Reshoring of the manufacturing activity is a topic that is gaining momentum in the business environment and consequently between the scholars that are trying to study its drivers, motivations, and effects. The scope of this dissertation will be to study this phenomenon focusing on Italian SMEs in the fashion industry. More in detail I will focus on a systematic review of the literature aim to explain the as-is situation in terms of scientific understanding of the phenomenon and its effects. Then, through three case studies, I will try to understand why Italian SMEs are reshoring, a previously offshored, manufacturing activity and what is the impact on the internationalization process of this choice. Therefore, this thesis is aim to further increase the knowledge of this topic, not in all business environment (what has been mainly done until today) but to study, drivers and effects on a specific sample of companies acting in a specific industry; by passing through the reason behind the reshoring idea and the impact that this reshoring idea has on the internationalization in terms of sales. The results of the study are suggesting that the reasons and the effect, in the fashion industry, changes according to the product range of the single company and specifically their target market.
Reshoring dell’attività produttiva è un argomento che sta acquisendo molta importanza nel mondo aziendale e di conseguenza anche tra i ricercatori che stanno cercando di studiare I motivi per cui questo fenomeno avviene e le conseguenze. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di studiare il fenomeno concentrandomi sulle piccole/medie imprese italiani operanti nel settore della moda. Più nel dettaglio effettuerò una revisione della letteratura in modo da meglio comprendere la letteratura attuale cercando di capire a che punto è arrivata in termini di comprensione di questo fenomeno. Poi, attraverso tre casi aziendali proverò a comprendere perché le piccole e medie imprese italiane stanno riportando la produzione (o parte di essa) nel paese dopo aver effettuato un processo di offshoring negli anni precedenti; e l’effetto che quest’azione porta nell’internazionalizzazione dell’azienda stessa Dunque, questa tesi ha come obbiettivo finale quello di accrescere la conoscenza su questo argomento, non da un punto di vista generale ma specifico per un certo tipo di aziende operanti in un certo mercato; per fare questo cercherò di capire le ragioni dietro il reshoring e l’impatto che questo ha sulle vendite internazionali delle aziende in campione. I risultati dello studio suggeriscono che le ragioni e l’effetto del reshoring, nel settore moda, cambiano a seconda della gamma di prodotti e del target che ogni azienda si pone .
Reshoring manifatturiero nel settore della moda: un studio multi caso
Reshoring of the manufacturing activity is a topic that is gaining momentum in the business environment and consequently between the scholars that are trying to study its drivers, motivations, and effects. The scope of this dissertation will be to study this phenomenon focusing on Italian SMEs in the fashion industry. More in detail I will focus on a systematic review of the literature aim to explain the as-is situation in terms of scientific understanding of the phenomenon and its effects. Then, through three case studies, I will try to understand why Italian SMEs are reshoring, a previously offshored, manufacturing activity and what is the impact on the internationalization process of this choice. Therefore, this thesis is aim to further increase the knowledge of this topic, not in all business environment (what has been mainly done until today) but to study, drivers and effects on a specific sample of companies acting in a specific industry; by passing through the reason behind the reshoring idea and the impact that this reshoring idea has on the internationalization in terms of sales. The results of the study are suggesting that the reasons and the effect, in the fashion industry, changes according to the product range of the single company and specifically their target market.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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