COVID-19 turned the world upside down, however, there is a popular belief that the FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Good) industry has not undergone such upheaval. Seeking to fill the gap in the academic literature, this study aims to determine whether the FMCG companies experienced any negative or positive effects due to the pandemic, focusing on the evolution of their marketing strategies. How has the outbreak impacted the abovementioned industry? How can the pandemic be overcome? What is the future ahead of us like from a marketing perspective? In addition to this, consumer behaviour may have changed as well, with people being confined at home with a lack of interaction among others and fear of going out. To reply to the previous questions, an in-depth analysis on marketing strategies, namely the 4Ps, was carried out to find out if any change occurred after COVID-19, being confronted with how these techniques were carried out before it, other than investigating the change in consumer behaviour. There is proof to state that COVID-19 accelerated the ongoing digitalisation process. It is evident that most actors did not experience any blockers, some even thrived as Unilever. As the previous statement is not incorporating all of the actors present in the industry, an interview with Perfetti Van Melle was undertaken to investigate further. Being the market leader of the sub-category confectionery, the company endured several consequences, despite being timely reactive, as expected by a company present solely on the CDU (counter display unit). Such an approach has permitted coming to the conclusion that impulse purchases were severely and negatively impacted by the change in customer behaviour, being more reluctant to splurge money on non-essential goods, proving that the FMCG industry is multi-faceted. On top of that, consumers care more about sustainability and are keener on buying healthier food options, resulting in different consumption patterns, consequently impacting brands that need to activate as fast as possible. To sum up, every company was impacted by the outbreak, some positively and some negatively. Moreover, the online channel will never entirely substitute the offline one, especially for those goods that need a “physical touch” or an “impulse” to buy. It is worth mentioning that the COVID-19 is unprecedented and has not come to an end yet, therefore establishing a clear future strategy is difficult with such insufficient and incomplete data; not that a general one-size-fits-all strategy exists nor is recommended. On this basis, future research may identify and consider additional patterns, being able to give further recommendations; however, the key is to plan in the long-term and for brands to be present and empathic, which is always appreciated by consumers.
Il COVID-19 ha stravolto il mondo, tuttavia si pensa che l’industria FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Good) non abbia subito tali sconvolgimenti. Cercando di colmare la lacuna nella letteratura accademica, questo studio mira a determinare se le aziende abbiano subito effetti negativi o positivi a causa della pandemia, concentrandosi sull’evoluzione delle loro strategie di marketing. In che modo la pandemia ha influito sul suddetto settore? Come si può superarla? Qual è il futuro davanti a noi dal punto di vista del marketing? Oltre a ciò, anche il comportamento dei consumatori potrebbe essere cambiato, con le persone confinate a casa, la mancanza di interazione con gli altri e la paura di uscire. Per rispondere alle domande precedenti, è stata condotta un’analisi approfondita sulle strategie di marketing, ovvero le 4P, per scoprire se si sono verificati cambiamenti dopo il COVID-19, confrontando come queste tecniche siano state eseguite prima di esso, oltre ad indagare il cambiamento nel comportamento dei consumatori. Ci sono prove per affermare che il COVID-19 abbia accelerato il processo di digitalizzazione già in corso. È evidente che la maggior parte degli attori non ha subito nessun blocco, alcuni addirittura hanno prosperato come Unilever. Poiché la precedente dichiarazione non include tutti gli attori presenti nel settore, è stata intrapresa una intervista con Perfetti Van Melle per indagare ulteriormente. Essendo leader di mercato della sottocategoria dolciaria, l’azienda ha subito diverse conseguenze, pur essendo stata tempestivamente reattiva, come previsto da un’azienda presente esclusivamente in avancassa. Tale approccio ha permesso di giungere alla conclusione che gli acquisti di impulso siano stati gravemente e negativamente influenzati dal cambiamento del comportamento dei clienti, essendo più riluttanti a spendere soldi in beni non essenziali, dimostrando quindi che l’industria FMCG ha varie sfaccettature. Inoltre, i consumatori si preoccupano di più della sostenibilità e sono più interessati all’acquisto di opzioni alimentari più salutari, risultando in modelli di consumo diversi con conseguenze sui brand che devono attivarsi il più rapidamente possibile. Per riassumere, ogni azienda è stata colpita dalla pandemia, alcune positivamente e altre negativamente. Inoltre, il canale online non sostituirà mai interamente quello offline, soprattutto per quei beni che necessitano di un “tocco fisico” o di un “impulso” per l’acquisto. Bisogna ricordare che il COVID-19 è senza precedenti e non è ancora giunto al termine, pertanto è difficile stabilire una chiara strategia futura con dati insufficienti e incompleti; non che esista una strategia generale valida per tutte le aziende, né sia raccomandata. Su questa base, la ricerca futura potrà identificare e prendere in considerazione modelli aggiuntivi, potendo fornire ulteriori raccomandazioni; tuttavia, il segreto è pianificare a lungo termine, con marchi presenti ed empatici, una caratteristica sempre apprezzata dai consumatori.
COVID-19 turned the world upside down, however, there is a popular belief that the FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Good) industry has not undergone such upheaval. Seeking to fill the gap in the academic literature, this study aims to determine whether the FMCG companies experienced any negative or positive effects due to the pandemic, focusing on the evolution of their marketing strategies. How has the outbreak impacted the abovementioned industry? How can the pandemic be overcome? What is the future ahead of us like from a marketing perspective? In addition to this, consumer behaviour may have changed as well, with people being confined at home with a lack of interaction among others and fear of going out. To reply to the previous questions, an in-depth analysis on marketing strategies, namely the 4Ps, was carried out to find out if any change occurred after COVID-19, being confronted with how these techniques were carried out before it, other than investigating the change in consumer behaviour. There is proof to state that COVID-19 accelerated the ongoing digitalisation process. It is evident that most actors did not experience any blockers, some even thrived as Unilever. As the previous statement is not incorporating all of the actors present in the industry, an interview with Perfetti Van Melle was undertaken to investigate further. Being the market leader of the sub-category confectionery, the company endured several consequences, despite being timely reactive, as expected by a company present solely on the CDU (counter display unit). Such an approach has permitted coming to the conclusion that impulse purchases were severely and negatively impacted by the change in customer behaviour, being more reluctant to splurge money on non-essential goods, proving that the FMCG industry is multi-faceted. On top of that, consumers care more about sustainability and are keener on buying healthier food options, resulting in different consumption patterns, consequently impacting brands that need to activate as fast as possible. To sum up, every company was impacted by the outbreak, some positively and some negatively. Moreover, the online channel will never entirely substitute the offline one, especially for those goods that need a “physical touch” or an “impulse” to buy. It is worth mentioning that the COVID-19 is unprecedented and has not come to an end yet, therefore establishing a clear future strategy is difficult with such insufficient and incomplete data; not that a general one-size-fits-all strategy exists nor is recommended. On this basis, future research may identify and consider additional patterns, being able to give further recommendations; however, the key is to plan in the long-term and for brands to be present and empathic, which is always appreciated by consumers.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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