Folliculogenesis is the process of growth and maturation of the ovarian follicles, ending either with oocytes ovulation or with follicles death by atresia. In the mouse, folliculogenesis is the progression from the primordial type 1 (T1) to the fully-grown preovulatory T8 follicle and the corpus luteum (CL). The aim of my thesis was to build, using nano-computed tomography, a 3D model of the ovary of pre-pubertal 25-day-old mice, at the time when the first ovulation occurs. Moreover, I compared gonadotropin-injected individuals with non-treated control samples, in order to investigate the influence of the hormonal treatment on the folliculogenetic process. More specifically, I examined how gonadotropins influence the follicles number, their 3D localization inside the ovary, their recruitment and selection. A total of nine ovaries of 25-day-old mice was analysed by nanoCT: three non-treated, used as control, three treated with PMSG and sacrificed 48 hours later and three treated with PMSG first, injected with hCG 48 hours later and then sacrificed after 15 hours. The ovaries were virtually subdivided into eight dorsal and ventral sectors and all follicles, present in each region, were assigned to classes T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 or CL, based on the combination of morphological features and size in diameter (Pedersen and Peters 1968). The results suggested that the 25-day-old control ovary presents the same total number of follicles and distribution of follicle types found in the adult ovary (Fiorentino et al. 2020). In all the experimental conditions analysed, it was observed an increase in the number of T5 follicles compared to the earlier T4, because of an accumulation of T5 follicles, the overlapping of six recruitment cycles or both. Additionally, it was seen that PMSG induces an overall increase in the number of ovulated oocytes, even though the cost to pay is the loss of a higher number of follicles during the folliculogenetic process. In fact, after PMSG injection a huge number of atretic multi-layered follicles was observed in the medulla region. Interestingly, it was seen that the almost totality of these atretic follicles is reabsorbed after hCG injection and ovulation, when the ovary reacquires its characteristic histological features. Moreover, an already-known luteinizing activity of the PMSG hormone was confirmed by the presence of early corpora lutea in 2 out of 3 individuals analysed after the gonadotropin treatment. After the PMSG+hCG treatment, instead, it was observed a decrease of the number of T6 follicles, which is a consequence that was not detected in the other two experimental conditions. Finally, when the ovaries were virtually divided into eight dorsal and ventral sectors, it was possible to demonstrate that the eight regions of the ovary give a different contribution to follicle recruitment and selection activities depending on the hormonal condition. In summary, for the first time, all the follicle types from the primary T3 to preovulatory T8 and the corpora lutea were identified and mapped inside the 3D volume of 25-day-old mice ovaries, before and after hormonal stimulation with PMSG and hCG. In this study it was possible to extend to the T3 follicles the folliculogenesis reconstruction and, furthermore, it was examined how gonadotropins treatment influences follicles recruitment and selection, their number and 3D localization inside the ovary.
La follicologenesi è il processo di crescita e maturazione dei follicoli ovarici, che termina con l’ovulazione dell’oocita o con l’eliminazione dei follicoli per atresia. Nel topo, è caratterizzata dalla successione dei follicoli dalla tipologia primordiale (T1) allo stadio pre-ovulatorio (T8) e corpi lutei (CL). Lo scopo della mia tesi è stato di realizzare, utilizzando la nano-tomografia computerizzata, un modello 3D dell’ovario di topo di 25 giorni, età prepuberale in cui si verifica la prima ovulazione. In aggiunga ho confrontato individui iniettati con gonadotropine con campioni non trattati, utilizzati come controllo, al fine di analizzare l’influenza che i trattamenti ormonali esercitano sul processo di follicologenesi. In particolare, ho esaminato l’effetto delle gonadotropine sul numero dei follicoli, la loro posizione 3D all’interno dell’ovario, il loro reclutamento e la selezione. Un totale di nove ovari di topo di 25 giorni è stato analizzato tramite nanoCT: tre non trattati, utilizzati come controllo, tre iniettati con PMSG e sacrificati 48 ore dopo e tre trattati inizialmente con PMSG, iniettati con hCG nelle successive 48 ore e sacrificati dopo 15 ore. Ciascun ovario è stato virtualmente suddiviso in un totale di otto settori dorsali e ventrali e tutti i follicoli presenti in ciascuna regione sono stati assegnati alle classi T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 o CL, in base alla combinazione di caratteristiche morfologiche e delle loro dimensioni (Pedersen and Peters 1968). I risultati ottenuti hanno suggerito che l’ovario di topo di 25 giorni presenta lo stesso numero di follicoli e la stessa distribuzione delle classi follicolari del topo adulto (Fiorentino et al. 2020). In tutte le condizioni sperimentali analizzate è stato osservato un aumento nel numero di follicoli della classe T5 rispetto ai follicoli della precedente classe T4, dovuto ad un accumulo di T5, alla sovrapposizione di sei cicli di reclutamento o ad entrambe le cause. In aggiunta, è stato osservato che il PMSG induce un aumento complessivo del numero di oociti ovulati, al costo, però, della perdita di un numero più alto di follicoli durante il processo di follicologenesi. Infatti, dopo l’iniezione, è stato osservato un elevato numero di follicoli atresici multi-stratificati nella medulla. Un aspetto interessante è che la quasi totalità di questi ultimi sembra essere riassorbita dopo il trattamento con hCG e l’ovulazione, quando l’ovario riacquisisce il suo caratteristico aspetto istologico. Inoltre, una già nota attività luteinizzante del PMSG è stata confermata dalla presenza di corpi lutei precoci osservati in 2 su 3 degli individui analizzati dopo il trattamento con suddetta gonadotropina. Dopo il trattamento con PMSG+hCG, invece, è stata osservata una diminuzione del numero di follicoli appartenenti alla classe T6, un effetto non verificatosi nelle altre due condizioni sperimentali. Infine, quando gli ovari sono stati virtualmente suddivisi in otto settori dorsali e ventrali, è stato possibile dimostrare che le otto regioni dell’ovario contribuiscono diversamente alle attività di reclutamento e selezione dei follicoli a seconda della condizione ormonale. In sintesi, per la prima volta, tutte le tipologie follicolari dallo stadio primario T3 al pre-ovulatorio T8 e i corpi lutei sono stati identificati e mappati all’interno del volume 3D dell’ovario di topo di 25 giorni, prima e dopo la stimolazione ormonale con PMSG e hCG. In questo studio, è stato possibile estendere la ricostruzione della follicologenesi includendo i follicoli della classe T3 ed è stato esaminato, inoltre, come il trattamento con gonadotropine influisce sul reclutamento e selezione dei follicoli, sul loro numero, e sulla loro posizione 3D all’interno dell’ovario.
La follicologenesi nell’ovario di topo in seguito a trattamento con gonadotropine: analisi 3D e ricostruzione attraverso Nano-Tomografia Computerizzata
Folliculogenesis is the process of growth and maturation of the ovarian follicles, ending either with oocytes ovulation or with follicles death by atresia. In the mouse, folliculogenesis is the progression from the primordial type 1 (T1) to the fully-grown preovulatory T8 follicle and the corpus luteum (CL). The aim of my thesis was to build, using nano-computed tomography, a 3D model of the ovary of pre-pubertal 25-day-old mice, at the time when the first ovulation occurs. Moreover, I compared gonadotropin-injected individuals with non-treated control samples, in order to investigate the influence of the hormonal treatment on the folliculogenetic process. More specifically, I examined how gonadotropins influence the follicles number, their 3D localization inside the ovary, their recruitment and selection. A total of nine ovaries of 25-day-old mice was analysed by nanoCT: three non-treated, used as control, three treated with PMSG and sacrificed 48 hours later and three treated with PMSG first, injected with hCG 48 hours later and then sacrificed after 15 hours. The ovaries were virtually subdivided into eight dorsal and ventral sectors and all follicles, present in each region, were assigned to classes T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 or CL, based on the combination of morphological features and size in diameter (Pedersen and Peters 1968). The results suggested that the 25-day-old control ovary presents the same total number of follicles and distribution of follicle types found in the adult ovary (Fiorentino et al. 2020). In all the experimental conditions analysed, it was observed an increase in the number of T5 follicles compared to the earlier T4, because of an accumulation of T5 follicles, the overlapping of six recruitment cycles or both. Additionally, it was seen that PMSG induces an overall increase in the number of ovulated oocytes, even though the cost to pay is the loss of a higher number of follicles during the folliculogenetic process. In fact, after PMSG injection a huge number of atretic multi-layered follicles was observed in the medulla region. Interestingly, it was seen that the almost totality of these atretic follicles is reabsorbed after hCG injection and ovulation, when the ovary reacquires its characteristic histological features. Moreover, an already-known luteinizing activity of the PMSG hormone was confirmed by the presence of early corpora lutea in 2 out of 3 individuals analysed after the gonadotropin treatment. After the PMSG+hCG treatment, instead, it was observed a decrease of the number of T6 follicles, which is a consequence that was not detected in the other two experimental conditions. Finally, when the ovaries were virtually divided into eight dorsal and ventral sectors, it was possible to demonstrate that the eight regions of the ovary give a different contribution to follicle recruitment and selection activities depending on the hormonal condition. In summary, for the first time, all the follicle types from the primary T3 to preovulatory T8 and the corpora lutea were identified and mapped inside the 3D volume of 25-day-old mice ovaries, before and after hormonal stimulation with PMSG and hCG. In this study it was possible to extend to the T3 follicles the folliculogenesis reconstruction and, furthermore, it was examined how gonadotropins treatment influences follicles recruitment and selection, their number and 3D localization inside the ovary.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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