Microplastics (MPs) are particles of plastic material between 1 and 5 mm. They can be generated from industries or they can be originated from disintegration of macroplastics debris. These particles enter environment via wind, road dust or wastewater. Nowadays, they are considered ubiquitous pollutants. Many studies focus their researches on oceanic and coastal regions, which only represent the final reservoir for plastic litter. Indeed, lakes would suffer even more from MPs pollution than oceans and seas, due to their morphology, straight contact with urban areas and inefficient wastewater treatments plants (WWTP). These particles could be released by urban, industry or even agricultural wastewater since WWTP are not designed to hold pollutant like MPs. It is necessary to conduct further studies about MPs pollution in lentic ecosystems. This thesis aims to investigate three Italian lakes (Como, Garda and Maggiore) in order to quantify the state of MPs pollution and create a selected fungal consortium, suitable to recalcitrant materials degradations, able to attack MPs collected in a bioremediation perspective. This survey focused on count and characterization of MPs collected using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy technique. Outcomes show almost four times higher concentration of MPs in Maggiore Lake (an average of 605,638 particles / km2) than Garda Lake. In all cases, a prevalence of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS) was found. Biodegradation tests were carried out on these main categories of MPs carrying a fungal consortium created ad hoc. The observed changes in FT-IR spectra showed a modification of some of the main peaks, characteristic of the different MPs examined, suggesting a possible action of the fungal plastisphere induced on some chemical bonds. This work is part of a larger monitoring project leaded during the "Goletta dei Laghi" annual campaign set up by Italian non-profit organization Legambiente Onlus and in collaboration with ENEA Casaccia Research Center and lays the bases for deep and thorough researches on MPs pollution of Italian lakes and a possible bioremediation approach.
Le microplastiche (MP) sono particelle di materiale plastico con dimensioni comprese tra 1 e 5mm e possono essere prodotte industrialmente come tali oppure derivare dalla disgregazione di rifiuti di maggiori dimensioni. Queste particelle, entrando nell’ambiente attraverso vie come il vento, la polvere stradale o gli scarichi, sono oggi un inquinante ubiquitario. Molti studi si sono concentrati su mari e oceani, tuttavia questi rappresentano solo un serbatoio finale. I laghi, infatti, a causa della morfologia, dello stretto contatto con centri urbani e della presenza di sistemi di depurazione spesso insufficienti per trattenere le particelle plastiche di così piccole dimensioni, possono soffrire maggiormente dell’inquinamento da MP rispetto a regioni oceaniche e costiere. Questo rende necessari ulteriori approfondimenti riguardo all’inquinamento da MP dei sistemi lentici. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quindi lo studio di tre laghi italiani (Como, Garda e Maggiore) al fine di quantificarne lo stato di inquinamento da MP e la creazione di un consorzio fungino in grado di attaccare le MP raccolte in un’ottica di biorisanamento. In particolare, questo studio si è concentrato sulla conta e caratterizzazione, mediante spettroscopia infrarossa in trasformata di Fourier (FTIR), delle MP presenti all’interno dei tre laghi presi in esame. I risultati ottenuti mostrano una concentrazione maggiore di MP nel lago Maggiore (in media 605.638 particelle/km2) quasi quattro volte superiore a quella del lago di Garda. In tutti i casi si è riscontrata una prevalenza di polietilene (PE), polipropilene (PP) e polistirene (PS). Su queste principali categorie di MP sono state effettuate prove di biodegradazione mediante un consorzio fungino creato ad hoc. Le analisi dei campioni di MP mediante FTIR hanno evidenziato una modificazione di alcuni dei picchi principali, caratteristici delle diverse MP prese in esame, suggerendo una possibile azione della plastisfera fungina indotta su alcuni legami chimici. Questo lavoro di tesi, inserito in un più ampio progetto di monitoraggio condotto durante la campagna annuale dell’associazione Legambiente Onlus “Goletta dei Laghi” e in collaborazione con il Centro Ricerche ENEA Casaccia, pone le basi per ulteriori ricerche sull'inquinamento da MP dei laghi italiani nell’ottica del biorisanamento.
Caratterizzazione delle microplastiche prelevate in situ e di plastisfera fungina indotta
Microplastics (MPs) are particles of plastic material between 1 and 5 mm. They can be generated from industries or they can be originated from disintegration of macroplastics debris. These particles enter environment via wind, road dust or wastewater. Nowadays, they are considered ubiquitous pollutants. Many studies focus their researches on oceanic and coastal regions, which only represent the final reservoir for plastic litter. Indeed, lakes would suffer even more from MPs pollution than oceans and seas, due to their morphology, straight contact with urban areas and inefficient wastewater treatments plants (WWTP). These particles could be released by urban, industry or even agricultural wastewater since WWTP are not designed to hold pollutant like MPs. It is necessary to conduct further studies about MPs pollution in lentic ecosystems. This thesis aims to investigate three Italian lakes (Como, Garda and Maggiore) in order to quantify the state of MPs pollution and create a selected fungal consortium, suitable to recalcitrant materials degradations, able to attack MPs collected in a bioremediation perspective. This survey focused on count and characterization of MPs collected using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy technique. Outcomes show almost four times higher concentration of MPs in Maggiore Lake (an average of 605,638 particles / km2) than Garda Lake. In all cases, a prevalence of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS) was found. Biodegradation tests were carried out on these main categories of MPs carrying a fungal consortium created ad hoc. The observed changes in FT-IR spectra showed a modification of some of the main peaks, characteristic of the different MPs examined, suggesting a possible action of the fungal plastisphere induced on some chemical bonds. This work is part of a larger monitoring project leaded during the "Goletta dei Laghi" annual campaign set up by Italian non-profit organization Legambiente Onlus and in collaboration with ENEA Casaccia Research Center and lays the bases for deep and thorough researches on MPs pollution of Italian lakes and a possible bioremediation approach.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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