The thesis work carried out is focused on the architectural and plant study of two newly built buildings, intended to accommodate the activities of a cooperative that deals with the integration of people with disabilities, consisting of an electromechanical processing laboratory and a gastronomic laboratory. The eco-sustainability pursued, creates a subsequent step forward in the path to minimize the environmental impact of modern constructions and all human activities, trying to connect positively, as far as possible, the existence of man with that of the planet and its natural life. After a careful evaluation of the materials on the market, the X-Lam was identified to create the load-bearing structure, the high-density rock wool for coat insulation, the high-density drywall for the internal dividers, and the plasterboard-coated x-lam walls for the kitchen environment. This design result was achieved after an analysis and study of the following factors: a) Architectural project: functional distribution of spaces according to the client's request for a building used as a gastronomic laboratory with attached changing rooms and warehouses, a parking lot for vehicles of the cooperative, and a laboratory used for electromechanical processing. b) Energy needs and plant system: dynamic behavior of the thermal loads of the structure, heat pumps, 4-tube heating and cooling system with ventilconvectors, photovoltaic system, solar thermal system for the production of domestic hot water. c) Purification and reuse of waste water: in the gastronomic laboratory there is a high daily consumption of water, then a waste water treatment of kitchens, washbasins and showers and their subsequent reuse for irrigation and toilet boxes should be studied.
Il lavoro di tesi svolto è focalizzato sullo studio architettonico e impiantistico di due edifici di nuova costruzione, destinati ad accogliere le attività di una cooperativa che si occupa di integrazione di persone diversamente abili, consistenti in uno laboratorio di lavorazioni elettromeccaniche e in un laboratorio gastronomico. L’ecosostenibilità perseguita, crea un successivo passo in avanti nel percorso per ridurre al minimo l’impatto ambientale delle costruzioni moderne e di tutte le attività dell’uomo, cercando di mettere in connessione positiva, nella misura del possibile, l’esistenza dell’uomo con quella del pianeta e della sua vita naturale. Dopo un’attenta valutazione dei materiali presenti sul mercato, sono stati individuati l’X-Lam per realizzare la struttura portante, la lana di roccia ad alta densità per l’isolamento a cappotto, il cartongesso ad alta densità per i divisori interni, e le pareti in x-lam rivestite in cartongesso per l'ambiente cucina. Si è arrivati a questo risultato progettuale dopo un lavoro di analisi e di studio dei seguenti fattori: a) Progetto architettonico: distribuzione funzionale degli spazi in base alla richiesta della committenza relativa a un edificio adibito a laboratorio gastronomico con annessi spogliatoi e depositi, a un parcheggio per automezzi della cooperativa, ed a un laboratorio adibito a lavorazioni elettromeccaniche. b) Fabbisogno energetico e sistema impiantistico: comportamento dinamico dei carichi termici della struttura, pompe di calore, impianto di riscaldamento e raffrescamento a 4 tubi con ventilconvettori, impianto fotovoltaico, impianto solare termico per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria. c) Depurazione e riutilizzo acque reflue: nel laboratorio gastronomico viene previsto un elevato consumo giornaliero di acqua, andrà quindi studiato un trattamento dell’acqua reflua delle cucine, dei lavabi e della docce e un loro successivo riutilizzo per irrigazione e cassette WC.
Progettazione di un complesso edilizio ecosostenibile a scopo sociale ad alta efficienza energetica
The thesis work carried out is focused on the architectural and plant study of two newly built buildings, intended to accommodate the activities of a cooperative that deals with the integration of people with disabilities, consisting of an electromechanical processing laboratory and a gastronomic laboratory. The eco-sustainability pursued, creates a subsequent step forward in the path to minimize the environmental impact of modern constructions and all human activities, trying to connect positively, as far as possible, the existence of man with that of the planet and its natural life. After a careful evaluation of the materials on the market, the X-Lam was identified to create the load-bearing structure, the high-density rock wool for coat insulation, the high-density drywall for the internal dividers, and the plasterboard-coated x-lam walls for the kitchen environment. This design result was achieved after an analysis and study of the following factors: a) Architectural project: functional distribution of spaces according to the client's request for a building used as a gastronomic laboratory with attached changing rooms and warehouses, a parking lot for vehicles of the cooperative, and a laboratory used for electromechanical processing. b) Energy needs and plant system: dynamic behavior of the thermal loads of the structure, heat pumps, 4-tube heating and cooling system with ventilconvectors, photovoltaic system, solar thermal system for the production of domestic hot water. c) Purification and reuse of waste water: in the gastronomic laboratory there is a high daily consumption of water, then a waste water treatment of kitchens, washbasins and showers and their subsequent reuse for irrigation and toilet boxes should be studied.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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