Covid-19 is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus which belongs to the coronavirus family. The virus is transmitted by direct or indirect contact through the deposit or inhalation of respiratory droplets from an infected person. From December 2019 until today, Covid-19 has been causing a lot of damage all over the world both from a health and economic point of view. Scientific research is doing everything possible to find a treatment that is capable of curing or preventing the disease. In this thesis, the therapeutic strategies developed and used for the treatment of Covid-19 are described. Among these, antiviral drugs such as remdesivir, favipiravir and others that have already proved effective in the treatment of other viral diseases, deepening their mechanism of action in Covid-19. Thereafter, the treatment with hyperimmune plasma is illustrated, of which all the processes necessary for the preparation are described, and the mechanism by which it could cure Covid-19. A particular study is dedicated to biopharmaceuticals, i.e. monoclonal antibodies, divided into two groups: specific COV-2 antibodies, therefore, those that have been developed specifically for Covid-19, and non-COV-2 specific, i.e. drugs that have been developed for other viral pathologies and which could be effective against the pathology under study. For all these biopharmaceuticals, the development methods, the mechanism of action and effectiveness are described, reporting the clinical studies and the results obtained from them
Il Covid-19 è una malattia infettiva respiratoria causata dal virus SARS-COV-2 che appartiene alla famiglia dei coronavirus. Il virus si trasmette per contatto diretto o indiretto attraverso deposito o inalazione delle goccioline respiratorie di una persona infetta. Da dicembre 2019 fino ad oggi il Covid-19 sta causando molti danni in tutto il mondo sia dal punto di vista sanitario che economico. La ricerca scientifica sta facendo tutto il possibile per trovare un trattamento che sia capace di curare o prevenire la malattia. Nel presente elaborato di tesi vengono descritte le strategie terapeutiche sviluppate ed utilizzate per il trattamento del Covid-19. Tra queste, i farmaci antivirali come ad esempio il remdesivir, favipiravir e altri che si sono già dimostrati efficaci nella cura di altre patologie virali, approfondendo il loro meccanismo d’azione nel Covid-19. Successivamente viene illustrato il trattamento con il plasma iperimmune, di cui vengono descritti tutti i processi necessari per la preparazione, ed il meccanismo con il quale potrebbe curare il Covid-19. Un approfondimento particolare è dedicato ai biofarmaci cioè gli anticorpi monoclonali, suddivisi in due gruppi: gli anticorpi COV-2 specifici, quindi, quelli che sono stati sviluppati specificamente per il Covid-19, e i non COV-2 specifici cioè farmaci che sono stati sviluppati per altre patologie virali e che potrebbero essere efficaci contro la patologia oggetto di studio. Per tutti questi biofarmaci vengono descritti i metodi di sviluppo, il meccanismo d’azione e l’efficacia, riportando gli studi clinici e i risultati ottenuti da essi
anticorpi monoclonali sviluppati/utilizzati per il trattamento del Covid-19
Covid-19 is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus which belongs to the coronavirus family. The virus is transmitted by direct or indirect contact through the deposit or inhalation of respiratory droplets from an infected person. From December 2019 until today, Covid-19 has been causing a lot of damage all over the world both from a health and economic point of view. Scientific research is doing everything possible to find a treatment that is capable of curing or preventing the disease. In this thesis, the therapeutic strategies developed and used for the treatment of Covid-19 are described. Among these, antiviral drugs such as remdesivir, favipiravir and others that have already proved effective in the treatment of other viral diseases, deepening their mechanism of action in Covid-19. Thereafter, the treatment with hyperimmune plasma is illustrated, of which all the processes necessary for the preparation are described, and the mechanism by which it could cure Covid-19. A particular study is dedicated to biopharmaceuticals, i.e. monoclonal antibodies, divided into two groups: specific COV-2 antibodies, therefore, those that have been developed specifically for Covid-19, and non-COV-2 specific, i.e. drugs that have been developed for other viral pathologies and which could be effective against the pathology under study. For all these biopharmaceuticals, the development methods, the mechanism of action and effectiveness are described, reporting the clinical studies and the results obtained from themÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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