Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common valvular pathology characterized by abnormal closure of the valve leaflets. Currently there are no known drug therapies capable of reverting the pathological phenotype, therefore, surgical intervention is considered the only option available. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent an emerging class of circulating biomarkers potentially useful for the early diagnosis of MVP. The aim of our work was to validate preliminary data on plasmas of patients with MVP and healthy controls (CTRL) to determine their effective regulation in the pathology. Subsequently, we evaluated the effect of oxidative stress on the regulation of MVP-associated miRNAs, using as an experimental model the valvular endothelial cells of patients with MVP, in order to investigate the possible altered molecular pathways in this pathology. Plasma validation analysis showed that nine miRNAs were differentially expressed between MVP patients and healthy subjects. In particular, the miR-140-3p, miR-150-5p, miR-210-3p, miR-451a and miR-487a-3p were over-expressed in MVP, while miR-223-3p, miR-323a-3p, miR-340-5p and miR-361-5p were negatively regulated in MVP compared to CTRL. Functional analysis of the target genes of these miRNAs identified several biological processes related to MVP, in particular the cellular response to reactive oxygen species (ROS). Given the involvement of some of these miRNAs in oxidative stress damage, we translated the ex vivo model into an in vitro model to observe the biological effect of oxidative stress on miRNA expression on the valvular endothelium. We treated endothelial cells isolated from MVP patients with hydrogen peroxide to induce oxidative stress to evaluate the extra- and intra-cellular regulation of miR-150-5p, miR-323a-3p, miR-340-a, miR-210-3p and miR-361-5p. From the results obtained, all the miRNAs analyzed were affected by oxidative stress at the intra- and/or extra-cellular level. To evaluate the molecular and cellular processes regulated by the target genes of the aforementioned miRNAs we performed an in-silico study. The analysis showed that one of the molecular pathways inhibited in conditions of oxidative stress in MVP patients concerns the metabolism of nitrogen compounds. At the endothelial level this could result in a reduction in the bioavailability of nitric oxide and, therefore, a potential cause of endothelial dysfunction, a process typically described in patients with MVP. In conclusion, the expression levels of the analyzed miRNAs are associated with MVP and oxidative stress seems to regulate its expression in vitro at the level of the valvular endothelium. Further studies will be needed to investigate in detail the molecular signaling pathways involved and to be able to use miRNAs not only as biomarkers for the early diagnosis and prognosis of MVP, but also to understand the underlying pathological mechanism and determine new therapeutic targets for the development of possible drug treatments.
Il prolasso della valvola mitralica (MVP) è una patologia valvolare comune caratterizzata dalla chiusura anomala dei lembi valvolari. Attualmente non si conoscono terapie farmacologiche in grado di revertire il fenotipo patologico, perciò, l’intervento chirurgico viene considerato l’unica opzione disponibile. I microRNA (miRNA) rappresentano una classe emergente di biomarcatori circolanti potenzialmente utili per la diagnosi precoce di MVP. Lo scopo del nostro lavoro è stato quello di validare i dati preliminari sui plasmi di pazienti con MVP e controlli sani (CTRL) per determinarne l’effettiva regolazione nella patologia. In seguito, abbiamo valutato l’effetto dello stress ossidativo sulla regolazione dei miRNA associati a MVP, utilizzando come modello sperimentale le cellule endoteliali valvolari di pazienti con MVP, al fine di investigare le possibili vie molecolari alterate in questa patologia. Dall’analisi di validazione su plasma era risultato che nove miRNA erano espressi in modo differenziale tra pazienti affetti da MVP e soggetti sani. In particolare, il miR-140-3p, il miR-150-5p, il miR-210-3p, il miR-451a e il miR-487a-3p erano sovra-espressi in MVP, mentre il miR-223-3p, il miR-323a-3p, il miR-340-5p e il miR-361-5p erano regolati negativamente in MVP rispetto ai CTRL. L'analisi funzionale dei geni target di tali miRNA ha identificato diversi processi biologici legati a MVP, in particolare la risposta cellulare alle specie reattive dell’ossigeno (ROS). Visto il coinvolgimento di alcuni di questi miRNA nel danno da stress ossidativo, abbiamo traslato il modello ex vivo in un modello in vitro per osservare l’effetto biologico dello stress ossidativo sull’espressione dei miRNA a livello dell’endotelio valvolare. Abbiamo trattato le cellule endoteliali isolate da pazienti MVP con perossido d’idrogeno per indurre stress ossidativo così da valutare la regolazione extra- ed intra-cellulare dei miR-150-5p, miR-323a-3p, miR-340-a, miR-210-3p e miR-361-5p. Dai risultati ottenuti, tutti i miRNA analizzati sono stati influenzati dallo stress ossidativo a livello intra- e/o extra-cellulare. Per valutare i processi molecolari e cellulari regolati dai geni bersaglio dei suddetti miRNA abbiamo eseguito uno studio in silico. Dall’analisi è emerso che una delle vie molecolari inibite in condizione di stress ossidativo in pazienti MVP riguarda il metabolismo dei composti azotati. A livello endoteliale ciò si potrebbe tradurre in una riduzione della biodisponibilità di ossido d’azoto e, quindi, potenziale causa di disfunzione endoteliale, processo tipicamente descritto nei pazienti con MVP. Concludendo, i livelli di espressione dei miRNA analizzati sono associati a MVP e lo stress ossidativo sembra regolarne l’espressione in vitro a livello dell’endotelio valvolare. Saranno necessari ulteriori studi per investigare nel dettaglio le vie di segnalazione molecolare coinvolte e per poter utilizzare i miRNA non solo come biomarcatori per la diagnosi precoce e la prognosi di MVP, ma anche per comprendere il meccanismo patologico alla base e determinare nuovi bersagli terapeutici per lo sviluppo di possibili trattamenti farmacologici.
Coinvolgimento dei microRNA nel prolasso valvolare mitralico: il ruolo dello stress ossidativo sull’endotelio valvolare
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common valvular pathology characterized by abnormal closure of the valve leaflets. Currently there are no known drug therapies capable of reverting the pathological phenotype, therefore, surgical intervention is considered the only option available. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent an emerging class of circulating biomarkers potentially useful for the early diagnosis of MVP. The aim of our work was to validate preliminary data on plasmas of patients with MVP and healthy controls (CTRL) to determine their effective regulation in the pathology. Subsequently, we evaluated the effect of oxidative stress on the regulation of MVP-associated miRNAs, using as an experimental model the valvular endothelial cells of patients with MVP, in order to investigate the possible altered molecular pathways in this pathology. Plasma validation analysis showed that nine miRNAs were differentially expressed between MVP patients and healthy subjects. In particular, the miR-140-3p, miR-150-5p, miR-210-3p, miR-451a and miR-487a-3p were over-expressed in MVP, while miR-223-3p, miR-323a-3p, miR-340-5p and miR-361-5p were negatively regulated in MVP compared to CTRL. Functional analysis of the target genes of these miRNAs identified several biological processes related to MVP, in particular the cellular response to reactive oxygen species (ROS). Given the involvement of some of these miRNAs in oxidative stress damage, we translated the ex vivo model into an in vitro model to observe the biological effect of oxidative stress on miRNA expression on the valvular endothelium. We treated endothelial cells isolated from MVP patients with hydrogen peroxide to induce oxidative stress to evaluate the extra- and intra-cellular regulation of miR-150-5p, miR-323a-3p, miR-340-a, miR-210-3p and miR-361-5p. From the results obtained, all the miRNAs analyzed were affected by oxidative stress at the intra- and/or extra-cellular level. To evaluate the molecular and cellular processes regulated by the target genes of the aforementioned miRNAs we performed an in-silico study. The analysis showed that one of the molecular pathways inhibited in conditions of oxidative stress in MVP patients concerns the metabolism of nitrogen compounds. At the endothelial level this could result in a reduction in the bioavailability of nitric oxide and, therefore, a potential cause of endothelial dysfunction, a process typically described in patients with MVP. In conclusion, the expression levels of the analyzed miRNAs are associated with MVP and oxidative stress seems to regulate its expression in vitro at the level of the valvular endothelium. Further studies will be needed to investigate in detail the molecular signaling pathways involved and to be able to use miRNAs not only as biomarkers for the early diagnosis and prognosis of MVP, but also to understand the underlying pathological mechanism and determine new therapeutic targets for the development of possible drug treatments.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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