Megakaryocytes are bone marrow cells that originate from the hematopoietic stem cell to generate blood platelets. Somatic mutations in genes that are relevant for the regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation, such as JAK2 and MPL, are responsible for the morphological alterations and uncontrolled cell proliferation that are typical of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), a group of myeloid neoplasms that includes Polycythemia Vera, Essential Thrombocythemia and Primary Myelofibrosis, rare diseases, with an increasing incidence in the elderly population and no resolutive pharmacological treatments. Recent molecular investigations have identified new mutations in the CALR gene, coding for calreticulin, a protein of the endoplasmic reticulum that participates in the regulation of calcium ion homeostasis. The most common mutations of the CALR gene are a 52 base pair deletion (type I mutation) and an insertion of 5 base pairs (type II mutation), which generate aberrations at the C-terminal domain of the protein. It has been demonstrated that mutated calreticulin can bind to and activate the thrombopoietin receptor, c-Mpl, the main regulator of thrombopoiesis. Further, alterations of calcium signaling have been described in mutated megakaryocytes. Specifically, impaired activation of the Store Operated Calcium Entry (SOCE) has been shown, namely the entry of extracellular calcium into the cell cytoplasm, activated by the emptying of the endoplasmic reticulum. However, the mechanisms by which the alteration of calcium influx influences the activation of the biochemical signaling pathways downstream of c-Mpl have never been described. Given this knowledge, the purpose of the present thesis was to analyze the contribution of SOCE in the activation of the main signaling pathways downstream of c-Mpl both in physiological and pathological conditions, to define how mutated calreticulin influences this activation and what it is the ultimate impact on megakaryocyte proliferation. We have shown that in megakaryocytes of healthy subjects, recombinant human thrombopoietin induces the activation of JAK2 and the associated signal transduction cascade. At the same time, we observed dissociation of the molecular complex formed by the ERp57-calreticulin and STIM1, a sensor of the calcium concentration inside the endoplasmic reticulum. In turn, STIM1 can activate SOCE by promoting extracellular calcium influx. The activation of SOCE supports and amplifies the phosphorylation of the main molecules involved in the signal transduction mediated by the activation of c-Mpl. In megakaryocytes of patients affected by MPN with mutated CALR, the mutant protein loses the ability to interact with ERp57 and consequently to participate in the formation of the complex with STIM1. This determines a constitutive activation of SOCE which in turn supports the impaired proliferation of mutated megakaryocytes, regardless of the presence of thrombopoietin. Pharmacological treatment with a SOCE inhibitor results in a significant reduction of cell proliferation in vitro.
I megacariociti sono cellule mieloidi che originano dalle cellule staminali emopoietiche del midollo osseo al fine di generare le piastrine del sangue. Mutazioni somatiche a carico di geni chiave per il differenziamento megacariocitario, come JAK2 ed MPL, sono responsabili di alterazioni morfologiche e proliferazione cellulare incontrollata, tipiche nelle Neoplasie Mieloproliferative (MPN) Philadelphia-negative, un gruppo di neoplasie mieloidi di cui fanno parte la Policitemia Vera, la Trombocitemia Essenziale e la Mielofibrosi Primaria. Si tratta di patologie rare, ad incidenza crescente nella popolazione anziana, prive di cure farmacologiche risolutive. Recenti indagini molecolari hanno identificato nuove mutazioni a carico del gene CALR, codificante per la calreticulina, una proteina del reticolo endoplasmatico, che partecipa alla regolazione dell’omeostasi dello ione calcio. Le varianti più comuni di mutazione del gene CALR sono una delezione di 52 paia di basi (mutazione di tipo I) e un’inserzione di 5 paia di basi (mutazione di tipo II), che generano alterazioni nel dominio C-terminale della proteina. E’ noto che la calreticulina mutata è in grado di legare il recettore della trombopoietina, c-Mpl, principale regolatore umorale della trombopoiesi, attivandolo. Inoltre, diverse evidenze sperimentali hanno dimostrato alterazioni dei flussi di calcio in megacariociti mutati. In particolare, è stata descritta una maggiore attivazione del meccanismo Store Operated Calcium Entry (SOCE), ossia l’ingresso di calcio extracellulare nel megacariocita, attivato dallo svuotamento del reticolo endoplasmatico. Tuttavia, i meccanismi attraverso i quali l’alterazione dei flussi di calcio influenzi l’attivazione delle vie di segnalazione biochimiche a valle di c-Mpl, determinando l’aberrazione della megacariopoiesi, non sono mai stati descritti. Pertanto, lo scopo di questo elaborato di tesi è stato di analizzare il contributo di SOCE nell’attivazione delle principali vie di segnalazione regolate da c-Mpl in condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche, al fine di definire come la calreticulina mutata influenzi tale attivazione e quale sia l’impatto finale sulla proliferazione megacariocitaria. Abbiamo dimostrato che in megacariociti di soggetti sani, il legame tra la trombopoietina umana ricombinante ed il recettore c-Mpl induce l’attivazione di JAK2 e la conseguente cascata di trasduzione del segnale. Contemporaneamente, si assiste alla dissociazione del complesso molecolare formato dalle proteine ERp57-calreticulina e STIM1, un sensore della concentrazione di calcio del reticolo endoplasmatico, che dopo essere stato liberato può attivare SOCE favorendo l’influsso di calcio nelle cellula. L’attivazione di SOCE sostiene ed amplifica la fosforilazione delle principali molecole coinvolte nella trasduzione del segnale mediata da c-Mpl. In megacariociti di pazienti affetti da MPN con mutazione del gene CALR, la calreticulina mutante perde la capacità di interagire con ERp57 e conseguentemente di partecipare alla formazione del complesso con STIM1. Questo determina un’attivazione costitutiva di SOCE che a sua volta sostiene la proliferazione incontrollata dei megacariociti mutati, indipendentemente dalla presenza di trombopoietina. Il trattamento con un inibitore farmacologico di SOCE determina una significativa riduzione della proliferazione cellulare in vitro.
"Ruolo della calreticulina mutata nella megacariopoiesi patologica"
Megakaryocytes are bone marrow cells that originate from the hematopoietic stem cell to generate blood platelets. Somatic mutations in genes that are relevant for the regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation, such as JAK2 and MPL, are responsible for the morphological alterations and uncontrolled cell proliferation that are typical of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), a group of myeloid neoplasms that includes Polycythemia Vera, Essential Thrombocythemia and Primary Myelofibrosis, rare diseases, with an increasing incidence in the elderly population and no resolutive pharmacological treatments. Recent molecular investigations have identified new mutations in the CALR gene, coding for calreticulin, a protein of the endoplasmic reticulum that participates in the regulation of calcium ion homeostasis. The most common mutations of the CALR gene are a 52 base pair deletion (type I mutation) and an insertion of 5 base pairs (type II mutation), which generate aberrations at the C-terminal domain of the protein. It has been demonstrated that mutated calreticulin can bind to and activate the thrombopoietin receptor, c-Mpl, the main regulator of thrombopoiesis. Further, alterations of calcium signaling have been described in mutated megakaryocytes. Specifically, impaired activation of the Store Operated Calcium Entry (SOCE) has been shown, namely the entry of extracellular calcium into the cell cytoplasm, activated by the emptying of the endoplasmic reticulum. However, the mechanisms by which the alteration of calcium influx influences the activation of the biochemical signaling pathways downstream of c-Mpl have never been described. Given this knowledge, the purpose of the present thesis was to analyze the contribution of SOCE in the activation of the main signaling pathways downstream of c-Mpl both in physiological and pathological conditions, to define how mutated calreticulin influences this activation and what it is the ultimate impact on megakaryocyte proliferation. We have shown that in megakaryocytes of healthy subjects, recombinant human thrombopoietin induces the activation of JAK2 and the associated signal transduction cascade. At the same time, we observed dissociation of the molecular complex formed by the ERp57-calreticulin and STIM1, a sensor of the calcium concentration inside the endoplasmic reticulum. In turn, STIM1 can activate SOCE by promoting extracellular calcium influx. The activation of SOCE supports and amplifies the phosphorylation of the main molecules involved in the signal transduction mediated by the activation of c-Mpl. In megakaryocytes of patients affected by MPN with mutated CALR, the mutant protein loses the ability to interact with ERp57 and consequently to participate in the formation of the complex with STIM1. This determines a constitutive activation of SOCE which in turn supports the impaired proliferation of mutated megakaryocytes, regardless of the presence of thrombopoietin. Pharmacological treatment with a SOCE inhibitor results in a significant reduction of cell proliferation in vitro.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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