Architecture in an art able to solve everyday problems and help to improve one’s life. It is a pure desire to create a beautiful and pleasant space, without thinking about the mathematical calculations or building’s structure. In fact, according to the founder of the Bauhaus school Walter Gropius “Architecture begins where engineering ends”. It is quite common to think about engineering and architecture as two separate concepts, that cannot exist as a single entity. In fact, they do work independently and are both committed towards different goals but that in the end will produce a building. I believe that in order to understand the real relationship between these disciplines one has to go back in time and think about the ideals. There is a certain definition for the term “architecture” that describes it as an art of designing and creating buildings while engineering is said to be responsible for the creation of structures. In simple words, engineering has to do with the creation of a building that does not fall down and architecture is working on design of the building and its high aesthetic level. Those who aim to use both of these disciplines, that work in parallel in the same field but have different approaches, could say that architecture is made of art and culture and is the arm and extensions of pure engineering that is based on mathematical accuracy. As a student of a quiet unique faculty, offered by the University of Pavia, which is Structural Engineering and Architecture, I would like to combine both technical (engineering) and artistic (architecture) aspects, through the in-depth study of wood as a building material. Because of the new construction techniques, a variety of uses and its subsequent application in architectural terms, wood is able to create a good architecture and to improve the quality of the whole building experience. To mention Sir Edmund Happold’s words: “A world that sees art and engineering as divided is not seeing the world as a whole”. And that’s a statement I cannot disagree with. Why did I specifically choose wood as a building material? I would start with Adolf Loos’ words that had a great impact on me. Here is what he said: “On wood-covered mountain will build with wood, on hairless stone mountains will build in stone; in some places it will be cheaper the brick, in others the concrete. Modern is always the cheapest material. Today there is widespread misconception among who fanatically believes that only the concrete and iron are modern materials”. From the big-light covers, to the skin of buildings, from construction to the furnishing sector, the wood, after saving its natural material characteristics and its century-old building tradition, finds new possibilities thanks to new and sophisticated technological content. It is in fact nowadays described as a “super-material” with a great technical potential, suitable for low-cost construction, and especially for the ecological one, because of its ability to be fully used, and in combination with other materials. Wood still remains the best natural and eco-friendly material on the market. Almost all the traditional building materials require energy for their manufacture, while wood is a perfectly renewable resource. It does not require any energy waste, besides water and the sunlight necessary for its growth. The first subject of the thesis is regarding the technological innovation which according to Guido Nardi “provides an opportunity to reflect on modernity, on design, and on the technique, considering the situation of industrial production and the social expectations. And in fact, that is the way for things to be: when it comes to architecture, it is not possible to isolate one single aspect and ignore all the rest”. By that Nardi points out the reciprocal relationship between technological innovation and social, productive and economic conditions. ......
L'architettura in un'arte in grado di risolvere i problemi quotidiani e aiutare a migliorare la propria vita. È un puro desiderio di creare uno spazio bello e piacevole, senza pensare ai calcoli matematici o alla struttura dell'edificio. Secondo Walter Gropius, fondatore della scuola Bauhaus, “L'architettura inizia dove finisce l'ingegneria”. È abbastanza comune pensare all'ingegneria e all'architettura come due concetti separati, che non possono esistere come un'unica entità. In effetti, lavorano in modo indipendente e sono entrambi impegnati verso obiettivi diversi ma che alla fine produrranno un edificio. Credo che per capire il vero rapporto tra queste discipline si debba tornare indietro nel tempo e pensare agli ideali. C'è una certa definizione per il termine "architettura" che lo descrive come un'arte di progettare e creare edifici mentre si dice che l'ingegneria sia responsabile della creazione di strutture. In parole semplici, l'ingegneria ha a che fare con la creazione di un edificio che non cade e l'architettura sta lavorando sul design dell'edificio e sul suo alto livello estetico. Chi punta a utilizzare entrambe queste discipline, che lavorano in parallelo nello stesso campo ma hanno approcci diversi, potrebbe dire che l'architettura è fatta di arte e cultura ed è il braccio e le estensioni dell'ingegneria pura che si basa sull'accuratezza matematica. Come studente di una tranquilla facoltà unica, offerta dall'Università degli Studi di Pavia, che è Ingegneria Strutturale e Architettura, vorrei coniugare aspetti sia tecnici (ingegneristici) che artistici (architettonici), attraverso lo studio approfondito del legno come materiale da costruzione. Grazie alle nuove tecniche costruttive, ai molteplici utilizzi e alla sua successiva applicazione in termini architettonici, il legno è in grado di creare una buona architettura e di migliorare la qualità dell'intera esperienza costruttiva. Per citare le parole di Sir Edmund Happold: "Un mondo che vede l'arte e l'ingegneria come divise non è vedere il mondo nel suo insieme". E questa è un'affermazione con cui non posso essere in disaccordo. Perché ho scelto specificamente il legno come materiale da costruzione? Inizierei con le parole di Adolf Loos che hanno avuto un grande impatto su di me. Ecco cosa disse: “Su montagne ricoperte di legno costruirai con il legno, su montagne di pietra senza peli costruirai in pietra; in alcuni punti sarà più economico il mattone, in altri il cemento. Il moderno è sempre il materiale più economico. Oggi c'è un malinteso diffuso tra chi crede fanaticamente che solo il cemento e il ferro siano materiali moderni ”. Dalle grandi coperture, alla pelle degli edifici, dall'edilizia al settore dell'arredamento, il legno, dopo aver conservato le sue caratteristiche materiche naturali e la sua secolare tradizione costruttiva, trova nuove possibilità grazie a nuovi e sofisticati contenuti tecnologici. Viene infatti oggi definito un “supermateriale” dalle grandi potenzialità tecniche, adatto per la costruzione a basso costo, e soprattutto per quella ecologica, per la sua capacità di essere pienamente utilizzato, e in combinazione con altri materiali.Il legno rimane ancora il miglior materiale naturale ed ecologico sul mercato. Quasi tutti i materiali da costruzione tradizionali richiedono energia per la loro fabbricazione, mentre il legno è una risorsa perfettamente rinnovabile. Non necessita di sprechi energetici, oltre all'acqua e ai raggi solari necessari alla sua crescita. Il primo argomento della tesi riguarda l'innovazione tecnologica che secondo Guido Nardi “offre un'occasione per riflettere sulla modernità, sul design e sulla tecnica, considerando la situazione della produzione industriale e le aspettative sociali. E infatti è così che vanno le cose: quando si parla di architettura non è possibile isolare un solo aspetto e ignorare tutto il resto ”....
Architecture in an art able to solve everyday problems and help to improve one’s life. It is a pure desire to create a beautiful and pleasant space, without thinking about the mathematical calculations or building’s structure. In fact, according to the founder of the Bauhaus school Walter Gropius “Architecture begins where engineering ends”. It is quite common to think about engineering and architecture as two separate concepts, that cannot exist as a single entity. In fact, they do work independently and are both committed towards different goals but that in the end will produce a building. I believe that in order to understand the real relationship between these disciplines one has to go back in time and think about the ideals. There is a certain definition for the term “architecture” that describes it as an art of designing and creating buildings while engineering is said to be responsible for the creation of structures. In simple words, engineering has to do with the creation of a building that does not fall down and architecture is working on design of the building and its high aesthetic level. Those who aim to use both of these disciplines, that work in parallel in the same field but have different approaches, could say that architecture is made of art and culture and is the arm and extensions of pure engineering that is based on mathematical accuracy. As a student of a quiet unique faculty, offered by the University of Pavia, which is Structural Engineering and Architecture, I would like to combine both technical (engineering) and artistic (architecture) aspects, through the in-depth study of wood as a building material. Because of the new construction techniques, a variety of uses and its subsequent application in architectural terms, wood is able to create a good architecture and to improve the quality of the whole building experience. To mention Sir Edmund Happold’s words: “A world that sees art and engineering as divided is not seeing the world as a whole”. And that’s a statement I cannot disagree with. Why did I specifically choose wood as a building material? I would start with Adolf Loos’ words that had a great impact on me. Here is what he said: “On wood-covered mountain will build with wood, on hairless stone mountains will build in stone; in some places it will be cheaper the brick, in others the concrete. Modern is always the cheapest material. Today there is widespread misconception among who fanatically believes that only the concrete and iron are modern materials”. From the big-light covers, to the skin of buildings, from construction to the furnishing sector, the wood, after saving its natural material characteristics and its century-old building tradition, finds new possibilities thanks to new and sophisticated technological content. It is in fact nowadays described as a “super-material” with a great technical potential, suitable for low-cost construction, and especially for the ecological one, because of its ability to be fully used, and in combination with other materials. Wood still remains the best natural and eco-friendly material on the market. Almost all the traditional building materials require energy for their manufacture, while wood is a perfectly renewable resource. It does not require any energy waste, besides water and the sunlight necessary for its growth. The first subject of the thesis is regarding the technological innovation which according to Guido Nardi “provides an opportunity to reflect on modernity, on design, and on the technique, considering the situation of industrial production and the social expectations. And in fact, that is the way for things to be: when it comes to architecture, it is not possible to isolate one single aspect and ignore all the rest”. By that Nardi points out the reciprocal relationship between technological innovation and social, productive and economic conditions. ......È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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