Autoimmune diseases are a group of diseases that arise as a result of a dysfunction of the immune system which causes the body to attack its own tissues. To date, the causes for which these diseases occur are still not well known, but modern theories suggest that their development is not only due to environmental factors, but also genetic predisposition. There are some autoimmune diseases that may or may not fall into this category. One of these diseases is Behçet's disease (SB), recurrent systemic vasculitis, which is considered a cross between an autoimmune disease and an inflammatory disease; since the immune system of the affected patient attacks their blood vessels and inflames them. There is still little clarity about this, as SB has an unknown etiological basis. Behçet's disease is multi-symptomatic, as it causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and initially manifests itself with oral, genital ulcers and skin lesions. The disease occurs in 3-4 people for every 100,000 inhabitants and is therefore defined as rare, with incidences that seems to depend on the geographical area, age and seasonal changes. However, genetic factors, immunological abnormalities and infectious agents also play a vital role in the development and onset of the disease. SB generally appears around 20-30 years of age and is male predominant. Being a heterogeneous disease, it involves several organs and manifests itself in various ways. This is why even the diagnosis cannot be specific and is evaluated on the basis of clinical presentations, which vary according to the onset of different types of manifestations. The therapy used is symptomatic and it necessitates a personalized prescription that is evaluated by a doctor based on the severity, duration and type of manifestations that appears. Conventional therapy is based on the intake of immunosuppressive and / or immunomodulatory drugs, which modify the immune response by increasing or decreasing the production of serum antibodies. However, these drugs are adapted to the disease but are not specific to it, and therefore can sometimes be ineffective. More targeted biological drugs are therefore designed, and allow for a better therapeutic response, which often leads to the onset of multiple side effects. Conventional therapies are associated with innovative treatments such as specific diets, hormone intake and psychological support, all aimed at improving the patient's quality of life. I’d like to highlight the case of a 27-year-old female patient with a history of oral and genital ulcers and frequent follicolytic lesions. After confirming the diagnosis of Behçet's disease, immunosuppressant therapy is started along side a personalized diet. In addition, new therapeutic support and listening systems are adopted that have allowed the patient to find comfort, since the psychological symptoms have become very evident as the disease has evolved.
Le malattie autoimmuni sono un gruppo di patologie che insorgono in seguito ad una disfunzione del sistema immunitario, che induce l’organismo ad attaccare i propri tessuti. Ad oggi non si conoscono ancora bene le cause per la quale tali malattie si manifestino, ma le teorie contemporanee suggeriscono che il loro sviluppo sia dovuto ad una predisposizione genetica oltre che a dei fattori ambientali. Vi sono delle patologie autoimmuni di cui non si ha la certezza che rientrino in questa categoria. Una tra queste è la Malattia di Behçet (SB), vasculite sistemica ricorrente, la quale viene considerata una via di mezzo tra una malattia autoimmune ed una infiammatoria; in quanto il sistema immunitario del paziente interessato attacca i propri vasi sanguigni andando ad infiammarli. Vi è ancora poca chiarezza a riguardo poiché la SB ha una base eziologica sconosciuta. Il morbo di Behçet è multi-sintomatico in quanto provoca infiammazione delle mucose e si manifesta inizialmente con ulcere orali, genitali e lesioni cutanee. La patologia insorge in 3-4 persone su 100000 abitanti e perciò viene definita rara, con un’incidenza che sembra dipendere dall’area geografica, età e sfide stagionali. Tuttavia anche fattori genetici, anomalie immunologiche e agenti infettivi hanno un ruolo scatenante nello sviluppo ed insorgenza della malattia. La SB compare generalmente intorno ai 20-30 anni di età e ha una predominanza maschile. Essendo una malattia eterogenea coinvolge più organi e si manifesta in svariati modi; motivo per cui anche la diagnosi non può essere specifica e ma viene valutata sulla base delle presentazioni cliniche che variano a seconda dell’insorgenza dei diversi tipi di manifestazioni. La terapia utilizzata è sintomatica e prevede una prescrizione personalizzata che viene valutata dai medici in base alla gravità, durata e tipo di manifestazioni che compaiono. La terapia convenzionale si basa sull’assunzione di farmaci immunosoppressori e/o immunomodulatori, i quali modificano la risposta immunitaria aumentando o diminuendo la produzione di anticorpi sierici. Tuttavia, tali farmaci vengono adattati alla patologia ma non sono specifici per essa, e perciò a volte possono risultare inefficaci. Vengono dunque progettati farmaci biologici più mirati che permettono di ottenere una miglior risposta terapeutica, i quali però determinano spesso l’insorgenza di molteplici effetti collaterali. Le terapie convenzionali vengono associate a cure innovative come diete specifiche, assunzione di ormoni e supporto psicologico, finalizzate a migliorare la qualità della vita del paziente. Riporto il caso di una paziente di 27 anni con una storia di ulcere orali, genitali e lesioni follicolitiche frequenti. Dopo aver confermato la diagnosi della malattia di Behçet viene avviata una terapia a base di immunosoppressori accompagnata da una dieta personalizzata. Inoltre vengono adottati nuovi sistemi terapeutici di supporto ed ascolto che hanno permesso alla paziente di trovare conforto poiché i sintomi psicologici con l’evolversi della malattia sono diventati molto evidenti.
Strategie terapeutiche per il trattamento della malattia di Behçet
Autoimmune diseases are a group of diseases that arise as a result of a dysfunction of the immune system which causes the body to attack its own tissues. To date, the causes for which these diseases occur are still not well known, but modern theories suggest that their development is not only due to environmental factors, but also genetic predisposition. There are some autoimmune diseases that may or may not fall into this category. One of these diseases is Behçet's disease (SB), recurrent systemic vasculitis, which is considered a cross between an autoimmune disease and an inflammatory disease; since the immune system of the affected patient attacks their blood vessels and inflames them. There is still little clarity about this, as SB has an unknown etiological basis. Behçet's disease is multi-symptomatic, as it causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and initially manifests itself with oral, genital ulcers and skin lesions. The disease occurs in 3-4 people for every 100,000 inhabitants and is therefore defined as rare, with incidences that seems to depend on the geographical area, age and seasonal changes. However, genetic factors, immunological abnormalities and infectious agents also play a vital role in the development and onset of the disease. SB generally appears around 20-30 years of age and is male predominant. Being a heterogeneous disease, it involves several organs and manifests itself in various ways. This is why even the diagnosis cannot be specific and is evaluated on the basis of clinical presentations, which vary according to the onset of different types of manifestations. The therapy used is symptomatic and it necessitates a personalized prescription that is evaluated by a doctor based on the severity, duration and type of manifestations that appears. Conventional therapy is based on the intake of immunosuppressive and / or immunomodulatory drugs, which modify the immune response by increasing or decreasing the production of serum antibodies. However, these drugs are adapted to the disease but are not specific to it, and therefore can sometimes be ineffective. More targeted biological drugs are therefore designed, and allow for a better therapeutic response, which often leads to the onset of multiple side effects. Conventional therapies are associated with innovative treatments such as specific diets, hormone intake and psychological support, all aimed at improving the patient's quality of life. I’d like to highlight the case of a 27-year-old female patient with a history of oral and genital ulcers and frequent follicolytic lesions. After confirming the diagnosis of Behçet's disease, immunosuppressant therapy is started along side a personalized diet. In addition, new therapeutic support and listening systems are adopted that have allowed the patient to find comfort, since the psychological symptoms have become very evident as the disease has evolved.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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