Tuberculosis after the recent COVID-19 pandemic is globally considered the most important disease by number of deaths caused by a single pathogen. The sites of infection are pulmonary and extra-pulmonary, the first type that occurs in the vast majority of cases is characterized by a well-defined picture with fever, continuous cough, weight loss, breathing difficulties and night sweats; in the most serious manifestations there is the formation of tuberculous caverns. The type of extra-pulmonary infection occurs in individuals with a compromised immune system, frequently involving kidneys and bones, although any organ can be a potential target, this picture characterizes miliary tuberculosis. Infections caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria are taking place recently in elderly or immunocompromised subjects, in these patients there are pathological pictures similar to those given by pulmonary tuberculosis. The objective of this work was to analyze the positivity to the infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the province of Reggio Calabria by comparing the data relating to the sex, age and geographical origin of the infected persons obtained before and during the COVID pandemic. 19, the possible presence of bacterial and SARS-COV-2 co-infections in subjects tested positive was investigated. Finally, by carrying out the antibiogram, the presence of tuberculous mycobacteria resistant to one or more antibiotics commonly used in therapy was assessed.
La tubercolosi dopo la recente pandemia da COVID-19, è considerata a livello globale la più importante patologia per numero di morti causata da un singolo patogeno. Le sedi d'infezione sono quella polmonare e quella extra-polmonare, la prima tipologia che si presenta nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi è caratterizzata da un quadro ben definito con febbre, tosse continua, perdita di peso, difficoltà respiratorie e sudorazione notturna; nelle manifestazioni più gravi si ha la formazione delle caverne tubercolari. La tipologia d'infezione extra-polmonare si presenta in individui con un sistema immunitario compromesso coinvolgendo frequentemente reni ed ossa anche se ogni organo può essere un potenziale bersaglio, questo quadro caratterizza la tubercolosi miliare. Recentemente in soggetti anziani o negli immunocompromessi stanno prendendo piede le infezioni causate da micobatteri non tubercolari, in questi pazienti si hanno quadri patologici simili a quelli dati dalla tubercolosi polmonare. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di analizzare le positività all'infezione causata da Mycobacterium tubercolosis nella provincia di Reggio Calabria confrontando i dati relativi al sesso, all'età e alla provenienza geografica dei contagiati ottenuti prima e durante la pandemia da COVID-19, si è indagato nei soggetti risultati positivi l'eventuale presenza di co-infezioni batteriche e da SARS-COV-2. Infine mediante esecuzione dell'antibiogramma si è valutata la presenza di micobatteri tubercolari resistenti a uno o più antibiotici usati comunemente in terapia.
Analisi delle positività all'infezione da Mycobacterium tuberculosis durante e prima della pandemia da COVID-19 nel territorio della provincia di Reggio Calabria
Tuberculosis after the recent COVID-19 pandemic is globally considered the most important disease by number of deaths caused by a single pathogen. The sites of infection are pulmonary and extra-pulmonary, the first type that occurs in the vast majority of cases is characterized by a well-defined picture with fever, continuous cough, weight loss, breathing difficulties and night sweats; in the most serious manifestations there is the formation of tuberculous caverns. The type of extra-pulmonary infection occurs in individuals with a compromised immune system, frequently involving kidneys and bones, although any organ can be a potential target, this picture characterizes miliary tuberculosis. Infections caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria are taking place recently in elderly or immunocompromised subjects, in these patients there are pathological pictures similar to those given by pulmonary tuberculosis. The objective of this work was to analyze the positivity to the infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the province of Reggio Calabria by comparing the data relating to the sex, age and geographical origin of the infected persons obtained before and during the COVID pandemic. 19, the possible presence of bacterial and SARS-COV-2 co-infections in subjects tested positive was investigated. Finally, by carrying out the antibiogram, the presence of tuberculous mycobacteria resistant to one or more antibiotics commonly used in therapy was assessed.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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