of remote work on professional satisfaction through the family-work conflict depends on the tendency to work excessively. The research provided considerations for subsequent studies on job satisfaction and indications for practice in the field of teleworking and worker’s well-being.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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