Current knowledge shows that the intrauterine environment to which a fetus is exposed can have a long-term impact on health after birth. The thesis is aimed at understanding the importance of preventing and intervening from pregnancy, through customizable diets during the gestation phase, including appropriate tests for food intolerances, which continue by intervening on the unborn child through new-born screening and specific dietary approaches. One of the factors that significantly affects health of pregnant women and their new-borns is the quality of maternal nutrition. It is therefore necessary to take care of nutrition already from the pre-conception period until the birth of the unborn child and the period of breastfeeding, as well as the nutrition itself, and any integration of the child. Prematurity, neural tube defects, congenital heart defects, asthma and allergies, gastroschisis, overweight and metabolic disorders, represent the main causes of childhood diseases that are supposed to be linked to maternal nutrition. The thesis therefore suggests not only possible types of diets intended for pregnant women and new mothers, healthy infants and infants with metabolic syndromes according to the neonatal screening results, but also any useful and necessary additions to avoid deficiency states and possible prevention of pathologies such as, for example, obesity or rickets, and fetal malformations. Pregnancy is a particular and unique period in a woman's life that involves many and different changes in the mother's body. There is a gradual and constant weight gain which usually must be contained between 9 and 12 kg. This is due to the development of the fetus and uterus, the formation of membranes, placenta and amniotic fluid, the fact that the tissues retain a greater content of fluids and the deposition of a certain amount of adipose tissue. In addition, in the final period of pregnancy, fatigue and swelling of the ankles will be added, always caused by the progressive weight gain and movements of the fetus, which began in the 4th / 5th month of pregnancy and very evident in the last trimester. At this stage, the pregnant woman's rest is essential. The pregnant woman's diet, both beneficial and avoidable foods, with particular attention to alcohol-related fetal abnormalities, interactions with certain drugs, the risks related to obesity in pregnancy and the importance of physical exercise in pregnancy are discussed. The integrations necessary in the gestational period are also seen, such as those of folic acid and cobalamin and other vitamins, together with minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids. Finally, through new-born screening and allergy and intolerance tests, some types of foods formulated specifically for such individuals are described. Therefore, based on the information obtained and the studies carried out to date, it is possible to confirm that prevention is the first step towards the well-being of the individual, therefore following a healthy diet for women in adulthood and fertile age helps not only if itself, but also the possible life and health of the unborn child. Understanding how and when certain supplements become necessary could be the subject of future studies and research, aimed at pregnant women, including food tests carried out on the mother and new-born infant screening, which follow the path of mothers from gestation to birth. This could also represent a safeguard on public health and therefore weigh less on the national health system in the future.
Le attuali conoscenze evidenziano come l'ambiente intrauterino a cui è esposto un feto può avere un impatto a lungo termine sulla salute dopo la nascita. La tesi è volta a comprendere l'importanza di prevenire e intervenire sin dalla gravidanza, attraverso diete personalizzabili durante la fase di gestazione, compresi opportuni test per le intolleranze alimentari, che proseguono intervenendo sul nascituro attraverso screening neonatali e approcci dietetici specifici. Uno dei fattori che influisce in modo significativo sulla salute delle donne in gravidanza e dei loro neonati è la qualità della nutrizione materna. È quindi necessario curare l'alimentazione già dal periodo pre-concezionale fino alla nascita del bambino e al periodo dell'allattamento al seno, nonché l'alimentazione stessa, e l'eventuale integrazione del nascituro. Prematurità, difetti del tubo neurale, cardiopatie congenite, asma e allergie, gastroschisi, sovrappeso e disturbi metabolici, rappresentano le principali cause di malattie infantili che si suppone siano legate alla nutrizione materna. La tesi suggerisce quindi non solo possibili tipologie di diete destinate a donne in gravidanza e neo mamme, neonati sani e neonati con sindromi metaboliche in base ai risultati degli screening neonatali, ma anche eventuali integrazioni utili e necessarie per evitare stati di carenza e possibile prevenzione di patologie quali, ad esempio, obesità o rachitismo e malformazioni fetali. La gravidanza è un periodo particolare e unico nella vita di una donna che comporta molti e diversi cambiamenti nel corpo della madre. C'è un aumento di peso graduale e costante che normalmente deve essere contenuto tra i 9 ei 12 kg. Ciò è dovuto allo sviluppo del feto e dell'utero, alla formazione di membrane, della placenta e del liquido amniotico, al fatto che i tessuti trattengono un maggior contenuto di liquidi e alla deposizione di una certa quantità di tessuto adiposo. Nel periodo finale della gravidanza si aggiungeranno poi affaticamento e gonfiore delle caviglie, sempre causati dal progressivo aumento di peso e dai movimenti del feto, iniziati nel 4 ° / 5 ° mese di gravidanza e molto evidenti nell'ultimo trimestre. In questa fase, il riposo della donna incinta è essenziale. Vengono discussi l'alimentazione della donna incinta (sia cibi benefici sia gli alimenti da evitare, con particolare attenzione alle anomalie fetali alcol-correlate), le interazioni con alcuni farmaci, i rischi legati all'obesità in gravidanza e l'importanza dell'esercizio fisico in gravidanza. Si sottolineano le integrazioni necessarie nel periodo gestazionale, come quelle di Acido folico e Cobalamina e altre vitamine, insieme ai minerali, proteine e acidi grassi essenziali. Infine, attraverso lo screening neonatale e i test di allergia e intolleranza, vengono descritte alcune tipologie di alimenti formulati specificatamente per tali soggetti. Pertanto, sulla base delle informazioni ottenute e degli studi effettuati fino ad oggi, è possibile confermare che la prevenzione è il primo passo verso il benessere dell'individuo, quindi seguire un'alimentazione sana per le donne in età adulta e in età fertile aiuta non solo sé stessi, ma anche la possibile vita e salute del nascituro. Capire come e quando determinati alimenti ed integratori sono necessari potrebbe essere oggetto di futuri studi e ricerche, rivolti alle donne in gravidanza, compresi di test alimentari effettuati sulla madre e lo screening del neonato, che seguono il percorso delle mamme dalla gestazione alla nascita. Ciò potrebbe anche rappresentare una salvaguardia per la salute pubblica e quindi gravare meno sul Sistema Sanitario Nazionale in futuro.
Malattie metaboliche ed intolleranze alimentari: prevenzione in gravidanza attraverso approcci dietetici selettivi e selezionabili tramite screening neonatali.
Current knowledge shows that the intrauterine environment to which a fetus is exposed can have a long-term impact on health after birth. The thesis is aimed at understanding the importance of preventing and intervening from pregnancy, through customizable diets during the gestation phase, including appropriate tests for food intolerances, which continue by intervening on the unborn child through new-born screening and specific dietary approaches. One of the factors that significantly affects health of pregnant women and their new-borns is the quality of maternal nutrition. It is therefore necessary to take care of nutrition already from the pre-conception period until the birth of the unborn child and the period of breastfeeding, as well as the nutrition itself, and any integration of the child. Prematurity, neural tube defects, congenital heart defects, asthma and allergies, gastroschisis, overweight and metabolic disorders, represent the main causes of childhood diseases that are supposed to be linked to maternal nutrition. The thesis therefore suggests not only possible types of diets intended for pregnant women and new mothers, healthy infants and infants with metabolic syndromes according to the neonatal screening results, but also any useful and necessary additions to avoid deficiency states and possible prevention of pathologies such as, for example, obesity or rickets, and fetal malformations. Pregnancy is a particular and unique period in a woman's life that involves many and different changes in the mother's body. There is a gradual and constant weight gain which usually must be contained between 9 and 12 kg. This is due to the development of the fetus and uterus, the formation of membranes, placenta and amniotic fluid, the fact that the tissues retain a greater content of fluids and the deposition of a certain amount of adipose tissue. In addition, in the final period of pregnancy, fatigue and swelling of the ankles will be added, always caused by the progressive weight gain and movements of the fetus, which began in the 4th / 5th month of pregnancy and very evident in the last trimester. At this stage, the pregnant woman's rest is essential. The pregnant woman's diet, both beneficial and avoidable foods, with particular attention to alcohol-related fetal abnormalities, interactions with certain drugs, the risks related to obesity in pregnancy and the importance of physical exercise in pregnancy are discussed. The integrations necessary in the gestational period are also seen, such as those of folic acid and cobalamin and other vitamins, together with minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids. Finally, through new-born screening and allergy and intolerance tests, some types of foods formulated specifically for such individuals are described. Therefore, based on the information obtained and the studies carried out to date, it is possible to confirm that prevention is the first step towards the well-being of the individual, therefore following a healthy diet for women in adulthood and fertile age helps not only if itself, but also the possible life and health of the unborn child. Understanding how and when certain supplements become necessary could be the subject of future studies and research, aimed at pregnant women, including food tests carried out on the mother and new-born infant screening, which follow the path of mothers from gestation to birth. This could also represent a safeguard on public health and therefore weigh less on the national health system in the future.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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