Macrophages are phagocytic cells responsible for maintaining tissue homeostasis and defending our body from external pathogens. Once differentiated, they polarize into different specialized subsets. In humans, IL-10 and TGFβ are anti-inflammatory cytokines that drive macrophages towards an M2c-type polarization. In pigs, this polarization has never been observed in detail and for this reason we analyzed the impact of these cytokines on pig macrophages derived from circulating monocytes (MOMφ). The possible phenotypic and functional changes of these immune cells were examined by confocal microscope, flow cytometry and real time PCR. Both cytokines under examination induced a down - regulation of CD14 and MCH II DR and reduced the expression of IL-6, TNFα and CD14 thus confirming their anti-inflammatory effect also in porcine macrophages. Differences were also observed between macrophages treated with IL - 10 and those stimulated with TGFβ: stimulation with IL - 10 (but not with TGFβ) caused an increase in the expression of CD163 and CD16 compared to untreated controls. This confirms the M2 polarization; infact, these cells are characterized by high levels of scavenger receptors such as CD163. This study provided a detailed characterization of the effects of IL-10 and TGFβ on porcine macrophages. We have highlighted their peculiarity: neither IL-10 nor TGFβ determine an increase in the release or expression of IL-10 in porcine macrophages. The information produced by this study provides further characteristics of the complex and heterogeneous family of porcine macrophages and highlights differences between species that need to be considered for translational studies
I macrofagi sono cellule fagocitiche deputate a mantenere l’omeostasi dei tessuti e a difendere il nostro organismo da patogeni esterni. Una volta differenziati, si polarizzano in diversi sottoinsiemi specializzati. Nell’uomo, IL-10 e TGFβ sono citochine anti-infiammatorie che guidano i macrofagi verso una polarizzazione di tipo M2c. Nei suini, questa polarizzazione non è mai stata osservata in dettaglio e per questo motivo abbiamo analizzato l’impatto di queste citochine sui macrofagi suini derivati da monociti circolanti (MOMφ). I possibili cambiamenti fenotipici e funzionali di queste cellule immunitarie sono stati esaminati tramite microscopio confocale, citofluorimetria e real time PCR. Entrambe le citochine in esame hanno indotto una down – regulation di CD14 e MCH II DR e hanno ridotto l’espressione di IL-6, TNFα e CD14 confermando così il loro effetto antinfiammatorio anche nei macrofagi suini. Sono state anche osservate le differenze tra i macrofagi trattati con IL – 10 e quelli stimolati con TGFβ : la stimolazione con IL – 10 (ma non con TGFβ) ha provocato un aumento dell’espressione di CD163 e di CD16 rispetto ai controlli non trattati. Questo a conferma della polarizzazione M2; infatti, tali cellule sono caratterizzate da alti livelli di recettori scavenger come CD163. Questo studio ha fornito una caratterizzazione dettagliata degli effetti di IL-10 e TGFβ sui macrofagi suini. Abbiamo evidenziato una loro peculiarità: né IL-10 né TGFβ determinano un aumento del rilascio o dell’espressione di IL-10 nei macrofagi suini. Le informazioni prodotte da questo studio forniscono ulteriori caratteristiche della complessa ed eterogenea famiglia dei macrofagi suini ed evidenziano differenze tra specie che devono essere tenute in considerati per studi traslazionali.
Valutazione degli effetti di IL – 10 e TGFβ sul fenotipo e le funzioni dei macrofagi suini
Macrophages are phagocytic cells responsible for maintaining tissue homeostasis and defending our body from external pathogens. Once differentiated, they polarize into different specialized subsets. In humans, IL-10 and TGFβ are anti-inflammatory cytokines that drive macrophages towards an M2c-type polarization. In pigs, this polarization has never been observed in detail and for this reason we analyzed the impact of these cytokines on pig macrophages derived from circulating monocytes (MOMφ). The possible phenotypic and functional changes of these immune cells were examined by confocal microscope, flow cytometry and real time PCR. Both cytokines under examination induced a down - regulation of CD14 and MCH II DR and reduced the expression of IL-6, TNFα and CD14 thus confirming their anti-inflammatory effect also in porcine macrophages. Differences were also observed between macrophages treated with IL - 10 and those stimulated with TGFβ: stimulation with IL - 10 (but not with TGFβ) caused an increase in the expression of CD163 and CD16 compared to untreated controls. This confirms the M2 polarization; infact, these cells are characterized by high levels of scavenger receptors such as CD163. This study provided a detailed characterization of the effects of IL-10 and TGFβ on porcine macrophages. We have highlighted their peculiarity: neither IL-10 nor TGFβ determine an increase in the release or expression of IL-10 in porcine macrophages. The information produced by this study provides further characteristics of the complex and heterogeneous family of porcine macrophages and highlights differences between species that need to be considered for translational studiesÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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