Storage systems are becoming more and more used in various energy fields. A very common type is that of Battery energy storage systems (BESS).\\ In this thesis it will be discussed how to derive the degradation cost of these systems, which is a fundamental part to be able to better plan a possible use in more complex systems.\\ In particular, LCOS, defines as Levelized Cost Of Storage, that is a parameter that serves to determine the degradation cost of the accumulator allowing it to be compared with other types of storage.\\ Calculating the LCOS value for different types of batteries, it was calculated on a specific case, on a trigeneration system consisting of a boiler, a thermally driven turbine and two generators, in which a BESS system was also inserted.\\ In particular a sensitivity analysis was carried out on a lithium ion battery, comparing the previous values with the LCOS values found.\\ The purpose will be to verify whether the previously entered discharge cost falls within the value range of the different LCOS formulations for this type of battery and understand if inserting a different degradation cost (LCOS) has a different economic impact on the system.

Indagine sul calcolo del costo di degrado di sistemi di stoccaggio con applicazione



Storage systems are becoming more and more used in various energy fields. A very common type is that of Battery energy storage systems (BESS).\\ In this thesis it will be discussed how to derive the degradation cost of these systems, which is a fundamental part to be able to better plan a possible use in more complex systems.\\ In particular, LCOS, defines as Levelized Cost Of Storage, that is a parameter that serves to determine the degradation cost of the accumulator allowing it to be compared with other types of storage.\\ Calculating the LCOS value for different types of batteries, it was calculated on a specific case, on a trigeneration system consisting of a boiler, a thermally driven turbine and two generators, in which a BESS system was also inserted.\\ In particular a sensitivity analysis was carried out on a lithium ion battery, comparing the previous values with the LCOS values found.\\ The purpose will be to verify whether the previously entered discharge cost falls within the value range of the different LCOS formulations for this type of battery and understand if inserting a different degradation cost (LCOS) has a different economic impact on the system.
Investigation on calculation of the storage systems degradation costs with application
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