The Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and to others. Several studies have shown how this construct is linked, during development, to the acquisition of language.Focusing on the pragmatics of language, that is the ability to integrate language within a communicative context, several studies have shown the link between this specific linguistic ability and the Theory of Mind. On a theoretical level Theory of Mind and pragmatics, they share the need to make inferences either on mental states or on the communicative meaning in order to understand the meaning communicated by the interlocutor and to be able to predict their behavior. Previous studies have confirmed that pragmatics is of extreme importance for the development of a good level of Theory of Mind and vice versa. However, to date, few studies have focused on the specific pragmatic ability of metaphorical production and the direction of its link with the Theory of Mind. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between Theory of Mind and the production of metaphors in preschool age. In particular, this study aims to investigate the causal role of ToM on the development of metaphorical production in preschool children. 26 children aged 3 to 6 participated in the study. 13 participants underwent ToM training and 13 participated in control training. Before and after the training, their Theory of Mind and Metaphorical Production skills were assessed. The results show that, although ToM training was effective in training Theory of Mind skills, it does not generalize its effect to metaphorical production skills.
La Teoria della Mente (ToM) si riferisce alla capacità di attribuire stati mentali a se stessi e agli altri. Diversi studi hanno mostrato come tale costrutto sia legato, durante lo sviluppo, all’acquisizione del linguaggio, Focalizzandoci sulla pragmatica del linguaggio, cioè l’abilità di integrare il linguaggio all’interno di un contesto comunicativo, diversi studi hanno mostrato il legame tra questa specifica abilità linguistica e la Teoria della Mente. Su un piano teorico Teoria della Mente e pragmatica, condividono la necessità di fare inferenze o sugli stati mentali o sul significato comunicativo al fine di comprendere il significato comunicato dall’interlocutore e poterne prevedere il comportamento. Precedenti studi hanno confermato come la pragmatica sia di estrema importanza per lo sviluppo di un buon livello di Teoria della Mente e viceversa. Tuttavia, ad oggi, pochi studi si sono focalizzati sulla specifica abilità pragmatica di produzione metaforica e sulla direzione del suo legame con la Teoria della Mente. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare la relazione tra Teoria della Mente e produzione di metafore in età prescolare. In particolare questo studio si propone di indagare il ruolo causale della ToM sullo sviluppo della produzione metaforica in bambini in età prescolare. 26 bambini dai 3 ai 6 anni hanno partecipato allo studio. 13 partecipanti hanno sostenuto un training di ToM e 13 hanno partecipato ad un training di controllo. Prima e dopo il training, sono state valutate le loro abilità di Teoria della mente e produzione metaforica. I risultati mostrano che, nonostante il training di ToM sia risultato efficace nell’allenare le abilità di Teoria della Mente, non generalizza il suo effetto alle abilità di produzione metaforica.
Effetto di un training di Teoria della Mente sulla produzione di metafore in età prescolare
The Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and to others. Several studies have shown how this construct is linked, during development, to the acquisition of language.Focusing on the pragmatics of language, that is the ability to integrate language within a communicative context, several studies have shown the link between this specific linguistic ability and the Theory of Mind. On a theoretical level Theory of Mind and pragmatics, they share the need to make inferences either on mental states or on the communicative meaning in order to understand the meaning communicated by the interlocutor and to be able to predict their behavior. Previous studies have confirmed that pragmatics is of extreme importance for the development of a good level of Theory of Mind and vice versa. However, to date, few studies have focused on the specific pragmatic ability of metaphorical production and the direction of its link with the Theory of Mind. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between Theory of Mind and the production of metaphors in preschool age. In particular, this study aims to investigate the causal role of ToM on the development of metaphorical production in preschool children. 26 children aged 3 to 6 participated in the study. 13 participants underwent ToM training and 13 participated in control training. Before and after the training, their Theory of Mind and Metaphorical Production skills were assessed. The results show that, although ToM training was effective in training Theory of Mind skills, it does not generalize its effect to metaphorical production skills.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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