This research focuses on exploring the water pricing policies in agriculture, their challenges and their sustainability over the long term. The thesis first frames the water pricing policies in agriculture at the European level, and then it deepens their rationale and challenges in Italy. In the first two chapters, the characteristics of water as a resource are presented. The paper explains in fact, in the first chapter, the nature of water as a mixed good and its main allocation methods and, in the second chapter, the features of the demand of water are presented together with considerations on its elasticity. The theory provided in the first two chapters is essential to this work in order to understand where the computation of the costs associated with water, and consequently of the tariffs applied to water users, come from. Chapter 3 offers a European footprint describing the main pricing schemes adopted in European countries and the main directives that aim to regulate how water is priced in the different Member States. Chapter 4 continues the analysis of water pricing policies at European level identifying the common patterns between the Member States. The final chapters, chapter 5 and chapter 6, are instead dedicated entirely to the Italian case. Chapter 5 provides a description about the evolution of how water has been managed and priced over time and it describes the rationale and challenges of water pricing policies applied in the Italian agriculture system. Chapter 6 acknowledges the theory presented in the previous chapter by analyzing the database published by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, regarding the concessions characteristics and their revenues in the different Italian regions. Final considerations are then made regarding the effectiveness and the main challenges of water pricing policies in Italy.
Questa ricerca si concentra sull'esplorazione delle politiche di tariffazione dell'acqua in agricoltura, le loro sfide e la loro sostenibilità a lungo termine. La tesi inquadra dapprima le politiche di tariffazione dell'acqua in agricoltura a livello europeo, e poi ne approfondisce la logica e le sfide in Italia. Nei primi due capitoli, vengono presentate le caratteristiche dell'acqua come risorsa. La tesi spiega infatti, nel primo capitolo, la natura dell'acqua come bene misto e i suoi principali metodi di allocazione e, nel secondo capitolo, le caratteristiche della domanda di acqua sono presentate insieme a considerazioni sulla sua elasticità. La teoria fornita nei primi due capitoli è essenziale per questo lavoro al fine di capire da dove derivino il calcolo dei costi associati all'acqua e, di conseguenza le tariffe applicate agli utenti dell'acqua. Il capitolo 3 offre un'impronta europea che descrive i principali schemi tariffari adottati nei paesi europei e le principali direttive europee che mirano a regolare il prezzo dell'acqua nei diversi Stati membri. Il capitolo 4 prosegue l'analisi delle politiche di tariffazione dell'acqua a livello europeo, identificando i tratti comuni tra gli Stati membri. I capitoli finali, il capitolo 5 e il capitolo 6, sono invece interamente dedicati al caso italiano. Il capitolo 5 fornisce una descrizione dell'evoluzione del modo in cui l'acqua è stata gestita e valutata nel tempo e descrivendo poi la logica e le sfide delle politiche di tariffazione dell'acqua applicate nel sistema agricolo italiano. Il capitolo 6 offre un riscontro della la teoria presentata nei capitoli precedenti analizzando il database pubblicato dal Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze italiano, relativo alle caratteristiche delle concessioni e ai loro gettiti nelle diverse regioni italiane. Concludendo, vengono poi presentate le considerazioni finali sull'efficacia e sulle principali sfide delle politiche di tariffazione dell'acqua utilizzata in agricoltura in Italia.
This research focuses on exploring the water pricing policies in agriculture, their challenges and their sustainability over the long term. The thesis first frames the water pricing policies in agriculture at the European level, and then it deepens their rationale and challenges in Italy. In the first two chapters, the characteristics of water as a resource are presented. The paper explains in fact, in the first chapter, the nature of water as a mixed good and its main allocation methods and, in the second chapter, the features of the demand of water are presented together with considerations on its elasticity. The theory provided in the first two chapters is essential to this work in order to understand where the computation of the costs associated with water, and consequently of the tariffs applied to water users, come from. Chapter 3 offers a European footprint describing the main pricing schemes adopted in European countries and the main directives that aim to regulate how water is priced in the different Member States. Chapter 4 continues the analysis of water pricing policies at European level identifying the common patterns between the Member States. The final chapters, chapter 5 and chapter 6, are instead dedicated entirely to the Italian case. Chapter 5 provides a description about the evolution of how water has been managed and priced over time and it describes the rationale and challenges of water pricing policies applied in the Italian agriculture system. Chapter 6 acknowledges the theory presented in the previous chapter by analyzing the database published by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, regarding the concessions characteristics and their revenues in the different Italian regions. Final considerations are then made regarding the effectiveness and the main challenges of water pricing policies in Italy.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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