Background: The COVID-19 pandemic posed a serious threat to public health. The number of infected people is growing exponentially, leading to an overload of patients in hospitals, subjecting health care staff to very high emotional stress; a pressure that is difficult to sustain and which, if not managed in time, can lead to emotional breakdown. Aim: To investigate post-traumatic stress disorder in a group of healthcare professionals, engaged in front-line care of patients with Covid 19, during the healthcare emergency phase. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in September and October 2020 using a created questionnaire by a panel of experts, and the IES-R Scale and PANAS Scale. Results: 62 health professionals participated in the study, of whom 29 were nurses, 32 were OSS and one nursing coordinator. The results show that 85.48% of the caregivers were concerned about being infected with Covid-19. Most of the participants felt "uncertainty" (38.71%), "fear" (37.10%), "sadness" (40.32%) and "anxiety" (38.71%). Discussion: During the pandemic, the health care provided to the person resulted in feelings of fear, anxiety, helplessness and sadness that were previously underrepresented on the Covid-19. Also in the relationship with colleagues there was a more oriented professional experience, but at the same time characterised by more helplessness. The responses from the IES-R scale showed that intrusion and avoidance and psychological hyperactivation of professionals were influenced by having experienced symptoms related to Covid-19. Conclusions: Healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic had a psychological impact on healthcare professionals that was fraught with fears and concerns related to the nature of the virus and its transmission. There is a need to investigate and explore in depth these aspects, with further quantitative and qualitative research, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which determined an unprecedented scenario. Keywords: COVID-19, Health care workers, Mental health, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia
Contesto: la pandemia COVID-19 ha rappresentato una seria minaccia per la salute pubblica. Il numero di Le persone infette stanno crescendo in modo esponenziale, portando a un sovraccarico di pazienti negli ospedali, soggetti personale sanitario ad altissimo stress emotivo; una pressione difficile da sostenere e che, in caso contrario gestito in tempo, può portare a un esaurimento emotivo. Obiettivo: indagare il disturbo da stress post-traumatico in un gruppo di professionisti sanitari, coinvolti in assistenza in prima linea ai pazienti con Covid 19, durante la fase di emergenza sanitaria. Metodi: uno studio trasversale è stato condotto a settembre e ottobre 2020 utilizzando un file questionario di un gruppo di esperti e la scala IES-R e la scala PANAS. Risultati: 62 professionisti sanitari hanno partecipato allo studio, di cui 29 infermieri, 32 OSS e un coordinatore infermieristico. I risultati mostrano che l'85,48% dei caregiver era preoccupato per l'essere infettato da Covid-19. La maggior parte dei partecipanti ha sentito "incertezza" (38,71%), "paura" (37,10%), "tristezza" (40,32%) e "ansia" (38,71%). Discussione: durante la pandemia, l'assistenza sanitaria fornita alla persona ha provocato sentimenti di paura, ansia, impotenza e tristezza che in precedenza erano sottorappresentate sul Covid-19. Anche in rapporto con i colleghi c'è stata un'esperienza professionale più orientata, ma allo stesso tempo caratterizzato da maggiore impotenza. Le risposte dalla scala IES-R hanno mostrato che l'intrusione e l'evitamento e l'iperattivazione psicologica dei professionisti sono stati influenzati dall'aver sperimentato sintomi correlati a Covid-19. Conclusioni: l'assistenza sanitaria durante la pandemia di Covid-19 ha avuto un impatto psicologico sull'assistenza sanitaria professionisti che erano pieni di paure e preoccupazioni legate alla natura del virus e dei suoi trasmissione. È necessario indagare ed esplorare in profondità questi aspetti, con ulteriori ricerca quantitativa e qualitativa, l'impatto della pandemia Covid-19 che ha determinato un scenario senza precedenti. Parole chiave: COVID-19, operatori sanitari, salute mentale, depressione, ansia, insonnia
“Il disturbo post-traumatico da stress negli infermieri durante la pandemia da Covid-19: uno studio trasversale”
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic posed a serious threat to public health. The number of infected people is growing exponentially, leading to an overload of patients in hospitals, subjecting health care staff to very high emotional stress; a pressure that is difficult to sustain and which, if not managed in time, can lead to emotional breakdown. Aim: To investigate post-traumatic stress disorder in a group of healthcare professionals, engaged in front-line care of patients with Covid 19, during the healthcare emergency phase. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in September and October 2020 using a created questionnaire by a panel of experts, and the IES-R Scale and PANAS Scale. Results: 62 health professionals participated in the study, of whom 29 were nurses, 32 were OSS and one nursing coordinator. The results show that 85.48% of the caregivers were concerned about being infected with Covid-19. Most of the participants felt "uncertainty" (38.71%), "fear" (37.10%), "sadness" (40.32%) and "anxiety" (38.71%). Discussion: During the pandemic, the health care provided to the person resulted in feelings of fear, anxiety, helplessness and sadness that were previously underrepresented on the Covid-19. Also in the relationship with colleagues there was a more oriented professional experience, but at the same time characterised by more helplessness. The responses from the IES-R scale showed that intrusion and avoidance and psychological hyperactivation of professionals were influenced by having experienced symptoms related to Covid-19. Conclusions: Healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic had a psychological impact on healthcare professionals that was fraught with fears and concerns related to the nature of the virus and its transmission. There is a need to investigate and explore in depth these aspects, with further quantitative and qualitative research, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which determined an unprecedented scenario. Keywords: COVID-19, Health care workers, Mental health, Depression, Anxiety, InsomniaÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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