ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES - The thesis, starting from the current definition of the figure of the Sports Psychologist and his important role in the mental training of athletes and coaches, deepens the possibility of the inclusion of this figure, in the youth and amateur environment, and demonstrates how mental training in sport is also helpful in the difficulties encountered in everyday life. Based on the analysis of five selected articles, two Mental Training programs are finally proposed to be promoted in the youth and amateur sectors. METHODS - Review of the literature by consulting the databases Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Schoolar. The research question was formulated using the Patient / Population / Problem, intervention and outcomes (PIO) method. Keywords: Sports Psychology, Sports Psychologist, Coach, Youth Sports Sector, Amateur Sports Sector, Health Promotion, Mental Training, Mental Skills, Mental Tenacity, Goal Setting, Football, Life Skills, Team Building, Team Cohesion. RESULTS - The studies analyzed, although organized in a different way, show how the presence in the sports environment of the psychologist contributes not only in the improvement of individual and group performance, but above all by favoring the achievement of psychophysical well-being by putting the person at the center of interest even before the athlete. CONCLUSIONS -The work has shown how the inclusion of the sports psychologist in the sports environment integrates the purpose of enhancing the athlete's performance with that of improving health through movement.
RIASSUNTO OBIETTIVI - La tesi, partendo dall’attuale definizione della figura dello Psicologo dello Sport e dal suo importante ruolo nella formazione mentale di atleti e allenatori, approfondisce la possibilità dell’inserimento di questa figura, nell’ambiente giovanile e dilettantistico, e dimostra come l’allenamento mentale nello sport sia di aiuto anche nelle difficoltà che si incontrano nella vita di tutti i giorni. Sulla base dell’analisi di cinque articoli selezionati vengono alla fine proposti due programmi di Mental Training da promuovere nei settori giovanile e dilettantistico. MEZZI E METODI - Revisione della letteratura consultando i database Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Schoolar. Il quesito di ricerca è stato formulato utilizzando il metodo Patient / Population / Problem, intervention and outcomes (PIO). Parole chiave: Psicologia dello sport, Psicologo dello sport, Allenatore, Settore giovanile sport, Settore dilettanti sport, Promozione della salute, Mental Training, Abilità Mentali, Tenacia mentale, Goal setting, Calcio, Life Skills, Team Building, Coesione di squadra. RISULTATI - Gli studi analizzati, seppure organizzati in modo differente, dimostrano come la presenza nell’ambiente sportivo dello psicologo dia un contributo non solo nel miglioramento della performance individuale e di gruppo, ma soprattutto favorendo il raggiungimento del benessere psicofisico mettendo al centro dell’interesse la persona prima ancora che l’atleta. CONCLUSIONI - Il lavoro ha dimostrato come l’inserimento dello psicologo dello sport nell’ambiente sportivo integri la finalità di potenziamento della prestazione dell’atleta con quella di miglioramento della salute attraverso il movimento.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES - The thesis, starting from the current definition of the figure of the Sports Psychologist and his important role in the mental training of athletes and coaches, deepens the possibility of the inclusion of this figure, in the youth and amateur environment, and demonstrates how mental training in sport is also helpful in the difficulties encountered in everyday life. Based on the analysis of five selected articles, two Mental Training programs are finally proposed to be promoted in the youth and amateur sectors. METHODS - Review of the literature by consulting the databases Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Schoolar. The research question was formulated using the Patient / Population / Problem, intervention and outcomes (PIO) method. Keywords: Sports Psychology, Sports Psychologist, Coach, Youth Sports Sector, Amateur Sports Sector, Health Promotion, Mental Training, Mental Skills, Mental Tenacity, Goal Setting, Football, Life Skills, Team Building, Team Cohesion. RESULTS - The studies analyzed, although organized in a different way, show how the presence in the sports environment of the psychologist contributes not only in the improvement of individual and group performance, but above all by favoring the achievement of psychophysical well-being by putting the person at the center of interest even before the athlete. CONCLUSIONS -The work has shown how the inclusion of the sports psychologist in the sports environment integrates the purpose of enhancing the athlete's performance with that of improving health through movement.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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