This master’s degree thesis aims to discuss the songwriting activity of Boris Vian during his final years (1954-1959). In the first part, the focus will be on the biographical journey of the author, the content of his work as well as the theoretical ideas he developed about the song and his work as songwriter. In the second part, a selection of his works will be analysed and four specific aspects of his activity will be brought to light: his creative process; his practice of song adaptation; style matters and the formal strategies of his works; and an interpretation of his activity in light of the concept of canzone d’autore.
Questa tesi di laurea magistrale prende in esame l’attività d’autore di canzoni svolta da Boris Vian nei suoi ultimi anni di vita (1954-1959). Nella prima parte, verranno via via affrontati il percorso biografico dell’autore, il contenuto della sua opera nonché le idee teoriche che ha formulato in merito alla canzone e al suo mestiere d’autore. Nella seconda parte, verranno analizzate alcune opere del suo canzoniere, prima di affrontare quattro aspetti della sua attività: il suo metodo di lavoro; la sua attività di adattamento di canzoni; la questione dello stile e delle strategie formali delle sue opere; e l’interpretazione del suo intero percorso alla luce del concetto di canzone d’autore.
L’ultimo mestiere di Boris Vian: Uno studio storico-analitico dello chansonnier (1954-1959)
This master’s degree thesis aims to discuss the songwriting activity of Boris Vian during his final years (1954-1959). In the first part, the focus will be on the biographical journey of the author, the content of his work as well as the theoretical ideas he developed about the song and his work as songwriter. In the second part, a selection of his works will be analysed and four specific aspects of his activity will be brought to light: his creative process; his practice of song adaptation; style matters and the formal strategies of his works; and an interpretation of his activity in light of the concept of canzone d’autore.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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