The project, design, and control of a robot are all covered in this thesis. The robot is a parallel kinematic machine with five rotational joints and two degrees of freedom since it is made up of five links - one of which ideally connects the two ground revolute joints - and five rotating joints. The design of these robots, which are typically used in neurorehabilitation or post-stroke therapy applications, has been studied in academic literature and is now ready for industrial and medical use. The original element is not found in the robot itself, but rather in the steps that led to its development, which include: control implementation via the definition of different control approaches; and the application of this robot in one of the post-stroke therapy tests called WMFT, which evaluates the physical recovery of patients after stroke. The prototype was created in such a way that it can be clamped to one side of a table. A 3D-printed prototype was built once the mechanical framework was created. Two single-point load cells are embedded in the prototype to measure the force exchanged with the patient. This study is related to the subjects of mechatronics and robotics.
PROGETTAZIONE E REALIZZAZIONE DI UNA MACCHINA PARALLELA PLANARE PER USI RIABILITATIVI. Il progetto, il design e il controllo di un robot sono tutti trattati in questa tesi. Il robot è una macchina a cinematica parallela con cinque giunti rotanti e due gradi di libertà in quanto composto da cinque maglie - una delle quali collega idealmente i due giunti rotanti rettificati - e cinque giunti rotanti. Il design di questi robot, tipicamente utilizzati nelle applicazioni di neuroriabilitazione o terapia post-ictus, è stato studiato nella letteratura accademica ed è ora pronto per l'uso industriale e medico. L'elemento originario non si trova nel robot in sé, ma piuttosto nelle fasi che hanno portato al suo sviluppo, che comprendono: implementazione del controllo attraverso la definizione di diversi approcci di controllo; e l'applicazione di questo robot in uno dei test di terapia post-ictus chiamato WMFT, che valuta il recupero fisico dei pazienti dopo l'ictus. Il prototipo è stato creato in modo tale da poter essere fissato su un lato di un tavolo. Un prototipo stampato in 3D è stato costruito una volta creata la struttura meccanica. Nel prototipo sono incorporate due celle di carico a punto singolo per misurare la forza scambiata con il paziente. Questo studio è legato ai temi della meccatronica e della robotica.
The project, design, and control of a robot are all covered in this thesis. The robot is a parallel kinematic machine with five rotational joints and two degrees of freedom since it is made up of five links - one of which ideally connects the two ground revolute joints - and five rotating joints. The design of these robots, which are typically used in neurorehabilitation or post-stroke therapy applications, has been studied in academic literature and is now ready for industrial and medical use. The original element is not found in the robot itself, but rather in the steps that led to its development, which include: control implementation via the definition of different control approaches; and the application of this robot in one of the post-stroke therapy tests called WMFT, which evaluates the physical recovery of patients after stroke. The prototype was created in such a way that it can be clamped to one side of a table. A 3D-printed prototype was built once the mechanical framework was created. Two single-point load cells are embedded in the prototype to measure the force exchanged with the patient. This study is related to the subjects of mechatronics and robotics.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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