In this Master thesis we study the appropriate and necessary formalism to describe the Jet-SIDIS process, in which there is a collision between and electron and a proton leading to the production of an hadronic jet, that is a set of hadrons concentrated in a cone around a precise direction (i.e. the jet axis). This process provides information on the internal structure of the proton, giving access to the so-called Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution Func- tions (TMD PDFs), which describe the distribution of quarks inside the proton as a function of their momentum. More precisely, the cross section of the Jet-SIDIS can be written in a general way in terms of structure functions. In certain kinematic regions, structure functions can be factored, namely written as convolutions of TMD PDFs and a function that describes the fragmentation of a quark in the hadronic jet that we detect. This function is called Jet Transverse Momentum Dependent Fragmentation Function (Jet-TMDFF) and is the main object of study in this work. After showing how this function can be calculated in terms of a perturbative expansion in the coupling constant of the QCD (αS ), we obtain its expression at the leading-order (LO) and then at the next-to-leading order (NLO) through various analysis tools. The perturbation computation contains divergent terms, which must be regularized by introducing two arbitrary scales: the virtuality scale and rapidity scale. After having renormalized its expression at the NLO, the two anomalous dimensions are also calculated, which determine the dependence of the Jet-TMDFF on the scales of virtuality and rapidity. Subsequently, the evolution of the Jet-TMDFF is rewritten by introducing a sub- evolution in the scale of virtuality, necessary to lead us back to a situation in which we can exploit the evolution of standard TMDs, which have already been calculated at different perturbation orders and implemented numerically. The last part of the thesis provides phenomenological estimates of the Jet-SIDIS cross section, using the TMD PDFs extracted from the data of other processes in combination with the Jet-TMDFF studied in this thesis. This type of process will be the subject of experimental measurements at the future Electron Ion Collider cur- rently under development in the USA. The obtained estimates will help to guide the experimental studies and the comparison with the data will improve the knowledge of TMD PDFs.
In questo lavoro di tesi si studia il formalismo adatto e necessario per descrivere il processo Jet-SIDIS, in cui si ha una collisione tra un elettrone e un protone che porta alla produzione di un jet adronico, cioè di un insieme di adroni concentrati in un cono intorno ad una direzione (asse del jet). Questo processo fornisce infor- mazioni sulla struttura interna del protone, dando accesso alle cosiddette Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution Functions (TMD PDFs), che descrivono la distribuzione dei quark all’interno del protone, in funzione della loro quantità di moto. Più precisamente, la sezione d’urto del Jet-SIDIS si può decomporre in maniera generale in termini di funzioni di struttura. In determinate regioni cinematiche, le funzioni di struttura si possono fattorizzare, cioè scrivere come convoluzioni di TMD PDFs e di una funzione che descrive la frammentazione di un quark nel jet adronico che viene rivelato. Quest’ultima funzione viene chiamata Jet Transverse Momentum Dependent Fragmentation Function (Jet-TMDFF) ed è il principale oggetto di studio in questa tesi. Dopo aver mostrato come questa funzione sia calcolabile in termini di un’espansione perturbativa nella costante di accoppiamento della QCD (αS ), se ne ottiene l’espressione al leading-order (LO) e poi successivamente al next-to-leading order (NLO), at- traverso diversi strumenti di analisi. Il calcolo perturbativo contiene dei termini di- vergenti, che devono essere regolarizzati introducendo due scale arbitrarie: la scala di virtualità e la scala di rapidità. Dopo aver rinormalizzato la sua espressione al NLO, si calcolano anche le due dimensioni anomale, che determinano la dipendenza della Jet-TMDFF dalle scale di virtualità e di rapidità. L’evoluzione della Jet-TMDFF viene successivamente riscritta introducendo una sotto-evoluzione nella scala della virtualità, necessaria per ricondurci a una situ- azione in cui possiamo sfruttare l’evoluzione delle TMD standard, che sono già state calcolate a diversi ordini perturbartivi e implementate numericamente. L’ultima parte della tesi fornisce delle stime fenomenologiche della cross section del Jet-SIDIS, utilizzando le TMD PDFs estratte dai dati in combinazione con le Jet-TMDFF studiate in questa tesi. Questo tipo di processo potrà essere oggetto di misure sperimentali presso il futuro Electron Ion Collider attualmente in sviluppo negli USA. Le stime ottenute saranno di aiuto per guidare gli studi sperimentali e il confronto con i dati migliorerà la conoscenza delle TMD PDFs.
Studio delle funzioni dipendenti dal momento trasverso nello scattering anelastico profondo con produzione di un singolo jet. STUDY OF TRANSVERSE MOMENTUM DEPENDENT FUNCTIONS IN DIS SINGLE-JET PRODUCTION
In this Master thesis we study the appropriate and necessary formalism to describe the Jet-SIDIS process, in which there is a collision between and electron and a proton leading to the production of an hadronic jet, that is a set of hadrons concentrated in a cone around a precise direction (i.e. the jet axis). This process provides information on the internal structure of the proton, giving access to the so-called Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution Func- tions (TMD PDFs), which describe the distribution of quarks inside the proton as a function of their momentum. More precisely, the cross section of the Jet-SIDIS can be written in a general way in terms of structure functions. In certain kinematic regions, structure functions can be factored, namely written as convolutions of TMD PDFs and a function that describes the fragmentation of a quark in the hadronic jet that we detect. This function is called Jet Transverse Momentum Dependent Fragmentation Function (Jet-TMDFF) and is the main object of study in this work. After showing how this function can be calculated in terms of a perturbative expansion in the coupling constant of the QCD (αS ), we obtain its expression at the leading-order (LO) and then at the next-to-leading order (NLO) through various analysis tools. The perturbation computation contains divergent terms, which must be regularized by introducing two arbitrary scales: the virtuality scale and rapidity scale. After having renormalized its expression at the NLO, the two anomalous dimensions are also calculated, which determine the dependence of the Jet-TMDFF on the scales of virtuality and rapidity. Subsequently, the evolution of the Jet-TMDFF is rewritten by introducing a sub- evolution in the scale of virtuality, necessary to lead us back to a situation in which we can exploit the evolution of standard TMDs, which have already been calculated at different perturbation orders and implemented numerically. The last part of the thesis provides phenomenological estimates of the Jet-SIDIS cross section, using the TMD PDFs extracted from the data of other processes in combination with the Jet-TMDFF studied in this thesis. This type of process will be the subject of experimental measurements at the future Electron Ion Collider cur- rently under development in the USA. The obtained estimates will help to guide the experimental studies and the comparison with the data will improve the knowledge of TMD PDFs.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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