The dramatic journey of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) features an early sense of frustration and helplessness in face of this new and completely unknown disease. Incredible bravery on the part of the afflicted combined with groundbreaking scientific advances are what brought hope to this previously desperate situation. This extraordinary saga began in 1981 with first cases of this disease, that didn’t have an agreed up on name at the time, which first was reported in the United States.

The dramatic journey of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) features an early sense of frustration and helplessness in face of this new and completely unknown disease. Incredible bravery on the part of the afflicted combined with groundbreaking scientific advances are what brought hope to this previously desperate situation. This extraordinary saga began in 1981 with first cases of this disease, that didn’t have an agreed up on name at the time, which first was reported in the United States.

Assessment of outcomes of 82 patients with perinatal HIV infection born more than 25 years ago: A descriptive retrospective study, survey and trend analysis of transfer from Necker Hospital to Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, Paris



The dramatic journey of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) features an early sense of frustration and helplessness in face of this new and completely unknown disease. Incredible bravery on the part of the afflicted combined with groundbreaking scientific advances are what brought hope to this previously desperate situation. This extraordinary saga began in 1981 with first cases of this disease, that didn’t have an agreed up on name at the time, which first was reported in the United States.
Assessment of outcomes of 82 patients with perinatal HIV infection born more than 25 years ago: A descriptive retrospective study, survey and trend analysis of transfer from Necker Hospital to Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, Paris
The dramatic journey of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) features an early sense of frustration and helplessness in face of this new and completely unknown disease. Incredible bravery on the part of the afflicted combined with groundbreaking scientific advances are what brought hope to this previously desperate situation. This extraordinary saga began in 1981 with first cases of this disease, that didn’t have an agreed up on name at the time, which first was reported in the United States.
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