The beginning of 2020 was characterized by the explosion of the Sars-Cov 2 virus pandemic. Italy was among the first nations to be hit by the epidemic during the first wave of infections with a number of infections that is increased day by day until 20/12/2020 had a total of 2,009,317 infections and 70,900 deaths throughout the Italian territory. In particular, Lombardy was the most affected region. The main objective of this thesis work at the Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo was to evaluate how the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic led to a reduction in the number of STEMI treated through a comparison with the data of the same time interval (January- October) of the year 2019. The secondary objective was to assess whether any differences emerged between the first and second waves of the pandemic. The work showed that during the months when infections were increasing and government anti-contagion regulations were implemented, the number of STEMIs in 2020 was significantly lower than the previous year. Furthermore, statistical analyzes on mortality were carried out, which highlighted a greater baseline risk profile of the two populations which translated into a significant lower 6-month survival of the patients in 2020. The analysis however showed that the difference in survival it was limited to the first 30 days after the event, in the absence of a difference from 30 days to 6 months.
L’inizio dell’anno 2020 è stato caratterizzato dall’esplosione della pandemia del virus Sars-Cov 2. L’Italia è stata tra le prime nazioni a essere colpita dall’epidemia durante la prima ondata di contagi con un numero di contagi che è cresciuto di giorno in giorno fino ad avere al giorno 20/12/2020 un totale di 2.009.317 contagi e 70.900 deceduti su tutto il territorio italiano. In particolare, la Lombardia è stata la regione più colpita. Obiettivo principale di tale lavoro di tesi presso la Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo è stato quello di valutare come la pandemia da SARS-Cov-2 abbia determinato una riduzione del numero di STEMI trattati attraverso un confronto con i dati dello stesso intervallo temporale (gennaio-ottobre) dell’anno 2019. Obiettivo secondario è stato quello di valutare se siano emerse differenze tra la prima e la seconda ondata della pandemia. Dal lavoro è emerso che durante i mesi in cui i contagi aumentavano e le norme governative anti-contagio venivano attuate il numero degli STEMI del 2020 è stato significativamente inferiore rispetto all'anno precedente. Inoltre sono state effettuate analisi statistiche sulla mortalità, le quali hanno evidenziato un maggior profilo di rischio basale delle due popolazioni che si è tradotto in una significativa minor sopravvivenza a 6 mesi dei pazienti del 2020. L' analisi ha comunque evidenziato come la differenza di sopravvivenza è stata limitata ai primi 30 giorni dall’evento, in assenza di differenza da 30 giorni a 6 mesi.
Effetti della pandemia COVID-19 sui pazienti affetti da STEMI trattati con angioplastica primaria: esperienza di un singolo centro.
The beginning of 2020 was characterized by the explosion of the Sars-Cov 2 virus pandemic. Italy was among the first nations to be hit by the epidemic during the first wave of infections with a number of infections that is increased day by day until 20/12/2020 had a total of 2,009,317 infections and 70,900 deaths throughout the Italian territory. In particular, Lombardy was the most affected region. The main objective of this thesis work at the Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo was to evaluate how the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic led to a reduction in the number of STEMI treated through a comparison with the data of the same time interval (January- October) of the year 2019. The secondary objective was to assess whether any differences emerged between the first and second waves of the pandemic. The work showed that during the months when infections were increasing and government anti-contagion regulations were implemented, the number of STEMIs in 2020 was significantly lower than the previous year. Furthermore, statistical analyzes on mortality were carried out, which highlighted a greater baseline risk profile of the two populations which translated into a significant lower 6-month survival of the patients in 2020. The analysis however showed that the difference in survival it was limited to the first 30 days after the event, in the absence of a difference from 30 days to 6 months.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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