The aim of the following thesis work was the formulation development of microparticles, which act as scaffolds, based on maltodextrin, to which amino acids / poly-amino acids have been associated, for skin tissue repair, in particular for chronic ulcers. The microparticles were prepared through the use of the spray Dryer, which allows the creation of microparticles starting from a liquid solution. The morphology of the microparticle systems was evaluated by SEM microscopy and the dimensional analysis was carried out using the laser diffraction technique. Further analyzes, concerning the characterization of the system, are in progress to evaluate its efficacy and safety.
Lo scopo del seguente lavoro di tesi è stato lo sviluppo formulativo di microparticelle, che fungono da scaffold, a base di maltodestrina, a cui sono stati associati aminoacidi/ poli-aminoacidi, per la riparazione tissutale cutanea, in particolare di ulcere croniche. Le microparticelle sono state preparate attraverso l’utilizzo dello spray Dryer, il quale consente la realizzazione di microparticelle partendo da una soluzione liquida. E’ stata valutata la morfologia dei sistemi microparticellari mediante microscopia SEM ed è stata effettuata l’analisi dimensionale mediante tecnica di diffrazione laser. Ulteriori analisi, riguardanti la caratterizzazione del sistema, sono in corso al gine di valutarne l'efficacia e sicurezza.
Microparticelle a base di polisaccaridi per la riparazione tissutale cutanea
The aim of the following thesis work was the formulation development of microparticles, which act as scaffolds, based on maltodextrin, to which amino acids / poly-amino acids have been associated, for skin tissue repair, in particular for chronic ulcers. The microparticles were prepared through the use of the spray Dryer, which allows the creation of microparticles starting from a liquid solution. The morphology of the microparticle systems was evaluated by SEM microscopy and the dimensional analysis was carried out using the laser diffraction technique. Further analyzes, concerning the characterization of the system, are in progress to evaluate its efficacy and safety.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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