ABSTRACT Thesis objective This thesis work arises from the desire to understand and demonstrate what gender differences exist in the world of sport. It is a particularly topical issue as, even today, this gap still exists and does not seem to be closing. Methodology, sources, and tools used The work carried out is based on literature, understanding and development of scientific articles and databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar, taken from highly reliable sources. The keywords used are gender differences, sport, motor skills, adolescence, male, female, physical education, gender discrimination. The Boolean operator "AND" has been selected. Stages of the thesis The first part of the thesis tells the different beliefs and false myths that women find themselves having to debunk every day; tells of the birth of unified physical education in schools after years of separation, it examines the aspects that can lead to a conditioned choice such as media, family, peer group. Then there is the analysis of the scientific articles taken into consideration and related summary table. Finally, the last stage of this work is based on my experience and my proposal, taking into consideration games and activities carried out during the internship. Results and conclusions From the studies carried out it emerges that even today there is a gap between male and female sex. Gender differences are numerous: this, however, could serve as a starting point for creating workouts and activities that highlight everyone's skills and do not contribute to accentuating inequality. This process should start from coaches and coaches who, by doing so, would make an innovative contribution to families and society regarding this delicate and current topic.
Il presente lavoro di tesi nasce dalla volontà di comprendere e dimostrare quali differenze di genere esistono nel mondo dello sport. È un argomento di particolare attualità in quanto, ancora oggi, esiste questo divario che sembra non colmarsi. Metodi, fonti e strumenti utilizzati Il lavoro svolto è basato su letteratura, comprensione e sviluppo di articoli scientifici e banche dati come PubMed e Google Scholar, tratti da fonti altamente attendibili. Le keyword utilizzate invece sono gender differences, sport, motor skills, adolescence, male, female, physical education, gender discrimination. È stato selezionato l’operatore booleano “AND”. Tappe del lavoro La prima parte della tesi racconta le diverse credenze e i falsi miti che ogni giorno le donne si ritrovano a dover sfatare; racconta la nascita dell’educazione fisica unificata nelle scuole dopo anni di separazione, approfondisce gli aspetti che possono portare ad una scelta condizionata quali media, famiglia, gruppo dei pari. Successivamente vi è l’analisi degli articoli scientifici presi in considerazione e relativa tabella riassuntiva. Infine, l’ultima tappa di questo lavoro è basata sulla mia esperienza e sulla mia proposta, prendendo in considerazioni giochi e attività svolte durante il percorso di tirocinio. Risultati e conclusioni Dagli studi effettuati emerge che ancora oggi è presente un divario tra sesso maschile e sesso femminile. Le differenze di genere sono numerose: questo però, potrebbe servire come punto di partenza per creare allenamenti e attività che mettano in risalto le doti di ognuno e non contribuiscano ad accentuare la disuguaglianza. Questo processo dovrebbe partire da allenatori e coach che così facendo, apporterebbero alle famiglie e alla società un contributo innovativo riguardo questo argomento così delicato ed attuale.
ABSTRACT Thesis objective This thesis work arises from the desire to understand and demonstrate what gender differences exist in the world of sport. It is a particularly topical issue as, even today, this gap still exists and does not seem to be closing. Methodology, sources, and tools used The work carried out is based on literature, understanding and development of scientific articles and databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar, taken from highly reliable sources. The keywords used are gender differences, sport, motor skills, adolescence, male, female, physical education, gender discrimination. The Boolean operator "AND" has been selected. Stages of the thesis The first part of the thesis tells the different beliefs and false myths that women find themselves having to debunk every day; tells of the birth of unified physical education in schools after years of separation, it examines the aspects that can lead to a conditioned choice such as media, family, peer group. Then there is the analysis of the scientific articles taken into consideration and related summary table. Finally, the last stage of this work is based on my experience and my proposal, taking into consideration games and activities carried out during the internship. Results and conclusions From the studies carried out it emerges that even today there is a gap between male and female sex. Gender differences are numerous: this, however, could serve as a starting point for creating workouts and activities that highlight everyone's skills and do not contribute to accentuating inequality. This process should start from coaches and coaches who, by doing so, would make an innovative contribution to families and society regarding this delicate and current topic.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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