Digital nudges represent a promising field to promote desirable consumer behavior, in particular, sustainable consumer choices. Even though the effectiveness of digital nudging has been extensively analyzed within literature, previous studies have mostly targeted ‘one-size-fits-all’ nudges. Recent advances in Behavioral Economics have discovered the potential of personalized nudges by leveraging individual differences in personality traits. Thus, this study aims to determine which personality traits make individuals more susceptible to green digital nudges. For this purpose, an online survey experiment was conducted simulating an e-commerce shopping experience in order to test the effectiveness of digital nudges – more specifically a default filter and an information disclosure nudge (i.e., carbon footprint indicator). The results confirm that Agreeableness was positively correlated with the susceptibility to both nudges. High Extraversion, on the other hand, only increased susceptibility to the information disclosure nudge. In addition, other correlations between personality traits and treatment groups were found but were not statistically significant. Still, the results are promising for further research as the future of nudging lies in personalization. Finally, a discussion of the practicality of using personality traits to tailor digital nudges will be offered.
Il digital nudging rappresenta una modalità promettente per promuovere un comportamento dei consumatori appropriato, con particolare riferimento alle loro scelte di consumo sostenibili. Anche se l'efficacia dei digital nudge è stata ampiamente analizzata in letteratura, gli studi condotti fin'ora hanno per lo più avuto ad oggetto nudge "uguali per tutti". I recenti sviluppi nell'ambito dell'economia comportamentale hanno portato a prendere in considerazione le potenzialità nell'utilizzo di nudge personalizzati, facendo leva sulle differenze individuali nei tratti della personalità. Ciò detto, questo studio mira a determinare quali tratti della personalità rendono gli individui più suscettibili ai digital nudge sostenibili. Per le finalità appena illustrate, è stato condotto un esperimento online che voleva simulare un'esperienza di shopping in un e-commerce per testare l'efficacia dei digital nudge - più specificamente un filtro predefinito e un nudge relativo alla divulgazione delle informazioni (es. indicatore del carbon footprint). I risultati confermano che l'Amicalità era positivamente correlato con la predisposizione a entrambi i nudge. D'altra parte, un'elevata estroversione, aumenta solo la suscettibilità al nudge della divulgazione delle informazioni. Altre correlazioni tra tratti di personalità e gruppi di trattamento sono emerse nel corso dell'esperimento, ma non erano statisticamente significative. Tuttavia, i risultati mostrati in questo elaborato possono considerarsi promettenti per ulteriori ricerche, considerando inoltre che il futuro del nudging sta nella personalizzazione. Infine, verrà proposta una discussione sulla pratica dell'uso dei tratti della personalità per personalizzare i digital nudge.
Digital nudges represent a promising field to promote desirable consumer behavior, in particular, sustainable consumer choices. Even though the effectiveness of digital nudging has been extensively analyzed within literature, previous studies have mostly targeted ‘one-size-fits-all’ nudges. Recent advances in Behavioral Economics have discovered the potential of personalized nudges by leveraging individual differences in personality traits. Thus, this study aims to determine which personality traits make individuals more susceptible to green digital nudges. For this purpose, an online survey experiment was conducted simulating an e-commerce shopping experience in order to test the effectiveness of digital nudges – more specifically a default filter and an information disclosure nudge (i.e., carbon footprint indicator). The results confirm that Agreeableness was positively correlated with the susceptibility to both nudges. High Extraversion, on the other hand, only increased susceptibility to the information disclosure nudge. In addition, other correlations between personality traits and treatment groups were found but were not statistically significant. Still, the results are promising for further research as the future of nudging lies in personalization. Finally, a discussion of the practicality of using personality traits to tailor digital nudges will be offered.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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