A work focused on the concept of Value Investing applied to leading companies in the global sportswear sector. The stocks were analyzed individually starting first from their fundamental Economics, looking at both historical and current values. Subsequently, a Relative Valuation was carried out focusing on sector multiples and an Absolute Valuation which places at the center of all the development of the DCF (Discounted Cash Flow). The valuation model has been strongly adapted to the companies under an analysis with particular assumptions and with the development of the two fundamental theories for calculating the Terminal Value: Perpetuity Growth Model and Exit Multiple Model.
Un lavoro incentrato sul concetto di Value Investing applicato alle aziende leader del settore dell’abbigliamento sportivo mondiale. I titoli sono stati analizzati singolarmente partendo in primis dai loro Economics fondamentali, osservando sia i valori storici che quelli attuali. Successivamente è stata effettuata una Relative Valuation incentrata sui multipli di settore e una Absolute Valuation che pone al centro di tutto lo sviluppo del DCF (Discounted Cash Flow). Il modello di valutazione è stato fortemente adattato alle compagnie in analisi con assunzioni particolari e con lo sviluppo delle due teorie fondamentali per il calcolo del Terminal Value: Perpetuity Growth Model e Exit Multiple Model.
Value Investing principles on Apparel industry: a focus on the Big 4
A work focused on the concept of Value Investing applied to leading companies in the global sportswear sector. The stocks were analyzed individually starting first from their fundamental Economics, looking at both historical and current values. Subsequently, a Relative Valuation was carried out focusing on sector multiples and an Absolute Valuation which places at the center of all the development of the DCF (Discounted Cash Flow). The valuation model has been strongly adapted to the companies under an analysis with particular assumptions and with the development of the two fundamental theories for calculating the Terminal Value: Perpetuity Growth Model and Exit Multiple Model.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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